On 07 Feb 2024, The Godfather said the following...
Just wanted to let y'all know that I am going to be in MRC tonight (20:00 UTC) for a few hours if y'all wanna join in for some fun chatt =)
I got home at 6pm EST last Friday when I saw your announcement on IBOL.
I missed ya! Hope to catch the next announcement. I'm looking forward
to getting that ANSI back into my prelogin and or logoff once again :)_
Yeah sorry we missed each other, I'm still not able to commit regular every week, but will at least try and get one in a month.
Look out for me posting in #general over on matrix so you know when I'll be doing the next one.
|14Best regards,
|11Ch|03rist|11ia|15n |11a|03ka |11Me|03aTLoT|11io|15N // @meatlotion:erb.pw
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... If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
* Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (1337:1/101)