EPOD - a service of USRA
The Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) highlights the diverse processes and phenomena which shape our planet and our lives. EPOD will collect and archive photos, imagery, graphics, and artwork with short explanatory
captions and links exemplifying features within the Earth system. The
community is invited to contribute digital imagery, short captions and
relevant links.
Total Lunar Eclipse and over Quebec City
January 11, 2023
Photographer: Philippe Moussette
Summary Author: Philippe Moussette: Jim Foster
The photo above shows the eclipsed, blood Moon of November 8, 2022,
juxtaposed with the incomparable Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City,
Quebec. It was taken during the early morning hours of November 8, from
Quaie Paquet Lévis. This eclipse was visible to some extent across
all of North America, eastern Asia and Australia. However, only in
western North America, in extreme northeastern Asia and in New Zealand
was the entire eclipse visible from beginning until end.
Photo details: Canon R3 camera; EF 300 mm lens at F2.8; 1second
exposure; 800 ISO.
Quaie Paquet Lévis, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada Coordinates: 46.8114,
Related EPODs
Total Lunar Eclipse and over Quebec City Milky Way and Summer
Triangle Mars, Auriga and Taurus Lunar Occultation of Uranus
Another Look at Lunar Pareidolia and the Tricks the Mind Plays
Saturn's Rings in 2020, 2021 and 2022
Night Sky Links
* Space Weather Live
* Space Weather Live Forum
* About the Moon
* American Meteor Society
* Arbeitskreises Meteore e.V.
* Global City Lights
* Heavens Above Home Page
* The International Meteor Organization
* Lunar and Planetary Institute
* MoonConnection
* NASA Eclipse Web Page
* Understanding The Moon Phases
Earth Science Picture of the Day is a service of the Universities
Space Research Association.
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