• The Bed of Procrustes, by Taleb

    From August Abolins@2:460/256 to All on Sunday, May 15, 2022 09:12:34
    Hi All...

    The Bed of Procrustes, by Taleb

    I find the intro to this book interesting.

    "rocrustes, in Greek mythology, was the cruel owner of a small estate in Corydalus in Attica, on the way between Athens and Eleusis, where the mystery rites were performed. Procrustes had a peculiar sense of hospitality: he abducted travelers, provided them with a generous dinner, then invited them to spend the night in a rather special bed. He wanted the bed to fit the traveler to perfection. Those who were too tall had their legs chopped off with a sharp hatchet; those who were too short were stretched (his name was said to be Damastes, or Polyphemon, but he was nicknamed Procrustes, which meant ?the stretcher?)."

    /|ug (https://t.me/aabolins)

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