• AI-Powered FRIDA robot collaborates with

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Tuesday, February 07, 2023 21:30:30
    AI-Powered FRIDA robot collaborates with humans to create art

    February 7, 2023
    Carnegie Mellon University
    FRIDA, a robotic arm with a paintbrush taped to it, uses artificial
    intelligence to collaborate with humans on works of art. Ask FRIDA
    to paint a picture, and it gets to work putting brush to canvas. The
    robot uses AI models similar to those powering tools like OpenAI's
    ChatGPT and DALL-E 2, which generate text or an image, respectively,
    in response to a prompt. FRIDA simulates how it would paint an
    image with brush strokes and uses machine learning to evaluate its
    progress as it works. FRIDA's final products are impressionistic
    and whimsical. The brushstrokes are bold. They lack the precision
    sought so often in robotic endeavors. If FRIDA makes a mistake,
    it riffs on it, incorporating the errant splotch of paint into
    the end result.

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    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute has a new

    ========================================================================== FRIDA, a robotic arm with a paintbrush taped to it, uses artificial intelligence to collaborate with humans on works of art. Ask FRIDA to
    paint a picture, and it gets to work putting brush to canvas.

    "There's this one painting of a frog ballerina that I think turned out
    really nicely," said Peter Schaldenbrand, a School of Computer Science
    Ph.D. student in the Robotics Institute working with FRIDA and exploring
    AI and creativity.

    "It is really silly and fun, and I think the surprise of what FRIDA
    generated based on my input was really fun to see." FRIDA, named after
    Frida Kahlo, stands for Framework and Robotics Initiative for Developing
    Arts. The project is led by Schaldenbrand with RI faculty members Jean
    Oh and Jim McCann, and has attracted students and researchers across CMU.

    Users can direct FRIDA by inputting a text description, submitting other
    works of art to inspire its style, or uploading a photograph and asking
    it to paint a representation of it. The team is experimenting with other
    inputs as well, including audio. They played ABBA's "Dancing Queen"
    and asked FRIDA to paint it.

    "FRIDA is a robotic painting system, but FRIDA is not an
    artist," Schaldenbrand said. "FRIDA is not generating the ideas
    to communicate. FRIDA is a system that an artist could collaborate
    with. The artist can specify high-level goals for FRIDA and then FRIDA
    can execute them." The robot uses AI models similar to those powering
    tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E 2, which generate text or an
    image, respectively, in response to a prompt. FRIDA simulates how it
    would paint an image with brush strokes and uses machine learning to
    evaluate its progress as it works.

    FRIDA's final products are impressionistic and whimsical. The brushstrokes
    are bold. They lack the precision sought so often in robotic endeavors. If FRIDA makes a mistake, it riffs on it, incorporating the errant splotch
    of paint into the end result.

    "FRIDA is a project exploring the intersection of human and robotic creativity," McCann said. "FRIDA is using the kind of AI models that
    have been developed to do things like caption images and understand
    scene content and applying it to this artistic generative problem."
    FRIDA taps into AI and machine learning several times during its
    artistic process. First, it spends an hour or more learning how to use
    its paintbrush.

    Then, it uses large vision-language models trained on massive datasets
    that pair text and images scraped from the internet, such as OpenAI's Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP), to understand the
    input. AI systems use these models to generate new text or images based
    on a prompt.

    Other image-generating tools such as OpenAI's DALL-E 2, use large vision- language models to produce digital images. FRIDA takes that a step further
    and uses its embodied robotic system to produce physical paintings. One
    of the biggest technical challenges in producing a physical image is
    reducing the simulation-to-real gap, the difference between what FRIDA
    composes in simulation and what it paints on the canvas. FRIDA uses an
    idea known as real2sim2real. The robot's actual brush strokes are used
    to train the simulator to reflect and mimic the physical capabilities
    of the robot and painting materials.

    FRIDA's team also seeks to address some of the limitations in current
    large vision-language models by continually refining the ones they
    use. The team fed the models the headlines from news articles to give
    it a sense of what was happening in the world and further trained them
    on images and text more representative of diverse cultures to avoid an
    American or Western bias. This multicultural collaboration effort is
    led by Zhixuan Liu and Beverley-Claire Okogwu, first-year RI master's
    students, and Youeun Shin and Youngsik Yun, visiting master's students
    from Dongguk University in Korea. Their efforts include training data contributions from China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Vietnam
    and other countries.

    Once FRIDA's human user has specified a high-level concept of the
    painting they want to create, the robot uses machine learning to create
    its simulation and develop a plan to make a painting to achieve the
    user's goals. FRIDA displays a color pallet on a computer screen for a
    human to mix and provide to the robot.

    Automatic paint mixing is currently being developed, led by Jiaying
    Wei, a master's student in the School of Architecture, with Eunsu Kang,
    faculty in the Machine Learning Department.

    Armed with a brush and paint, FRIDA will make its first strokes. Every
    so often, the robot uses an overhead camera to capture an image of
    the painting.

    The image helps FRIDA evaluate its progress and refine its plan, if
    needed. The whole process takes hours.

    "People wonder if FRIDA is going to take artists' jobs, but the main
    goal of the FRIDA project is quite the opposite. We want to really
    promote human creativity through FRIDA," Oh said. "For instance,
    I personally wanted to be an artist. Now, I can actually collaborate
    with FRIDA to express my ideas in painting." More information about
    FRIDA is available on its website. The team will present its latest
    research from the project, "FRIDA: A Collaborative Robot Painter With
    a Differentiable, Real2Sim2Real Planning Environment" at the 2023
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation this May in
    London. FRIDA resides in the RI's Bot Intelligence Group (BIG) lab in
    the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

    o Computers_&_Math
    # Robotics # Artificial_Intelligence # Computer_Modeling #
    Neural_Interfaces # Educational_Technology # Photography #
    Communications # Mathematical_Modeling
    o Robot_calibration o Robotic_surgery o Trigonometry o
    Computer_vision o Computer_animation o Artificial_intelligence
    o Industrial_robot o Gross_domestic_product

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Carnegie_Mellon_University. Original written by Aaron Aupperlee. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

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    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/02/230207144243.htm

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