• Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope

    From Northern Realms@1337:3/126 to All on Thursday, December 29, 2022 08:00:10
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 29, 2022

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Some of you still let individuals from other Zodiac signs do all the
    creating for you. The planetary configuration today pushes you to free
    yourself from the ties that bind you. It's time for you to show more creativity. Show the gems that you usually hide. Express yourself fully, without hesitation. Show others who's really in charge.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You are very interested in all kinds of professions that concern humans,
    Pisces - medicine, psychology, or any kind of spiritual therapy. You will
    be very sensitive to the great opening toward the future that comes along today. The planetary alignment initiates progress in all areas of human existence. Keep your eyes and ears wide open.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may surprise the people around you over the next few days, Aries. You're
    a responsible person and others can count on you. But just like anybody
    else, you're sensitive to your desires. You should expect your desires to
    be so strong today that they may be irresistible. If this is a positive experience, you may need to do some planning in your personal life.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may have to stand by certain difficult, worrisome decisions today,
    Taurus. You may feel a kind of urgent need for stability in your personal
    life. What is really behind this feeling? Is it possible that you're just afraid of your desire to put everything into question in order to make a
    fresh start? Today you may find the answer to this question. Stay tuned.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Do you help the world evolve, Gemini? You may ask yourself this kind of delicate question today. Even if you're a person of action who knows how
    to react to situations, you should be careful not to be too impulsive. You
    have a specific role to play. Don't get thrown off track by emotional circumstances.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may tend to be overprotective of the people closest to you, especially children. You may feel you live in a dangerous world in which people don't
    care about responsibility to one another. But the people you're trying
    to protect are probably better prepared and adapted to the world than
    you think, Cancer. They might try to tell you this even if your support
    is indispensable.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You probably need society's or other people's approval in order to feel
    good about yourself, Leo. But your original personality and way of thinking
    are often hard for others to accept. You may need to make your ideas less
    crazy and a little more down to Earth and practical. This should be your
    goal over the next few days if you don't want to feel left out of things.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The events of the day depend on your ability to put things into question
    today, Virgo. In general, you're good at analyzing situations when things aren't going well in your relationships. Now someone in your family may
    have a problem acting responsibly. It's up to that person to take care of things, but you could understand the message the person is trying to send
    other people with his or her behavior.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The planetary aspects are going to have a big impact on you today,
    Libra. This isn't the time to fear the future. Rather, it's a time to
    make it happen. The action you take right now will be instrumental in your future. Will there be enough of us walking toward the future? Libra will
    be at the head of the pack in any case, as always.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    People are more alike than we think, especially on days like today that
    mean virtually the same thing to everyone. Some incredible changes have
    taken place in the world and its economic and social systems. Now is the
    time to think about what the next few years have in store. Do you have
    any ideas? Try to articulate them.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today is an inspirational day for you, fast thinking Sagittarius. Let
    those visions come to you, process them, and try to verbalize them. A
    lot of information and electricity is in the air, and you should have no problem picking up on it. Open up your channels for the best reception.
    Have a notepad handy to jot down all your insights.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You're usually good at bringing people together. Your greatest strength is giving identity to those people who seek it. In fact, you're so aware of
    the differences between people that you resist the changes that come about
    as people evolve. Today's planetary alignment confronts you with issues
    that concern your future. Your position will help you accept things and
    go forward.

    (C) 2022 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Clear +3C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms | tg.nrbbs.net | 289-424-5180 (1337:3/126)
  • From Northern Realms@1337:3/126 to All on Friday, December 30, 2022 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, December 30, 2022

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It may be hard to resolve anything today, Aquarius. It could be that
    there's an overwhelming resistance making it difficult to act according to plan. Today isn't a good day to fight. If things don't seem to be going your way, don't push it. Trying to strong-arm the situation will only aggravate things and make them worse. You may need to make some compromises in order
    to maintain the peace.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Intense emotions are apt to dominate the scene today, Pisces. Don't do anything halfway. It's time to give it your all or nothing. You have
    the power to cut to the heart of the issue. Don't hesitate. If you meet opposition, stay strong. There's a valuable lesson to be learned. If you're being true to yourself, you should have no trouble overcoming any obstacle
    that stands in your path.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There's an overwhelming intensity about the day that might make it difficult for you to maintain the peace, Aries. Strong opinions and courageous emotions are clashing in a climactic fashion. You might find yourself in the middle
    of conflicting forces if you aren't careful. Make sure you take care of yourself and your needs before you try to patch up things for everybody else.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may feel extra self-confident today, Taurus, making you more able to
    say and do the things you might normally keep inside. Be warned, however,
    that you're apt to run into some powerful, unexpected opposition. The
    genius in you wants to come out and show others what you're made of, but
    other people may have reason to find fault. Don't let others' disapproval hinder your progress.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You might find that others' strong opinions dictate today's actions,
    Gemini. The atmosphere is quite intense, so you might want to lay low
    and let others have their way. Don't try to put up a fight. Unexpected opposition may come out of nowhere and take control. There's a powerful
    force at work asking you to do things with more passion than usual.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Create your own reality, Cancer. It could be that you have the puppet
    strings in your hands, but you're too afraid to use them. Don't shy away
    from responsibility. Take your time and don't lose sight of your goals.
    The stakes are extra high today, and you will find that the slightest
    movement is magnified several times over. Be careful how you use your
    words. They won't be taken lightly.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Things that you thought were obvious may not seem quite as clear as you'd
    like them to be, Leo. Be aware that there may be some intense opposition
    to your plans. Take care of other people and their emotions. You will find
    that a wall might suddenly go up, putting a harsh barrier between you and
    your goals. Consider your heart as well as your head.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Other people may tend to snap under the emotional pressure of the day,
    Virgo, but you're well suited to soar through with flying colors. You're
    ruled by your emotions and you have no problem navigating rough waters.
    Other people may look to you for strength and support. Trust yourself and
    try not to get lured off course by conflicting opinions that don't seem
    to sit right with you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There's a need for decisive action today, Libra, and you're the one fit for
    the job. Strong wills and forceful opinions will win out. Others aren't
    likely to be easily manipulated. Everyone has a voice, and they won't be
    afraid to use it. Make sure that you speak up on your behalf or your best interests may be lost. Stand up for yourself. It's now or never.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There may be tension and opposition today, Scorpio, so be prepared. It could seem like everyone wants to rattle your cage. Stand strong. There are
    forceful opinions crying out to be heard. The more stubborn you are, the
    harder it will be for important information to flow freely. Protect your interests by standing your ground, but make sure you don't step on other people's toes in the process.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    What ails you now can be eliminated if you're willing to stand up and say exactly what needs to be said, Sagittarius. Going with the flow may be an
    easy route to follow, but it might not always take you down a path that
    leads to the fulfillment of your dreams. Be a bit more aggressive about
    your position today and outwardly project yourself as the true master of
    your destiny.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It takes two to tango, Capricorn. Remember that life isn't a one-way
    street. There needs to be a bit of give and take if you expect others to
    treat you the way you want to be treated. Don't let people take control
    when it comes to taking charge of your own life. Others may be emotional
    and stubborn. Don't waste your breath with useless drivel. Say something meaningful.

    (C) 2022 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +12C, UV Index: 2
    * Origin: Northern Realms | tg.nrbbs.net | 289-424-5180 (1337:3/126)
  • From Northern Realms@1337:3/126 to All on Saturday, December 31, 2022 08:00:42
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, December 31, 2022

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may not feel in sync with the day's energy, Aquarius. Something about
    it may not sit right with you. Your natural instinct to want to take the
    lead may be overshadowed by an unwillingness to even get up. You may feel
    like your internal fire is squelched, especially when it comes to love
    and beauty. If your mind is cloudy, don't worry about it. The fog will
    clear soon.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Issues regarding love and romance should be going well for you now,
    Pisces. You will find that your natural tendency to ground and plan is
    working perfectly with your desire to find what you want in a mate. Things
    may be about to come to a dramatic climax in your emotional realm. A foggy, dreamy feeling may make it difficult for you to keep your feet on the ground.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may want to escape into your dreams today, Aries. Trying to do something practical may be met with opposition, as the general mood of the day calls
    for things to be more ethereal and elusive. Connect with your sensitive
    side and feel free to spend time on artistic projects. You may have to
    take a more grounded approach when it comes to matters of love.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You will be able to find a greater connection to your inner soul today,
    Taurus. You will also find that you're more psychic than usual. Trust your intuition. The more you look inward, the more you're apt to find the
    solutions to your outward questions. Combine a sense of dreamy emotion
    with a grounded feeling of love and beauty. You may need to balance your
    cloudy head with stable roots.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may have many irons in the fire today, Gemini. People and projects
    could demand your attention, yet you may feel so dreamy and unmotivated
    that it could be hard to make progress on any of them. Creative solutions
    are the best route for you. Be flexible and open to other people's ideas,
    and make sure you consider the unlikeliest ways to tackle the issues.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is going to be a great day for you, Cancer. Strangely enough, you will find that tension may help you get things done. There's an easiness today
    that will create openings for exploring creative outlets. Regarding love
    and romance, try to stay grounded. You and the object of your desire may
    have two different points of view on the relationship. Communicate clearly.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may need to let go and release your control, Leo. You know what you
    want, so just trust your intuition. If you continue to let your brain do
    all the work, you will probably miss valuable information that can only
    come when you slow down and look within. Connect with others on sensitive issues and feel free to let your guard down. Let your mind work freely.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is an excellent day for you, Virgo. You will find that things automatically flow your way. You will receive more attention than usual
    and be the center of any flattering discussions. The one difficult point
    might be intimate relations with others. Romantic issues may take on a
    more serious, grounded tone at this time.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may feel a bit lazy and unmotivated today, Libra. It could be hard to
    drag yourself out of bed. In terms of love and romance, there's apt to be
    some tension, as one part of you wants to make plans while another part
    is feeling up in the air and in the clouds. These two different viewpoints might make it difficult to make a move in any one direction.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Love and romance are apt to be going quite well for you now, Scorpio. You should find that it's easier to be yourself in a partnership. Let your
    romantic side shine through. Indulge in delicious candlelit dinners and share your deepest fantasies with those you love. If your partner resists this
    energy now, you may want to consider looking elsewhere for romantic company.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel a great deal of nervous energy today, Sagittarius.
    Tension could come to you from all angles. Indecisiveness might be your
    biggest problem. You may be in a frenzy trying to figure out where to
    move next. The key is to slow down and relax. Don't make a move without evaluating things. Be careful about acting too hastily, especially when
    it comes to matters of the heart.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Issues having to do with love and romance are in your favor today,
    Capricorn. You're more in touch with your emotions. You will find that your attitude toward love is more grounded than usual. Feel free to let go of
    some control. Let fate take you where it will in this department. Also make sure that you don't worry so much about things. Worrying will cause doubt, something you don't need.

    (C) 2022 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Clear +7C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms | tg.nrbbs.net | 289-424-5180 (1337:3/126)
  • From Northern Realms@1337:3/126 to All on Sunday, January 01, 2023 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, January 1, 2023

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There's a warm and friendly feeling to the day that you will find agreeable
    to your boisterous personality, Aquarius. Find strength and peace with the people around you and work to make solid connections among your friends. The people around you are your greatest resource, so treat them with honor
    and respect. Stay in balance by recognizing the strength in others.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't go where you aren't invited and don't take things that aren't offered, Pisces. Rules and manners are the cornerstones to healthy friendships and strong bonds among new acquaintances on a day like today. You will find
    that a cheery attitude and pleasant smile go a long way. Before you know
    it, you will be invited everywhere and offered all the things you desire.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Let your true personality shine, Aries, for this is your day
    to radiate. There's an element of fantasy and deception working in
    the equation, but you will find that this may be just the thing you're
    looking for. The missing piece may come from a place you least expect,
    but be confident that it will come. Be open to new ideas and information, regardless of how odd they seem.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Realize that to conquer new ground you may have to make some sacrifices, Taurus. Things may not always go according to your perfect vision, but
    that's the natural way of things. Life should be simple and free flowing.
    The tangle of voices in your mind is usually the thing that makes issues
    and situations more complicated than they need to be. Maintain the peace
    and keep things easy.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There's a great deal of air to fuel your fire today, Gemini. Conversations will light up upon your arrival. Dreams, fantasies, and inspired wishes
    may come to the surface, asking you to digest them with your open,
    adventurous mind. Use this fuel to keep things burning red hot within you. Bring your dreams to the surface and turn them into realities by joining
    forces with others.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Although you may want to bring things down a bit so you can better plan, organize, and rearrange, Cancer, this may not be the best course of action today. You're better off keeping things light and uplifting. Things will fall into place as you need them. Trust in others. Realize that some of the best experiences you will have in life are spontaneous. Put your to-do list away.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Join others for stimulating conversation and purposeful dreaming, Leo. You aren't alone in your thoughts and strong opinions. Now is the time to
    be heard. Work toward maintaining peace by exposing truth. Take the
    time to create fantasy in your world by diluting the fears of reality.
    Make decisions based on love, cooperation, and prosperity instead of
    neediness, trepidation, and anger.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It's time to come up for air, Virgo. Come out and take a deep
    breath. Experience the lightness and rejuvenation of the energy present in
    the air around you. Do some yoga or go for a jog to open up your channels
    and get your circulation moving. Use this exercise to clear your mind and
    open your consciousness to let new ideas and dreams be born from within.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Take a step back today, Libra, and sink into a light and dreamy fantasy
    world that is pleasing to you. You will find that beautiful objects and
    sweet fragrances catch your attention. Go shopping or indulge in a gourmet meal. The time is right to keep things open and social. Have fun and focus on your partnerships with others instead of your tendency to lead or dominate.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Things might be too elusive to actually grab hold of today, Scorpio. Don't
    be so concerned with capturing something and making it your own. See the
    beauty around you and hold it in your heart. Leave the flower unpicked so others who come after you can enjoy its splendor as well. There's an airy, uplifting feeling to the day that you should enjoy.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is a terrific day for you, Sagittarius. You should find that the puzzle pieces naturally come together almost effortlessly. Important connections
    can be made today as long as you keep all the lines of communication
    open. Information exchange is a key part of bringing people and ideas
    together in a constructive manner. A burst of inspiration can lead to a rewarding journey through time and space.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There's a stronger connectedness to dreams and fantasies today, Capricorn,
    but you may need to adjust your thinking in order to link to it. Pick a
    path that includes a few steps on the sunny side of the street where you
    can see things in a positive light instead of focusing on the gloom in
    every situation. Communicate your thoughts and think about how you can
    promote peace in your inner circle.

    (C) 2023 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Clear +3C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms | tg.nrbbs.net | 289-424-5180 (1337:3/126)
  • From Northern Realms@1337:3/126 to All on Monday, January 02, 2023 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, January 2, 2023

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your romantic side is powerfully charged today, Aquarius. The more you
    tune in to this side of your nature, the happier you will be. The one
    thing to watch out for is keeping at least one foot on the ground at all
    times. Work from a stable platform of honesty and practicality. Without
    this foundation, you will be hard pressed to establish any walls or windows.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Attend to your duties today, Pisces. There's a pronounced sense of time and
    a feeling that the days are slipping away. Make sure you fit love and romance into the equation somewhere. At first you may experience a bit of resistance
    in this department, but see that as an indication that this is an area of
    your life that you need to explore and ultimately feel more comfortable with.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Two different sides may tug on you today, and neither one may really make
    a strong case for pulling you one way or the other, Aries. Realize that adjustments may have to be made for you to fit in with the scheme of things
    and fulfill your duties and responsibilities. A close loved one may distract you in subtle ways, so try not to get sidetracked if you can help it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Tension may be a bit high with everyone and everything you encounter today, Taurus. There will be a strong need for stability and discipline, while
    others call for fun and frivolity. You may be caught in the middle. The worst thing is that no side, including yours, is going to want to compromise. Try
    not to take things too seriously.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Remember that you're here to have fun, and happiness is your true destiny, Gemini. Keep this in mind today, as forces may tend to pull you away from
    the fun you've been having. There may be a rather sobering tone to the
    day that's stubbornly trying to rain on your parade. Recognize the need
    for structure and stability, but don't let it bring you down.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You will recognize and appreciate the need for structure and stability
    on a day like today, Cancer. This practical energy may work to take away
    some of the fun out of the equation. You may not realize it, but the fun
    in your life may be getting chipped away little by little. Hold tight to
    the things that give you passion and purpose in life. These are the keys
    to healthy living.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Tension may build today if you aren't careful about how you use your words, Leo. Remember that forces are trying to push you one way and pull you
    another. You may encourage a focus on the collective while others seem too worried about themselves. Yet another force is calling for outdated remedies and traditional structures that no longer suit your purposes. Blaze your
    own trail.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Take a look at what's going on around you today, Virgo, and do some
    internal processing before you reach a conclusion regarding the best way
    to proceed. You may find that a combination of powerful forces is trying
    to win you over to their camp. Don't pigeonhole yourself into one way of
    doing things. Keep in mind that the best route is often a combination of several different paths.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Watch out for a jolt in the action, Libra, as someone close to you puts on
    the brakes in a relationship. There could be conflicts based on a need for
    more structure and stability in the partnership. The imbalance between having fun and taking care of practical matters is currently working to slowly
    destroy the good thing that you have going. Nip this problem in the bud.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Just when you thought you had everything planned and working smoothly,
    Scorpio, love comes in and clogs up the works. Suddenly your attention is diverted from work as the love of your life catches your eye. This could
    be a good or bad thing, depending on how you view it. Remember that both aspects of your life are important. The key now is to find a healthy
    balance between the two.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your heart is going pitter-pat, Sagittarius, and you're tempted to escape
    into a romantic fantasyland in which you play the starring role. The bad
    news is that something may be trying to hold you back today. It could be
    that your conscience is coming on the scene to remind you that work needs
    to be done before you can go off into your own little fairytale world.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may feel a bit of a strain today as you try to figure out the best way
    to get to where you need to be, Capricorn. The happy, jovial approach tells
    you to let loose, be courageous, and strike out with conviction toward the things that mean the most to you. A sense of duty and restriction may be holding you back. Take the best of both worlds and come up with a unique
    plan of attack.

    (C) 2023 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Clear +4C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms | tg.nrbbs.net | 289-424-5180 (1337:3/126)