• Pain risk varies significantly across st

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Friday, July 07, 2023 22:30:28
    Pain risk varies significantly across states

    July 7, 2023
    University at Buffalo
    The prevalence of moderate or severe joint pain due to arthritis
    varies strikingly across American states, ranging from 6.9% of
    the population in Minnesota to 23.1% in West Virginia, according
    to a new study.

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    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The prevalence of moderate or severe joint pain due to arthritis varies strikingly across American states, ranging from 6.9% of the population
    in Minnesota to 23.1% in West Virginia, according to a new study led by
    a University at Buffalo researcher.

    The paper published in the journal PAIN is providing new insights --
    through its novel combination of individual- and macro-level measures --
    into geographic differences in pain and their causes.

    "The risk of joint pain is over three times higher in some states
    compared to others, with states in the South, especially the lower
    Mississippi Valley and southern Appalachia, having particularly high
    prevalence of joint pain," says Rui Huang, a sociology PhD student in
    the UB College of Arts and Sciences, and the paper's first author. "We
    also observed educational disparities in joint pain in all states that
    vary substantially in magnitude, even after adjusting for demographic characteristics." The percentage point difference in pain prevalence
    between people who did not complete high school versus those who obtained
    at least a bachelor's degree is much larger in West Virginia (31.1),
    Arkansas (29.7), and Alabama (28.3) than in California (8.8), Nevada
    (9.8) and Utah (10.1).

    "Education can function as a 'personal firewall' that protects more
    highly educated people from undesirable state-level contexts, while
    increasing the vulnerability of less educated individuals," says Huang.

    Nearly 59 million people in the U.S. have arthritis, and at least
    15 million of them experience severe joint pain because of that
    condition. Severe joint pain is associated with diminished range of
    motion, disability and mortality.

    While existing research on the social determinants of pain has relied
    primarily on individual-level data, individuals are embedded in social contexts, such as a specific U.S. state.

    Different states can have dramatically different policies that affect
    many aspects of life including opportunities, resources and social relationships, which can in turn influence individuals' pain, a potential influence that has gone largely unexplored in previous research.

    "Very little research has examined the geography of chronic pain, and
    virtually none has examined the role of state-level policies in shaping
    pain prevalence," says Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, PhD, UB associate professor
    of sociology, and a co- author of the study. "We were excited to identify
    state characteristics that reduce residents' risk of pain." The current
    study does so by combining data on nearly 408,000 adults (ages 25- 80)
    from the 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System with state-level
    data about SNAP programs (formerly known as food stamps), Earned Income
    Tax Credits, income inequality, social cohesion (relationship strength
    among community members), Medicaid Generosity Scores, and tobacco taxes.

    Although SNAP programs exist in all 50 states, some states offer more
    expansive benefits to qualifying residents than others. States with more generous SNAP benefits had a lower prevalence of pain. The same was true
    for states with greater social cohesion, indicating that both material resources and social functioning play critical roles in shaping pain risk.

    "The increase in the generosity of SNAP benefits could potentially
    alleviate pain by promoting healthier eating habits and alleviating
    the life stress associated with food insecurity," says Huang. "Social
    factors such as conflict, isolation and devaluation are also among the
    'social threats' that can lead to physical reactions such as inflammation
    and immune system changes." In addition to providing new information on
    pain disparities across states, the paper might also fuel a reorientation
    of pain research that puts equal emphasis on macro- and individual-level factors, according to Huang.

    "Chronic pain can -- and should -- be addressed through macro-level
    policies, as well as through individual-level interventions," says
    Huang. "This study also implies that pain research in general should
    move towards a greater understanding of the macro contextual factors
    that shape pain and pain inequalities."
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    Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Rui Huang, Yulin Yang, Anna Zajacova, Zachary Zimmer, Yuhang
    Li, Hanna
    Grol-Prokopczyk. Educational disparities in joint pain within and
    across US states: do macro sociopolitical contexts matter? Pain,
    2023; DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002945 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230707124648.htm

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