• Re: Panhandlers (was: Re:

    From NANCY BACKUS@1:123/140 to JOE MACKEY on Friday, February 21, 2020 14:13:00
    Quoting Joe Mackey to Daryl Stout on 02-18-20 07:05 <=-

    I have always tried to make it on my own. I hate to ask anyone
    for help.
    I hate to impose on folks.

    I hate asking anyone for for anything.
    I don't even ask for a ride somewhere. I have always tried to get wherever I'm going the best way I can.

    As long as you have the options... :) I've given people rides for
    years, and now have learned to ask when I need one... and offer to go
    together other times (me driving)... :)

    Now in a situation like work, I have no problems asking someone,
    "Can you give me a hand here".

    Well, some things just need more than two hands... <G>

    Another guy got done with his "panhandling", got up from his
    wheelchair, and rolled it to a nearby parking lot, put it in the trunk
    of his Lexus, and drove off. That soured me to the entire process.

    There are some people who actually need help and others who abuse the
    good guys and give everyone a bad name.

    One does have to be discerning... I'd be more likely to give help in
    kind rather than in money, unless it was a person I actually knew and
    knew the circumstances... and often even then, give the food needed
    instead of money....

    If I could know their hearts and motives, it'd be a different matter.
    But, because of the above example, I tell each of them that I'm broke.
    Yesterday a youngish woman came up to me at a bus stop bumming
    money. I told her I just had bus fare and she went on her way. I felt rather badly about that.

    It's hard to tell with a chance encounter if the person is truly
    needy... or what the person is needy for.... I'd be inclined to play it
    safe and not give, even if I really did have it to give... unless there
    was some way of really knowing what was needed and something I was
    willing to help out with...

    ttyl neb

    ... Workarounds are lifesavers... until they get waterlogged... ;)

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