• Flea and tick medicine

    From Matthew Munson@1:218/109 to All on Friday, May 15, 2020 20:25:24
    Be careful what medicines you use, some may give your dog seizures. :(

    This story may explain more.

    Taken from a FB post:

    #LokumAksoy Pls help me make this viral. My dog was given simparica flea and tick
    medication and after taking it he started to have seizures. I was not warned by his vet
    even though this was the second case I know of at this animal hospital. Apparently some
    %of dogs have this side affect and itÿs lifetime. My dog will suffer this every few weeks
    for the rest of his life and every vet promotes this medication. Please help me share this
    info for the sake of other dogs and owners. Zoetis the manufacturer of simparica is
    treating this very cavalierly and will only deal with the vet and not me. I have spent at
    least $15,000 since October and this is now a lifetime condition.

    October 21, 2019: My sweet boy Lokum passed away from his seizures. I did everything
    to save him but this drug took his life. My heart is broken beyond words... I miss you so
    much Lokum 🧡

    All tablet flee meds are the same, they have the same pesticide in them. And sometimes
    the damage shows up later. Donÿt let your vet tell you all of a sudden you have a
    idiopathic epileptic pup. isoxazoline is a pesticide found in these pills.
    The flea pills and chews all contain a pesticide called isoxazoline, the FDA said. They
    include products sold under the brand names Bravecto, Nexgard and Simparica. Sep 20, 2018

    More: https://pix11.com/2019/07/22/side-effects-risk-of-some-flea-and-tick- medications
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