• Marine environment at risk due to ship e

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 22:30:34
    Marine environment at risk due to ship emissions

    June 13, 2023
    Chalmers University of Technology
    Researchers used four different types of port environments
    to investigate the levels of contaminants emitted from five
    different sources. They found that the combined emissions of metals
    and environmentally hazardous substances is putting the marine
    environment at risk. Ninety per cent of the harmful emissions came
    from ships fitted with scrubbers, whose purpose is to clean their
    exhaust gases.

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    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    In a recently published study from Chalmers University of Technology,
    Sweden, the researchers used four different types of port environments
    to investigate the levels of contaminants emitted from five different
    sources. They found that the combined emissions of metals and
    environmentally hazardous substances is putting the marine environment
    at risk. Ninety per cent of the harmful emissions came from ships fitted
    with scrubbers, whose purpose is to clean their exhaust gases.

    The combined emissions of metals and other environmentally hazardous
    substances from ships is putting the marine environment at risk according
    to a new study from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. When the researchers calculated the contaminant load from these emissions into
    the marine environment in four ports, it was found that water discharged
    from ships' scrubbers, whose purpose is to clean their exhaust gases,
    accounts for more than 90 per cent of the contaminants. "The results speak
    for themselves. Stricter regulation of discharge water from scrubbers
    is crucial to reduce the deterioration of the marine environment," says
    Anna Lunde Hermansson, a doctoral student at the Department of Mechanics
    and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers.

    Traditionally, environmental risk assessments (ERA) of emissions from
    shipping are based on one source at a time. For example, the ERA might
    look at the risk from copper in antifouling paints. But as with all
    industries, shipping is an activity where there are multiple sources
    of emissions.

    "A single ship is responsible for many different types of emissions. These include greywater and blackwater, meaning discharges from showers, toilets
    and drains, antifouling paint, and scrubber discharge water. That is why
    it's important to look at the cumulative environmental risk in ports,"
    says Anna Lunde Hermansson who, with colleagues Ida-Maja Hassello"v and
    Erik Ytreberg, is behind the new study that looked at emissions from
    shipping from a cumulative perspective.

    A scrubber can be described as a cleaning system for the exhaust gases
    arising from the combustion of heavy fuel oil, which has been the
    most common fuel used in ships since the 1970s. Seawater is pumped up
    and sprayed over the exhaust gases to prevent emissions of airborne
    sulphur reaching the air. Scrubbers mean that ships can comply with
    the requirements introduced by the International Maritime Organization
    (IMO) in 2020. The only problem is that the water not only takes up the
    sulphur from the exhaust gases, leading to acidification of the scrubber
    water, but also other contaminants such as heavy metals and toxic organic compounds. The contaminated scrubber water is then often pumped directly
    into the sea.

    Hundreds of cubic metres of contaminated water every hour "There is no
    cleaning step in between -- so up to several hundred cubic metres of
    heavily contaminated water can be pumped out every hour from a single

    Although new guidelines for ERAs of scrubber discharges are in progress,
    the ERAs still only assess one source of emissions at a time, which means
    that the overall assessment of the environmental risk is inadequate,"
    says Lunde Hermansson.

    In this new study, the researchers at Chalmers looked at four different
    types of port environments to determine contaminant concentrations from
    five different sources. Actual data from Copenhagen and Gdynia were used
    for two of the ports. They were selected due to high volumes of shipping traffic, and a substantial proportion of these ships having scrubbers.

    The results showed that the cumulative risk levels in the ports were, respectively, five and thirteen times higher than the limit that
    defines acceptable risk. Port descriptions used internationally in
    ERAs were utilised for the other two port environments. One of these environments has characteristics typical of a Baltic Sea port, while
    the other represents a European port with efficient water exchange due
    to a large tidal range.

    The researchers found that three out of the four port environments were
    prone to unacceptable risks according to the assessment model used. They
    also saw that it was emissions from antifouling paint and scrubber
    discharge water that accounted for the highest levels of hazardous
    substances in the marine environment and had the highest contribution to
    the risk. More than 90 per cent of the environmentally hazardous metals
    and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) came from scrubber discharge
    water, while antifouling paints accounted for the biggest load of copper
    and zinc.

    Total load is what causes the damage "If you look at only one
    emissions source, the risk level for environmental damage may be low or acceptable. But if you combine multiple individual emissions sources,
    you get an unacceptable risk. The marine organisms that are exposed to contaminants and toxins don't care about where the contaminants come from,
    it is the total load that causes the damage," says Lunde Hermansson.

    The only port environment that showed an acceptable risk in the
    researchers' ERA was the model with the highest water exchange per tidal period, meaning that a high volume of water is exchanged in the port as
    the tide moves in and out.

    "It's important to remember that the contaminated water doesn't just
    disappear -- it is transported elsewhere. In the port environments
    studied, there might be a kind of acceptance of environmental damage --
    that in this particular environment we have decided that we will have
    an industry and that it will result in pollution. However, when the contaminated water is washed out to sea, it can end up in pristine sea
    areas and have even greater consequences. This is something we address in
    our research. We look at the total load, how much is actually discharged
    into the environment," says Lunde Hermansson.

    Having scrubbers on a ship is not a requirement. They are installed and
    used as an alternative to switching to a cleaner and more expensive fuels
    that emit lower volumes of metals and PAHs. Scrubbers allow ships to
    continue using the much cheaper and more polluting heavy fuel oil. Heavy
    fuel oil is a residual product in the distillation of crude oil, and is
    now used only in maritime transport.

    Economical to install scrubbers Since the mid-2010s, the number of ships
    with scrubbers installed has increased. In a study conducted in 2018,
    it was found that there were 178 ships with scrubbers operating in the
    Baltic Sea. Today, the researchers estimate that there is triple that
    number. Globally, there are about 5,000 such ships, representing around
    five per cent of the total fleet.

    "But it's the large ships with high fuel consumption that install
    scrubbers, because it is more economical for them to do so. So we
    anticipate that they would account for somewhere around 30 per cent of
    total fuel consumption in shipping," says Lunde Hermansson.

    She points out that the use of heavy fuel oil as a ship fuel also
    contradicts the commitments that the IMO has said it wants to make,
    such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping by 50 per cent by
    2050. The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and the Swedish Transport Agency have submitted a proposal to the Swedish Government to prohibit the discharge of scrubber water into internal waters, that is,
    waters that lie within the Swedish archipelago.

    "It's a step in the right direction, but we would have liked to see
    a stronger ban that extends across larger marine areas, while we
    also understand the challenge for individual countries to regulate international shipping," says Erik Ytreberg, an associate professor at
    the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers.

    How the risk assessment in the four ports was carried out The work to
    assess the environmental risk in the ports was carried out following a bottom-up approach.

    In Step 1 (at the bottom), the loads from various emission sources
    from shipping were calculated. The volumes were estimated using STEAM,
    a model that assesses emissions from ship traffic. The volumes were
    combined with specific concentrations of the substances within each
    emissions source to calculate the load of the different substances.

    In Step 2, the daily load was used to estimate the resulting
    concentrations in the environment, called PEC or predicted environmental concentration, using the MAMPEC model. The model calculates PEC for a
    defined environment (in this case a port), using the properties of the substances (in this case of 9 metals and 16 polycyclic hydrocarbons)
    and the daily load of the substances (from Step 1).

    MAMPEC calculates PEC for one substance at a time at a constant load.

    In Step 3, the results were then combined to enable the inclusion of
    more substances as well as loads from different emissions sources simultaneously. To calculate the environmental risk, the PEC is
    compared with the limit values that represent the concentration that
    can be considered safe, in other words, where no negative effect on the
    marine environment is found. This is also known as the PNEC (Predicted
    No Effect Concentration). If the PEC is higher than the PNEC, it is said
    that there is an unacceptable risk.

    In Step 4, the risk characterisation ratios (RCRs) from multiple
    substances were added together, which means you can calculate the
    cumulative risk and present a more comprehensive environmental risk
    assessment within an area.

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    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    Chalmers_University_of_Technology. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassello"v, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen,
    Ytreberg. Cumulative environmental risk assessment of metals
    and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from ship activities in
    ports. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023; 189: 114805 DOI: 10.1016/
    j.marpolbul.2023.114805 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/06/230613110059.htm

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