• Trying here ..

    From The Godfather@1337:3/132 to All on Saturday, May 13, 2023 21:24:25
    Hey all,

    I wrote about this on ArakNet but thought maybe the TQW wizards might be able to help me figure out what I might need to do with a few issues .. I'm at a loss ..

    When finally getting my BBSes back online a little over a month ago, I moved them from my RPI to a laptop running Linux Mint (Ubuntu), and updated the Mystic version (and data files) using the usual ./install replace ~/mystic and ./upgrade features. I was running headless and wired on the RPI and am now on WIFI on only driver.

    1. My keyboard buffer will not clear if I use the [ENTER] key (fine using any other key) with ANSI files only; the keyboard buffer clears fine with .mpl's. I've tried pipe code | PB, three keyboards, localhost, ssh, telnet, doesn't matter. I'm currently using a combination of MCI
    codes PN and PA to get each ANSI to stop. I haven't had someone to call in and

    test from their end, but I have tested Netrunner and Syncterm myself.

    2. Amiga fonts no longer appear to be working. I had been successfully using a text editor to add both the ANSI font codes, as well as the newer Mystic pipe code | SF03 within an ANSI wrapped border. A few that called The Ruins BBS, may

    have recall me having done this with all of my menus.

    3. I'm getting garbage characters within dupe/bad messages as well as sometimes with ./mutil -run massupload. In addition within dupe messages I get

    lengthy word wrap variations, both illustrated below.

    N 69 erCRBBS Files Hatched CRBBS File System All
    N 70 MODIS Pic of the Day 07 May Dan Richter All
    N 71 CRBBS Files Hatched CRBBS File System All
    N 72 MODIS Pic of the Day 08 May Dan Richter All
    N 73 erCRBBS Files Hatched CRBBS File System All
    N 74 Viruses could reshuffle the ScienceDaily All
    N 75 Scientists develop gene sile ScienceDaily All
    N 104 DDMsgReader: When viewing me Rob Swindell GitLab note in main/sb
    N 105 src/conio/bitmap_con.c cioli Deucе Git commit to main/sbb

    Originally this was a Windows BBS and I'm unsure if moving all of my data and ansi files from a Windows box to a linux box may be part of the issue. For those that have called my BBS, I hope one can understand I'm not redrawing everything :/ or mass deleting data files anytime soon (not to mention the 100's of file bases I've managed to built over time ..)

    So I've been annoyingly living with these buggy "things" however if anyone knows of a sudo slick way of making the pain stop (legally and with life intact) I'd appreciate any tips :)

    It's just a hobby, but still ... you know? :)


    ... Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: www.theunderground.us Telnet 10023 SSH 7771 (1337:3/132)
  • From MeaTLoTioN@1337:1/101 to The Godfather on Monday, May 15, 2023 09:46:57
    On 13 May 2023, The Godfather said the following...

    Hey all,

    Hey TG!!

    2. Amiga fonts no longer appear to be working. I had been successfully using a text editor to add both the ANSI font codes, as well as the
    newer Mystic pipe code | SF03 within an ANSI wrapped border. A few that called The Ruins BBS, may have recall me having done this with all of my menus.

    The fonts are built into the terminal application, not the BBS, so Netrunner doesn't have many of the amiga fonts or most other IBM fonts but Syncterm does have a few. You should look at your terminal application instead of the BBS/Mystic for the solution. Mystic will only send the ANSI codes to the terminal receiving, the terminal will render whatever it needs to based on the codes received.

    As for the other two, I will have a think.

    Good luck! =)

    |14Best regards,
    |11Ch|03rist|11ia|15n |11a|03ka |11Me|03aTLoT|11io|15N // @meatlotion:erb.pw

    |07ÄÄ |08[|10eml|08] |15ml@erb.pw |07ÄÄ |08[|10web|08] |15www.erb.pw |07ÄÄÄ¿ |07ÄÄ |08[|09fsx|08] |1521:1/158 |07ÄÄ |08[|11tqw|08] |151337:1/101 |07ÂÄÄÙ |07ÄÄ |08[|12rtn|08] |1580:774/81 |07ÄÂ |08[|14fdn|08] |152:250/5 |07ÄÄÄÙ
    |07ÄÄ |08[|10ark|08] |1510:104/2 |07ÄÙ

    ... Light year: 1/3 less calories than your regular year

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (1337:1/101)
  • From apam@1337:2/105 to MeaTLoTioN on Thursday, May 18, 2023 13:28:18
    The fonts are built into the terminal application, not the BBS, so
    Netrunner doesn't have many of the amiga fonts or most other IBM fonts
    but Syncterm does have a few. You should look at your terminal
    application instead of the BBS/Mystic for the solution. Mystic will
    only send the ANSI codes to the terminal receiving, the terminal will
    render whatever it needs to based on the codes received.

    That's true with the amiga fonts and some others, but the cterm protocol
    (that syncterm uses) allows loading remote fonts as well. I don't know of
    any bbses other than synchronet and talisman that actually use it, and
    it's not really relevant here but I thought you might be interested to
    know if you didn't already.


    --- Talisman v0.47-dev (Windows/x64)
    * Origin: Smuggler's Cove - Private BBS (1337:2/105)
  • From The Godfather@1337:3/132 to apam on Friday, May 19, 2023 12:00:15
    The fonts are built into the terminal application, not the BBS, so Netrunner doesn't have many of the amiga fonts or most other IBM fonts but Syncterm does have a few. You should look at your terminal application instead of the BBS/Mystic for the solution. Mystic will only send the ANSI codes to the terminal receiving, the terminal will render whatever it needs to based on the codes received.
    That's true with the amiga fonts and some others, but the cterm protocol (that syncterm uses) allows loading remote fonts as well. I don't know of any bbses other than synchronet and talisman that actually use it, and it's not really relevant here but I thought you might be interested to know if you didn't already.

    So I figured out, I think, the problem and came up with a temp fix for this issue. Any other I originally posted I did not see any messages from as I had an issue with message tossing that I've since fixed for TQWnet.

    1. The Netrunner nr21_l64.zip on http://www.mysticbbs.com/downloads/
    adds 132x37 support however I am unable to get Topaz nor Codepageswitc
    to work.
    2. Netrunner nr20_l64.zip on the same page does not support 132x37
    however the Amiga fonts are built into the terminal (not as many as
    Syncterm but there are Amiga fonts such as Topaz ..).
    3. I had to copy and paste the ANSI code into the ansi file to get it
    to work, I was unable to do so with pipe code | SF03 to turn on
    Topaz. It was a bit more work but my cool light bar menu works (for
    me anyway ..)
    4. For some reason my codepageswitch.ans was either corrupt or who
    knows ... but it wasn't restoring prior to backing out of my message
    menu to my main menu. A simple copy of the same file over from The Ruins to the Underground's text directory did the trick. The Ruins
    is running on v47 while The Underground is on v49.

    So now I have 3 terminal programs I'm using (hehe ..) to get TUG tight
    and right. The Ruins is up on www.theunderground.us:9707 for those who
    want to check it out. No FTN's but some neat stuff I had done at one

    As for my other issues, I noticed Apam reply to mL who had replied to me. However, I did not see your reply Meatlotion. I had a tossing issue where I had moved from ~/mystic/msgs/ to ~/mystic/msgs/tqwnet to better organize my FTN

    files within /msgs. Mystic did not like that without me performing some voodoo

    magic that managed to work for all networks except MetroNet (still not tossing mail .. blah ..) So if someone had suggested other fixes, I didn't see them :(

    I'll try a rescan.

    Apam, what do the cool kids use to log in new to your BBS?


    ... Back up my hard drive? I can't find the reverse switch!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: www.theunderground.us Telnet 10023 SSH 7771 (1337:3/132)
  • From The Godfather@1337:3/132 to MeaTLoTioN on Friday, May 19, 2023 13:11:51
    The fonts are built into the terminal application, not the BBS, so Netrunner doesn't have many of the amiga fonts or most other IBM fonts but Syncterm does have a few. You should look at your terminal application instead of the BBS/Mystic for the solution. Mystic will
    only send the ANSI codes to the terminal receiving, the terminal will render whatever it needs to based on the codes received.

    As for the other two, I will have a think.

    Good luck! =)

    We discussed this on Element .. For others, as my prior post stated, I got it working on Netrunner. However the topaz.ans and codepageswitch.ans files nor the ansi codes work when displayed with Syncterm. So the trouble shooting continues ..

    As for the ENTER key .. keyboard buffer thingy, that appears to be a "my PC" issue as (thank you) mL called in and did not have the same issue. So good to know I just need to buy a second PC (darn :) )



    ... Fer sell cheep: BBS spel chekker. Wurks grate.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: www.theunderground.us Telnet 10023 SSH 7771 (1337:3/132)