Joe Mackey sent photos of some of the people He visited on His trip.
Some of You know what I look like.
I have been wanting to try entering a ASCII picture of myself in a BBS
message since I've read about the ASCGEN Program in the FREEDOS echo about
five years ago so anyone who reads the MEMORIES echo would (kinda) know what
I look like.
I downloaded ASCGEN from:
Today I thought I'd try using the Program.
I found a photo of My Face made last July and the first time I tried making
a ASCII picture the results was too large to fit in a 80 column screen.
Each line was about 150 characters long, too long for putting it in this message.
The second time I adjusted the settings a bit and I 'think' I got one that
will fit in a BBS Message.
A0ZDQAZoc,.. :0QGCc:.,,,.:;ccc;, :occj88Fx23XX2C5CXCx35
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X7WU;. .73XooAWc7cc::,ccc;c;::kRhDmD0DF0GF0o220580co. ......
Gc. ,jcocC305o5GX3ccc730UAZ@@KkRQ8G0505cc;;c:c7.
73 de Ed W9ODR . .
I Previewed the ASCII picture before sending the packet out.
Looks like I need to try making it again.
... Have you checked your smoke detector batteries & Fire Ext, LATELY?!
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