• borders was: streets

    From NANCY BACKUS@1:123/140 to JOE MACKEY on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 23:55:00
    Quoting Joe Mackey to Nancy Backus on 06-13-19 08:03 <=-

    One doesn't see the big rigs so much on the back roads, though,

    Yesterday I made an unexpected side trip on US 165 instead of 167
    out of Alexandria, LA. There was a state road that linked the two
    which I took. Lot of logging in that area and between two large
    logging trucks the whole way. (We are all within the speed limit, no
    tail gating, etc.) I have never trees so tall, they must have been
    over a 100 foot tall.

    True... logging can be an exception.... :)

    So did you get charged as foot traffic....?

    Had to pay to get into Mexico but getting out was free.

    That worked nicely then... :) Crossing over into CAN and back, the
    bridge was $3.00 American, or $3.75 Canadian... both ways...

    This time the border patrol agent asked if I were an American
    citizen. I said yes, no request to see any ID, he looked in the
    car and let me go.
    Well, you did have a state license plate on the car... and didn't
    appear to be carrying any contraband persons in the car... :)

    I was tempted to say when asked if I were alone "Except for the
    three Mexicans midgets in the trunk" but wisely kept my mouth shut. :)

    Good thing you gave in to wisdom... :) Some jokes are definitely better
    and wiser to leave unsaid... <G>

    Coming back into the states that guy acted like I was a smuggler
    and went over the car, asking all sorts of questions, looking in the trunk, under the car, etc.
    Was it the exact same border agent on the way back....? ;)

    The first was Canadian customs, the one who was (literally) laid
    back, leaning against the booth, and coming in it was American customs.

    Ah, ok... Crossing the border to pick up my son, I had no trouble
    either direction... :)

    Exactly. :) And sometimes it's also helpful to add... if you get
    to x landmark, you've gone too far.... ;)
    Oh great, NOW you tell me! :)

    One thing I do with my notes (Rt x to y, l/r turn, etc) is put down
    cross this, that and the other street so I'll know how close I am to a turn. Handy to look at when stopped at a red light.

    That can be useful... I'll take my maps, pre-trip, and re-fold them so
    that the most likely bit of it will be right there, ready to look at
    it... :) And I'll open the TripTik so that it's on the page where I'm
    most likely to need to consult it.... :)

    ttyl neb

    ... A confident manner is important. Computers can sense this!

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