Hello, Tommi!
02 Oct 24 10:23, from Tommi Koivula -> Nil Alexandrov:
There is a bug in husky hpttree utility. It treats 2D PATH addresses
as if they were belonging to your default/home zone number. The
improvement could be that hpttree would parse out the real zone
number from the origin line.
I proposed a long time ago that hpttree should also check the
nodelist. :)
I did not follow that discussion. What would be the benefit of the nodelist knowledge for hpttree?
I proposed a long time ago the way how hpttree can create a graph using SEENBYs and not just PATH. Collect all nodes from SEENBY for all PATHs with depth one - those are direct links. Collect all nodes from SEENBY with PATH depth two and subtract list of nodes known at PATH depth one. Repeat for longer paths.
Best Regards, Nil
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