• 12/22 Date-Nut Bread - 5

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Saturday, December 21, 2024 15:53:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Furnace Creek Date Nut Bread
    Categories: Breads, Nuts, Fruits
    Yield: 2 Loaves

    2 c Dates
    1 1/2 c Very hot water
    4 c A-P flour
    1 c Brown sugar
    1 c Granulated (white) sugar
    1 c Walnuts
    1/2 c Butter
    2 ts Salt
    3 ts Baking soda

    In bowl, cover chopped dates with hot water; let stand 1
    hour. In another bowl, blend flour, both sugars, chopped
    walnuts, softened butter, salt and baking soda.

    Set oven @ 350oF/175oC.

    Add dates and water; mix until dates are evenly
    distributed and dry ingredients are moistened; do not

    Pour into 2 loaf pans and bake for about 1 hour. A
    wooden pick or skewer inserted in center should come out

    Makes 2 two-pound loaves.

    FROM: "American Country Inn and Bed and Breakfast
    Cookbook" by Kitty and Lucian Maynard

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.hindsjerseyfarm.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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