EPOD - a service of USRA
The Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) highlights the diverse processes and phenomena which shape our planet and our lives. EPOD will collect and archive photos, imagery, graphics, and artwork with short explanatory
captions and links exemplifying features within the Earth system. The
community is invited to contribute digital imagery, short captions and
relevant links.
California Quail After a Snowstorm
April 29, 2022
Photographer: Ray Boren
Summary Author: Ray Boren
One can anthropomorphically imagine what the birds in this flock, or
covey, of California quail might be thinking: Wasn’t it spring
yesterday? Where did all this snow come from? How are we going to
scratch and forage for seeds and other edibles as we usually do here a
few times every day? The weather indeed had been spring-like, but the
transition from winter into spring can be fickle. More than a foot
(30.5 centimeters) of snow fell the day I took these portraits, on
March 6, 2022, while furtively peering out a sliding door into my
backyard in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The plump California quail (Callipepla californica) is a species
known for its curved head-top plumes. The mostly gray males have strong
face markings, with black-to-gray shaded faces and bibs, as well as a
white border stripe on the neck and brow. Females are lighter overall,
brown to gray, and without bold face designs. Both genders have white
to light-brown scale-like patterns on their bellies. The birds’
traditional range is in brushy terrain from Baja California to the
American Northwest, and the species was designated California’s
official state bird in 1931. A cadenced warning call, often raised by a
male sentry perched higher than quail down on the ground, has been
described as sounding like “Chi-ca-go,” which, of course, is not in
So, what are these West Coast natives doing in Utah? According to the
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, California quail — a game bird
often called valley quail in California itself — were introduced to the
Salt Lake City area in 1869 by a military officer who released 14 pair
at nearby Fort Douglas. They thrived in the low foothills. Other
releases have been made in the past 150-plus years. Though often
habituated to humans, the quail remain cautious. When frightened or
startled, the birds quickly flush and fly short distances toward
* Salt Lake City, Utah Coordinates: 40.7608, -111.8910
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Animal Links
* Animal Diversity Web
* ARKive
* BirdLife International
* Bug Guide
* Discover Life
* Integrated Taxonomic Information System
* Microbial Life Resources
Earth Science Picture of the Day is a service of the
Universities Space Research Association.
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