• Loading at Boot

    From KrUpTiOn@21:2/155 to All on Monday, April 01, 2019 19:38:10
    Curious, how are you other sysops loading Enigma (under linux) at boot?

    I've been(was) using PM2 to load up the BBS, but for some odd reason, it's not loading any more. I DID upgrade to v.10 and upgraded pm2, so I'm not sure which
    the problem is. Is there another way to load it up? I tried the crontab way through a script, but (atleast in my case) crontab doesn't like *.js files...

    Thanks for any help

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.10-alpha (linux; x64; 10.15.1)
    * Origin: The Amiga Frontier BBS |frontierbbs.net:8888| OH (21:2/155)
  • From NuSkooler@21:1/121 to KrUpTiOn on Friday, April 05, 2019 10:14:10
    KrUpTiOn around Wednesday, April 3rd...
    I've been(was) using PM2 to load up the BBS, but for some odd reason, it's not loading any more. I DID upgrade to v.10 and upgraded pm2, so I'm not sure which the problem is. Is there another way to load it up? I tried the crontab way through a script, but (atleast in my case) crontab doesn't like *.js files...

    What Linux distro are you using? After a reboot, does 'pm2 info NAME' (where NAME is whatever you reg your board under pm2 as) produce expected results? Is pm2 even running? Depending on the system, pm2 can auto reg with your system: http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/startup/

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.10-alpha (linux; x64; 10.13.0)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (21:1/121)
  • From KrUpTiOn@21:2/155 to NuSkooler on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 21:02:58
    Re: RE: Loading at Boot
    By: NuSkooler to KrUpTiOn on Fri Apr 05 2019 10:14 am

    What Linux distro are you using? After a reboot, does 'pm2 info NAME' (where NAME is whatever you reg your board under pm2 as) produce expected results? Is pm2 even running? Depending on the system, pm2 can auto reg with your system: http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/startup/

    Not sure why it stopped working, I ended up upgrading (I'm using Ubunutu) to 18.10 and then reinstalled pm2 and all is working great now.. :)
    --- SBBSecho 3.07-Linux
    * Origin: The New Frontier ][ BBS(frontierbbs.net) - [Ohio} (21:2/155)