• FidoNews 41:39 [00/06]: The Front Page

    From FidoNews Robot@2:2/2 to All on Monday, September 23, 2024 05:20:48
    The F I D O N E W S Volume 41, Number 39 23 Sep 2024 +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
    | |The newsletter of the | | |
    | | FidoNet community. | | Netmail attach to (POTS): |
    | | Est. 1984 | | Editor @ 2:2/2 (+46-31-960447) |
    | | ____________| | |
    | | / __ | Netmail attach to (BinkP): |
    | | / / \ | Editor @ 2:203/0 |
    | | WOOF! ( /|oo \ | |
    | \_______\(_| /_) | Email attach to: |
    | _ @/_ \ _ | b @ felten dot se |
    | | | \ \\ | |
    | | (*) | \ ))| |
    | |__U__| / \// | Publisher: Bj”rn Felten |
    | ______ _//|| _\ / | |
    | / Fido \ (_/(_|(____/ | Newspapers should have no friends. |
    | (________) (jm) | -- JOSEPH PULITZER | +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+

    Table of Contents
    1. LIST OF FIDONET IPV6 NODES ............................... 1
    List of IPv6 nodes ....................................... 1
    2. JAMNNTPD SERVERS LIST .................................... 4
    The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project ....................... 4
    3. FIDONEWS'S FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING ...................... 5
    4. SPECIAL INTEREST ......................................... 12
    Statistics from the Fidoweb .............................. 12
    Nodelist Stats ........................................... 13
    5. FIDONEWS INFORMATION ..................................... 15
    How to Submit an Article ................................. 15
    Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability .................. 17

    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    * Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
  • From FidoNews Robot@2:2/2 to All on Monday, September 23, 2024 05:20:48
    SPECIAL INTEREST =================================================================

    Last week's statistics from the Fidoweb
    By EchoTime @ 2:203/0

    (Some nets may have lost their last
    digit for technical reasons)

    pkt (toss-toss) msg (write-toss)
    nodes mean dev no mean dev no

    221/* 0.7m 0.4m 579 4.9h 7.0h 579
    280/* 0.7m 0.4m 720 4.8h 7.2h 718
    292/* 2.1m 1.6m 7 1.3h 3.1h 6
    320/* 2.2m 0.9m 244 1.7h 3.6h 244

    Sigma 0.9m 0.8m 1550 4.3h 6.8h 1547

    Nodelist Stats

    Input nodelist nodelist.264
    size 128.0kb
    date 2024-09-20

    The nodelist has 608 nodes in it
    and a total of 924 non-comment entries

    including 4 zones
    25 regions
    127 hosts
    59 hubs
    admin overhead 215 ( 35.36 %)

    and 74 private nodes
    9 nodes down
    18 nodes on hold
    off line overhead 101 ( 16.61 %)

    Speed summary:

    >9600 = 10 ( 1.64 %)
    9600 = 71 ( 11.68 %)
    (HST = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (CSP = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (PEP = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (MAX = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (HAY = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (V32 = 39 or 54.93 %)
    (V32B = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (V34 = 41 or 57.75 %)
    (V42 = 31 or 43.66 %)
    (V42B = 0 or 0.00 %)
    2400 = 1 ( 0.16 %)
    1200 = 1 ( 0.16 %)
    300 = 525 ( 86.35 %)

    ISDN = 19 ( 3.13 %)

    IP Flags Protocol Number of systems -----------------------------------------------------
    IBN Binkp 511 ( 84.05 %) ----------------------------------
    IFC Raw ifcico 52 ( 8.55 %) ----------------------------------
    IFT FTP 15 ( 2.47 %) ----------------------------------
    ITN Telnet 48 ( 7.89 %) ----------------------------------
    IVM Vmodem 9 ( 1.48 %) ----------------------------------
    IP Other 1 ( 0.16 %) ----------------------------------
    INO4 IPv6 only 3 ( 0.49 %) ----------------------------------

    CrashMail capable = 551 ( 90.63 %)
    MailOnly nodes = 229 ( 37.66 %)
    Listed-only nodes = 15 ( 2.47 %)

    [Report produced by NETSTATS - A PD pgm]
    [ Revised by B Felten, 2:203/2]
    [ NetStats 3.8 2014-11-23]


    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    * Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)