EPOD - a service of USRA
The Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) highlights the diverse processes and phenomena which shape our planet and our lives. EPOD will collect and archive photos, imagery, graphics, and artwork with short explanatory
captions and links exemplifying features within the Earth system. The
community is invited to contribute digital imagery, short captions and
relevant links.
Flood Hazard in the Desert
April 25, 2022
TomMc_.EPOD.CampCreekFloodAugust18.2021 (003)
Photographer: Thomas McGuire (Author and Town Council Member)
Summary Author: Thomas McGuire (Author and Town Council Member)
On August 18, 2021, a massive flood swept through the remote
settlement of Camp Creek, north of Phoenix, Arizona. Damage to this
creek-side community was greater than any flood recorded in the past 50
years, or more. Even houses 20 feet (6 m) above the normal stream level
were destroyed. But far worse, two tourists in a rental
all-terrain vehicle (ATV) died because they were unaware of the
danger of these rapid flood events. Regrettably, the death of
people who try to drive through flooded stream crossings is an all-too
common event in the Phoenix area.
Camp Creek is a minor stream north of Phoenix that’s less than 15 miles
(24 km) long. But a combination of moist monsoon winds from the
Gulf of California, sparse vegetation within the watershed, ash
from recent brushfires acting as cloud-producing condensation nuclei
and adiabatic cooling caused by air rising into the highlands, led
to a sudden flood event. Although no official measurements exist, the
author estimates the brief, but maximum discharge of this small stream
was on the order of 10,000 cubic feet per second; comparable to water
flowing in the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.
The top image shows the damage to the riparian environment after
streamflow returned to its normal discharge level. The bottom photo is
a radar image showing a monsoon wind carrying a narrow band of intense
rainfall through the Camp Creek watershed. Note that Cave Creek wash,
only 5 miles (8 km) to the west, had relatively modest flooding.
* Camp Creek, Arizona Coordinates: 33.878, -111.803
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Hydrology Links
* Current Sea Surface Temperature
* NOAA Ocean Explorer Gallery
* Ocean Color
* What is hydrology?
* Tides and Currents
* Water Resources of the United States
* World Waterfall Database
* The USGS Water Science School
* World Water Database
* The World’s Water
* USGS Surface Water Information Pages
Earth Science Picture of the Day is a service of the Universities
Space Research Association.
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