fsxNet Setup Guide for Barren Realms Elite InterBBS League
Here's how to connect to the fsxNet Usenet + Games Gateway (21:1/10)
Contact Paul aka Avon at either
avon@bbs.nz or 21:1/101 and ask for your
fsxNet node number to be set up at the fsxNet Usenet + Games Gateway
Create a new echonode entry in your BBS config for 21:1/10@fsxnet
Use the settings below BUT - change ensure your 'Session Options'
are as follows: agency.bbs.nz:24557
This address and port number may differ from the usual address and/or port
you connect to for your fsxNet HUB. However the Gateway runs on a different BinkP server to feed your BBS Usenet News + Games packets compared to your usual fsxNet echomail / netmail traffic fed from a fsxNet HUB
(21:1/100, 2/100, 3/100, 4/100 or 5/100)
Description ¦ fsxNet Usenet + Games Zone ¦ 21
Active ¦ Yes Net ¦ 1
Archive Type ¦ ZIP Node ¦ 10
Export Type ¦ Crash Point ¦ 0
AllFix PW ¦ Domain ¦ fsxnet
PKT Password ¦
Session Type ¦ BinkP
Route Info ¦
Max PKT Size ¦ 512
Max ARC Size ¦ 2048
Use FileBox ¦ Yes
FileBox ¦ c:\mystic\filebox\fsxnet_z21n1n10
TIC Password ¦ Session Options
Be sure to create a filebox that will be used to send your BRE
game packets to the 21:1/10 HUB. The above example assumes a
Windows OS and pathing syntax.
2. Install BRE according to the instructions included in the brev988.zip
3. Change to your BRE directory and run BRE IPSETUP to configure your
BBS.CFG file. Or manually edit the one included.
BRE in Zone 21 uses fileboxes to send packets to 21:1/10 so don't bother
to configue a mailer type for your BBS.CFG else you end up with a
bunch of defunct netmail messages in the netmail inbox you specifiy
when you run the wizard. I suggest you set it to NONE
For example here's the BBS.CFG I set up at Agency BBS
Agency BBS
c:\mystic\doors\fakeinbx <<--not used but needed to state something
4. Obtain an updated BRNODES.DAT files from Avon and drop it to your BRE
5. Add the following to the RESOURCE.DAT file to ensure recon updates work.
ReconUpdate 2
OldestRecon 1
TimingCheck 1
6. When configuring your bbs software to run BRE, ensure that you use the
BRE FULL command to process inbound and outbound game packets.
Set up and run a batch file to move files created by your copy of BRE
when a game has been played to a filebox you establish for the 21:1/10
fsxNet games + Usenet HUB
if exist c:\mystic\doors\bre\outbound\*.* move *.* c:\mystic\fbox\21010
fidopoll.exe 21:1/10
7. Set up a batch file to process incoming BRE files as they arrive in your
inbound directory.
@Echo On
if exist c:\mystic\echomail\in\021*.* goto bre
if exist c:\mystic\echomail\in\*.GAL goto galactic
goto done
bre inbound
goto done
GalacticDynasty.exe maintenance
goto done
8. Add the following lines to your game processing batch file (run it at
least once a day (or up to hourly if you want) to keep game packets
and updates flying around the network.
Be sure to edit the paths to reflect your system configuration.
bre request
bre planetary
bre scores
bre bbsinfo
9. Any questions contact Avon at Agency BBS 21:1/101 or email
him at
avon@bbs.nz :)
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 (Windows/32)
* Origin: (21:1/100)