• President for Life

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to All on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 21:43:47
    Hello Everybody,

    Thanks to a cosmonaut who returned to Earth,
    the Russian president can remain in office forever.
    All it took was for her to say the word and it
    was done. That should teach The Orange One a lesson.
    Getting female astronauts to change the Constitution
    is not easy when Superman is nowhere to be found.
    Better to go find Supergirl ...

    Repealing the 22nd Amendment would allow The Orange
    One to rule the USA forever. So why not do so?
    The Framers of the Constitution never intended the
    President to be limited to the number of terms that
    can be served, consecutive or non-consecutive.
    In fact, there is no such amendment limiting members
    of Congress. So why place such an anti-democratic
    limitation on the President?

    Once in a while Russia actually does something right.
    Term limits never made much sense to me. Never made
    any sense at all. But then, I'm a pro-democratic
    anarchist. Probably the only one of its kind ...


    We Put Big Loads In Tight Places

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5020/2140.2 to Lee Lofaso on Thursday, March 12, 2020 09:11:35
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 11.03.2020 21:43

    LL> Thanks to a cosmonaut who returned to Earth, the Russian president
    LL> can remain in office forever. All it took was for her to say the
    LL> word and it was done. That should teach The Orange One a lesson.
    LL> Getting female astronauts to change the Constitution is not easy
    LL> when Superman is nowhere to be found. Better to go find
    LL> Supergirl...

    Probably Putin called and kissed the old hag. No money is needed in this
    case. ;-)

    LL> Once in a while Russia actually does something right. Term limits
    LL> never made much sense to me. Never made any sense at all. But then,
    LL> I'm a pro-democratic anarchist. Probably the only one of its
    LL> kind...

    The matter is in people. Yes, people can used to eat soup with bast
    shoes for ages. And they endlessly choose their favorite bast shoes
    maker and continue live as they live. But the presidential term limit is designed exactly to prevent such a thing. I sincerely hope that in
    Russia there are some people who say their word against this initiative.

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido7.fidonews 2020
    --- FIDOGATE 5.1.7ds
    * Origin: Pushkin's BBS (2:5020/2140.2)