• Early Cretaceous shift in the global car

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 21:30:22
    Early Cretaceous shift in the global carbon cycle affected both land and
    New study deepens understanding of present-day changes in Earth's environmental systems

    February 22, 2023
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Geologists doing fieldwork in southeastern Utah's Cedar Mountain
    Formation found carbon isotope evidence that the site, though
    on land, experienced the same early Cretaceous carbon-cycle
    change recorded in marine sedimentary rocks in Europe. This
    ancient carbon-cycle phenomenon, known as the 'Weissert Event'
    was driven by large, sustained volcanic eruptions in the Southern
    Hemisphere that greatly increased carbon dioxide levels in the
    atmosphere and produced significant greenhouse climate effects
    over a prolonged time.

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    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Scientists continue to refine techniques for understanding present-day
    changes in Earth's environmental systems, but the planet's distant
    past also offers crucial information to deepen that understanding. A
    geological study by University of Nebraska-Lincoln scientist Matt Joeckel
    and colleagues provides such information.

    ========================================================================== Scientific research in recent decades has confirmed that major changes
    in the global carbon cycle caused significant changes in the Earth's
    atmosphere and oceans 135 million years ago, during the early Cretaceous Period. A range of questions remain about the details of climate change dynamics in that era. This new research, involving wide-ranging chemical
    and radioactivity-based analyses of rock strata in Utah's Cedar Mountain Formation, helps fill in that knowledge gap by confirming that such carbon-cycle shifts were recorded on land in ancient North America.

    The carbon cycle is one of Earth's fundamental environmental phenomena, involving the ongoing transfer of carbon among the atmosphere, oceans
    and living organisms, as well as soils, sediments and rocks in the solid
    Earth. The cycle is crucial to biological processes for living things
    on land and sea.

    When large-scale changes in the cycle occur, they can produce major
    shifts in climate and the oceans' biological conditions.

    "We're studying how the global carbon cycle has functioned in the past,
    how changes are recorded in the sedimentary rocks around the world," said Joeckel, a professor in the School of Natural Resources at Nebraska. The environmental phenomena he and his colleagues analyzed "are exactly the
    kind of things we're talking about today, as people increase the input of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at a much-accelerated rate by burning
    fossil fuels." Joeckel, the Nebraska state geologist, headed the Utah fieldwork and organized the study, published as a peer-reviewed paper
    in a special February issue of the journal Geosciences.

    Over the past two decades, Joeckel and several colleagues have studied
    a range of geological aspects of southeastern Utah's Cedar Mountain
    Formation, known for its exceptional dinosaur fossils. The steep,
    150-foot slope where the scientists conducted their recent carbon-cycle research is known as Utahraptor Ridge, named for the discovery there of raptors, the ferocious bipedal predators familiar to moviegoers through
    the Jurassic Park movies.

    To determine whether carbon-cycle changes have occurred, scientists
    analyze the minute amounts of organic carbon held in rocks for major
    changes in two carbon isotopes. Carbon cycles are evident if scientists
    find that significant increases and decreases in isotope ratios occurred
    over time. Joeckel and his colleagues found evidence for two distinct
    peaks in a curve representing changes in a key isotope ratio during the
    early Cretaceous period. This discovery indicates that the Utah site,
    though on land, experienced the same major carbon-cycle change recorded
    in marine sedimentary rocks in Europe.

    Many geologists refer to this ancient carbon-cycle phenomenon as the
    "Weissert Event," which was driven by large, sustained volcanic eruptions
    in the Southern Hemisphere. These eruptions greatly increased carbon
    dioxide levels in the atmosphere, producing significant greenhouse
    climate effects over a prolonged time.

    A central uncertainty has been whether carbon-cycle changes recorded in sediments in ancient oceans were also recorded by sediments on land. The
    work by Joeckel and his colleagues strongly suggests that happened.

    Analyzing the Utah samples for these carbon isotope changes was a
    challenging scientific endeavor, said Joeckel, director of Nebraska's
    state Conservation and Survey Division, which conducts a wide array of geological, geographic, water and soil research in the state and beyond.

    "We're talking about a minute amount of organic carbon that has to be
    very laboriously isolated from fist-sized samples of sedimentary rock,"
    he said.

    Such complex work is "like having to go through a whole pile of phone
    books by hand just to get to the point where you can generate numbers,
    and you have to generate a lot of them. There's a lot of hard work in the laboratory that needs to be done." To accurately date the carbon-cycle changes, the scientists also analyzed microscopic crystals of the mineral zircon. These crystals "are important because they are a way to actually
    put an age date on the rocks," Joeckel said.

    The volcanically produced zircon crystals are "nearly indestructible
    treasure troves of information that are spread all over the place"
    after an eruption.

    Joeckel's coauthors on the paper are Celina Suarez and Garrett Hatzell of
    the University of Arkansas; Noah McLean, Andreas Mo"ller, Marina Suarez
    and Joseph Andrew of the University of Kansas; Gregory Ludvigson and
    Spencer Kiessling of the Kansas Geological Survey; and James Kirkland
    of the Utah Geological Survey.

    The project, Joeckel said, illustrates how geology as a discipline
    continues to reveal new insights.

    "In some ways, the past may be the key to the present, rather than vice
    versa, as geologists traditionally posited," he said. "The better we
    understand the ancient carbon cycle and ancient global change, the more
    we can understand what happens today."
    o Earth_&_Climate
    # Geochemistry # Global_Warming # Climate # Earth_Science
    o Fossils_&_Ruins
    # Early_Climate # Fossils # Ancient_Civilizations #
    o Carbon_dioxide o Carbon_cycle o Forest o Carbon_dioxide_sink o
    Global_climate_model o Ocean_acidification o Climate_engineering
    o Climate_change_mitigation

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided
    by University_of_Nebraska-Lincoln. Original written by Geitner
    Simmons. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Robert M. Joeckel, Celina A. Suarez, Noah M. McLean, Andreas
    Gregory A. Ludvigson, Marina B. Suarez, James
    I. Kirkland, Joseph Andrew, Spencer Kiessling, Garrett
    A. Hatzell. Berriasian-Valanginian Geochronology and Carbon-Isotope
    Stratigraphy of the Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation,
    Eastern Utah, USA. Geosciences, 2023; 13 (2): 32 DOI:
    10.3390/geosciences13020032 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/02/230222141149.htm

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