Hello All,
I've released PassGen, a simple command-line password generator that will create passwords from 8 to 255 characters in length. The below archive contains executables for 16-bit DOS, 32-bit OS/2, 32-bit Windows, and 64-bit Windows.
Archive filename: PASSGEN.RAR
This program is available via the following methods:
* Hatch: Fidonet CH-WARE and Micronet MIN_MISC filebones
* FREQ: 1:18/200@Fidonet or 618:618/1@Micronet
* Email FREQ:
bbs@outpostbbs.net (subject is FREQ; FREQ <filename>
for the message body; one line per file)
* BBS:
telnet://bbs.outpostbbs.net:10123 -- guest access is available;
download from the BBS.CHEEP filebase
* Web:
* FTP: anonymous FTP at bbs.outpostbbs.net in /cheepware
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
* Origin: Outpost BBS * bbs.outpostbbs.net:10123 (1:18/200)