Yes, Fred, you were saying ...
I'm tired of your silly games.
They are not games as I've got no vested interest in this but you are unable to
provide several of the replies ...
Here are some of these ...
* How many votes were cast
You have no idea
* How many votes were registered at the enumerator's site
Officially 8
* How do we know the ballot was not stuffed with fake passwords?
We don't. As there's no vote-verifier there could've easily been no vote
at all and every password could have been stuffed. Lack of transparancy.
Releasing the names of the voters without linking to the password
would take care of that
This would do no harm to the process, no votes would be revealed
* How many votes were rejected and for what reason
I'm guessing Sean Dennis came in too late because of the late sending in
a time-frame spanning 2 weeks.
It would've been easy to say:
"Votes rejected due to time-overrun: 1"
But really, you do know but we don't and even if we did there is no
* How many challenges were received ... None? Says who? Prove it!
There's no way you can prove there were no challenges. No vote verifier.
Under the rules of this election, you are not entitled to challenge the results.
As an answer to legitimate questions that is one of the poorest ones I've ever seen. I'm not challenging the results, merely asking questions and the logical result would be "OK guys, this really looks bad. Let's rethink the rules and do
this again".
It's not that the FTSC is going to drop dead if there's an extention of the prevailing situation for a month or two ...
--- D'Bridge 3.99 SR40
* Origin: The best gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap (2:292/854)