• Scottish Oatmeal Pancake Recipe From 1775

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sunday, October 20, 2024 08:10:59
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Oatmeal Pancakes From 1775
    Categories: Pancakes, Scottish
    Yield: 12 Pancakes

    1 c Milk (300 ml); or more as
    4 1/2 oz Medium oatmeal (125 g)
    1 lg Egg; beaten
    1 oz Golden caster sugar (25 g)
    1 ds Nutmeg; grated
    1 sm Unwaxed lemon; grated zest
    1/4 ts Baking powder
    1 pn Salt
    Butter; for greasing

    Bring the milk to a boil then remove from the heat and gradually stir
    in the oatmeal. Whisk well to ensure there are no lumps. Allow to
    cool then beat in the remaining ingredients.

    Heat a frying pan to medium hot and lightly wipe with butter. Once
    hot, drop spoonfuls of the batter on the surface and cook for 2 to 3
    minutes on one side then, once large bubbles appear, flip over and
    continue to cook the other side. After 1 to 2 minutes remove and keep

    Serve warm with raspberry curd, jam, or fairy butter

    Recipe by Cook's Tour of Scotland by Sue Lawrence, 2006

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)