From Underminer@1:103/705 to DOVE-Net.Synchronet_Discussion on Saturday, April 24, 2021 00:20:55
Running delfiles to remove offline files from base produces an error at the first offline file, then script exits . Have tried adding and removing files from the directory, and error consistently occuring with the first file in the filelist that is offline, whatever that file may be. Appears perhaps the script is trying to actually delete the offline file? Appears to be able to properly carry out age and file quantity pruning fine, but the offline option does not work.
Exampe on running "./jsexec delfiles -offline":
Removing offline file: /files/fidonet/nodelist/NODELIST.Z60
!JavaScript /sbbs/repo/exec/delfiles.js line 69: Error: 2 removing '/files/fidonet/nodelist/NODELIST.Z60'
/sbbs/repo/exec/delfiles.js executed in 0.07 seconds
!Module (delfiles) set exit_code: 1