• Allfiles SpaceSST BBS (1/3)

    From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Saturday, January 21, 2023 09:30:27
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A3T.ZIP
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 17 (62mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE02.ZIP
    13,010 01/09/23 FIDONEWS 09 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 02
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE03.ZIP
    13,023 01/15/23 FIDONEWS 16 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 19 (2mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z13
    47,574 01/13/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 013 NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z13
    12,747 01/12/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-13 (013) I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z20
    12,200 01/19/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,708 01/19/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0120.zip
    2,351,445 01/20/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2,474,870 01/21/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    157,364 01/20/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    3-D View of DNA
    20 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 3 (4mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/20/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,864 01/20/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/20/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    45,555 12/16/22
    13,180 01/20/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :
    released : 05/22/22
    desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users
    : to create their own ANSI TV Show based :
    . on ANSI art you add in the art directory.
    : it saves baud rate and slections per user
    : [ ] win [X] linux [ ] mac :
    : [ ] amiga [ ] c64 5m :
    20,041 04/24/22 /\_________/\______/\______/\_______
    \\ / //
    _\ / / / / / __/ / /
    / __/ / /____/ \ __/jp!
    //____/ \__ / ___/ /___/ \
    ==== /______\/ /==\_____// =/______\\==
    : SysInfo v1.0 // mpy :

    Display various information about your
    BBS, the visitor/user and Internet

    A small script with the looks of old
    DOS programs...

    Mystic BBS // MPY // Linux % RPi
    `---------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (47mb)

    ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blndr2022b.zip
    7,036,053 07/03/22 clowns / investigating
    ۲ ۱߱
    film noir
    ---------------------------- blender 2022b
    drugi blender roku 2022
    4,614,711 10/13/22 grim reaper / spreading
    pestilence / live on stage
    at a major awards show!
    ۲ ۱߱

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Sunday, January 22, 2023 22:46:22
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A3T.ZIP
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 17 (62mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE02.ZIP
    13,010 01/09/23 FIDONEWS 09 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 02
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE03.ZIP
    13,023 01/15/23 FIDONEWS 16 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 19 (2mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z13
    47,574 01/13/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 013 NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z13
    12,747 01/12/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-13 (013) I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z20
    12,200 01/19/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,708 01/19/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0121.zip
    2,474,870 01/21/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1,931,585 01/22/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    157,364 01/21/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    3-D View of DNA
    21 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    157,364 01/22/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    3-D View of DNA
    22 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (4mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/20/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,864 01/20/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/21/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    13,180 01/21/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :
    released : 05/22/22
    desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users
    : to create their own ANSI TV Show based :
    . on ANSI art you add in the art directory.
    : it saves baud rate and slections per user
    : [ ] win [X] linux [ ] mac :
    : [ ] amiga [ ] c64 5m :
    20,041 04/24/22 /\_________/\______/\______/\_______
    \\ / //
    _\ / / / / / __/ / /
    / __/ / /____/ \ __/jp!
    //____/ \__ / ___/ /___/ \
    ==== /______\/ /==\_____// =/______\\==
    : SysInfo v1.0 // mpy :

    Display various information about your
    BBS, the visitor/user and Internet

    A small script with the looks of old
    DOS programs...

    Mystic BBS // MPY // Linux % RPi
    `---------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (47mb)

    ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blndr2022b.zip
    7,036,053 07/03/22 clowns / investigating
    ۲ ۱߱
    film noir
    ---------------------------- blender 2022b

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 00:06:55

    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE03.ZIP
    13,023 01/15/23 FIDONEWS 16 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 19 (2mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z13
    47,574 01/13/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 013 NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z13
    12,747 01/12/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-13 (013) I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z20
    12,200 01/19/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,708 01/19/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0122.zip
    1,931,585 01/22/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    486,190 01/23/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    157,364 01/22/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    3-D View of DNA
    22 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    502,651 01/23/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Fisherman and the Full Omega Moon
    23 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (2mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/20/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,864 01/20/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/23/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/28/22
    13,180 01/23/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :
    released : 05/22/22
    desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users
    : to create their own ANSI TV Show based :
    . on ANSI art you add in the art directory.
    : it saves baud rate and slections per user
    : [ ] win [X] linux [ ] mac :
    : [ ] amiga [ ] c64 5m :
    20,041 04/24/22 /\_________/\______/\______/\_______
    \\ / //
    _\ / / / / / __/ / /
    / __/ / /____/ \ __/jp!
    //____/ \__ / ___/ /___/ \
    ==== /______\/ /==\_____// =/______\\==
    : SysInfo v1.0 // mpy :

    Display various information about your
    BBS, the visitor/user and Internet

    A small script with the looks of old
    DOS programs...

    Mystic BBS // MPY // Linux % RPi
    `---------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (47mb)

    ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.

    Filename Size Date Description

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 01:09:30
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE03.ZIP
    13,023 01/15/23 FIDONEWS 16 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 19 (2mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z13
    47,574 01/13/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 013 NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z13
    12,747 01/12/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-13 (013) I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z20
    12,200 01/19/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,708 01/19/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0123.zip
    486,190 01/23/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    502,651 01/23/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Fisherman and the Full Omega Moon
    23 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/20/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,864 01/20/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/23/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    13,180 01/23/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :
    released : 05/22/22
    desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users
    : to create their own ANSI TV Show based :
    . on ANSI art you add in the art directory.
    : it saves baud rate and slections per user
    : [ ] win [X] linux [ ] mac :
    : [ ] amiga [ ] c64 5m :
    20,041 04/24/22 /\_________/\______/\______/\_______
    \\ / //
    _\ / / / / / __/ / /
    / __/ / /____/ \ __/jp!
    //____/ \__ / ___/ /___/ \
    ==== /______\/ /==\_____// =/______\\==
    : SysInfo v1.0 // mpy :

    Display various information about your
    BBS, the visitor/user and Internet

    A small script with the looks of old
    DOS programs...

    Mystic BBS // MPY // Linux % RPi
    `---------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (47mb)

    ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blndr2022b.zip
    7,036,053 07/03/22 clowns / investigating
    ۲ ۱߱
    film noir
    ---------------------------- blender 2022b
    drugi blender roku 2022
    4,614,711 10/13/22 grim reaper / spreading

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Thursday, January 26, 2023 08:52:41
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE03.ZIP
    13,023 01/15/23 FIDONEWS 16 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 19 (2mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z13
    47,574 01/13/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 013 NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z27
    12,201 01/26/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,720 01/26/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0125.zip
    1,295,069 01/25/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    515,533 01/25/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Pearl Necklace or Frozen Spiderweb?
    25 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (1mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/20/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,864 01/20/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/25/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/16/22
    13,180 01/25/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :
    released : 05/22/22
    desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users
    : to create their own ANSI TV Show based :
    . on ANSI art you add in the art directory.
    : it saves baud rate and slections per user
    : [ ] win [X] linux [ ] mac :
    : [ ] amiga [ ] c64 5m :
    20,041 04/24/22 /\_________/\______/\______/\_______
    \\ / //
    _\ / / / / / __/ / /
    / __/ / /____/ \ __/jp!
    //____/ \__ / ___/ /___/ \
    ==== /______\/ /==\_____// =/______\\==
    : SysInfo v1.0 // mpy :

    Display various information about your
    BBS, the visitor/user and Internet

    A small script with the looks of old
    DOS programs...

    Mystic BBS // MPY // Linux % RPi
    `---------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (47mb)

    ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blndr2022b.zip
    7,036,053 07/03/22 clowns / investigating
    ۲ ۱߱
    film noir
    ---------------------------- blender 2022b
    drugi blender roku 2022
    4,614,711 10/13/22 grim reaper / spreading
    pestilence / live on stage
    at a major awards show!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Monday, January 30, 2023 10:40:20
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z27
    12,201 01/26/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,720 01/26/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0129.zip
    3,765,478 01/29/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3,676,274 01/30/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    530,134 01/29/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Winter’s Black and White — and Gray — World
    29 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 3 (7mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,961 01/27/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/29/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    45,555 12/28/22
    13,180 01/29/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 02:03:09
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z27
    12,201 01/26/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,720 01/26/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0130.zip
    3,676,274 01/30/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    451,806 01/30/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Anti-twilight Colors and Belt of Venus
    30 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (3mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,961 01/27/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/30/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    13,180 01/30/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :
    released : 05/22/22
    desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 02:04:53
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z27
    12,201 01/26/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,720 01/26/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0130.zip
    3,676,274 01/30/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    451,806 01/30/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Anti-twilight Colors and Belt of Venus
    30 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (3mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    34,961 01/27/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/30/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/28/22
    13,180 01/30/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
    <_ /> ||07 : ||07 _>__||07 ||07 : ||07
    ||07 __/ | <||07 ||07 ! ||07 \
    |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___|
    : p r o d u c t i o n s :
    - ----͹
    filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
    bbs software : Mystic
    : author : DrClaw :
    released : 05/22/22
    desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 13:49:45
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 22 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z27
    12,201 01/26/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    157,720 01/26/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0130.zip
    3,676,274 01/30/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3,024,244 01/31/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    451,806 01/30/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Anti-twilight Colors and Belt of Venus
    30 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    507,299 01/31/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Pincushion Cactus
    31 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (7mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-17-11-2022.rar
    13,632 11/17/22 Usenet Application Update for date 17-11-2022
    include all the information to Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,298 01/31/23 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 23 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    35,029 01/31/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,156 01/30/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    13,180 01/30/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL00C.ZIP
    83,419 04/24/22 <<< null e-magazine x00C (text edition) >>>
    ____ _____ _____ _____
    ___/. \/ /_________/. /__/. /__jp!_
    //_ \ . / / \ / _//
    /____/\____/ / /__________________\
    +--- ---- \________/ --- -------- ----+
    : bbs scene and retro computing e-mag .
    : https://github.com/xqtr/null :
    ' telnet // andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :
    +---- - --------- ---------- -------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Mystic BBS Utils, Mods Etc.

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACD-PG20.ZIP
    50,247,386 01/12/23 Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
    Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!

    - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
    - Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
    - Emergency Chat Override
    - Blacklister
    - Sysop Availability Status
    - Home Automation URL Support

    ܲ ܲ
    ۲ ۲ ܱ ܲ
    ۲ ۲۲ޱ ۲
    tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ
    ۱۱ ܲ ۰
    ۰ ߲۱ ۱
    ޲ݰ ۲ ۲ ۲
    ߰ ߰
    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprtick2.zip
    6,431 10/23/22 ggg
    ,,eee$$$ ,,aaa,. $$$eea,.
    $$$`` $$% $$$```$$$ $$$``$$$l
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$ $$$---$$$
    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ..
    $$$---$$$ $$$---$$' $$$------
    `$$a.a$$$ $$$ "$P' $$$

    Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
    * Display current cryptocoin data
    * Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
    * For Mystic 1.12 A43+
    ]==========================================[ PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip
    10,242 06/06/22 ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
    \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Friday, February 03, 2023 14:12:18
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 25 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z20
    47,610 01/20/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020 NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 3 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z20
    12,759 01/19/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 3 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0130.zip
    3,676,274 01/30/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3,024,244 01/31/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    451,806 01/30/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Anti-twilight Colors and Belt of Venus
    30 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    507,299 01/31/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Pincushion Cactus
    31 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    243,624 02/01/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    19,666 02/01/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Backyard Viewing of Saturn and Uranus
    01 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    3,549,559 02/02/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    488,972 02/02/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    02 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    2,441,870 02/03/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,638 02/03/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    03 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 10 (14mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-31-01-2023.rar
    7,379 01/31/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description
    7,298 02/03/23 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 23 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    35,029 02/03/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Saturday, February 04, 2023 16:19:28
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,944 02/04/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 26 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0202.zip
    3,549,559 02/02/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2,441,870 02/03/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    488,972 02/02/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    02 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    498,638 02/03/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    03 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1,606,861 02/04/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,639 02/04/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    04 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 6 (8mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-31-01-2023.rar
    7,379 01/31/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,298 02/03/23 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 23 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    35,029 02/03/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00830.ZIP
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    45,555 12/16/22

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Saturday, February 04, 2023 21:56:29
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,944 02/04/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 26 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0203.zip
    2,441,870 02/03/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1,606,861 02/04/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,638 02/03/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    03 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    498,639 02/04/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    04 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (4mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-31-01-2023.rar
    7,379 01/31/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,298 02/03/23 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 23 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    35,029 02/03/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00830.ZIP
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/28/22
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    17,162 02/04/23 -- description missing --
    13,192 02/04/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Sunday, February 05, 2023 00:05:08
    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,944 02/04/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 26 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0203.zip
    2,441,870 02/03/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1,606,861 02/04/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,638 02/03/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    03 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    498,639 02/04/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    04 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (4mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-31-01-2023.rar
    7,379 01/31/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,298 02/03/23 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 23 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    35,029 02/03/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)
    tqwnet.na -- Message echos
    tqw_file.na -- File echolist
    tqwnet.ans -- tqwNet Logo

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP
    17,162 02/04/23 -- description missing --
    45,555 12/14/22 , 㯭 2:5020/830
    45,555 12/16/22
    45,555 12/28/22
    13,192 02/04/23 Echos available at 2:5020/1042 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (0mb)

    Text Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Monday, February 06, 2023 09:30:19

    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE04.ZIP
    13,007 01/22/23 FIDONEWS 23 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 04
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE06.ZIP
    13,052 02/05/23 FIDONEWS 06 Feb 2023 Vol 40 No 06
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 3 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,944 02/04/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    148,626 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,466 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 28 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0203.zip
    2,441,870 02/03/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1,606,861 02/04/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,638 02/03/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    03 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    498,639 02/04/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    04 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    163,576 02/05/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,639 02/05/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    05 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1,749,791 02/06/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 7 (7mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-31-01-2023.rar
    7,379 01/31/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,298 02/03/23 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Tuesday, February 07, 2023 00:05:11

    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE06.ZIP
    13,052 02/05/23 FIDONEWS 06 Feb 2023 Vol 40 No 06
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,944 02/04/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,466 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,626 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 28 (3mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0205.zip
    163,576 02/05/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1,749,791 02/06/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,639 02/05/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    05 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    437,952 02/06/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Six Years of Full Moons
    06 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 4 (2mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-31-01-2023.rar
    7,379 01/31/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,298 02/03/23 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    6,713 12/10/22
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z82
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 23 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Infopacks

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwinfo.zip
    35,029 02/03/23 ܲ

    tqwnet.txt -- Info & App
    history.txt -- tqwNet History
    systems.txt -- BBS's in tqwNet
    news.txt -- News from tqwNet
    tqwnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    tqwnet.zxx -- Nodelist (zip)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Tuesday, February 07, 2023 10:35:54

    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE06.ZIP
    13,052 02/05/23 FIDONEWS 06 Feb 2023 Vol 40 No 06
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,944 02/04/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,466 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,626 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    148,709 02/07/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 29 (4mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0205.zip
    163,576 02/05/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1,749,791 02/06/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    498,639 02/05/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wallaman Falls, Australia
    05 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    437,952 02/06/23 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Six Years of Full Moons
    06 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    460,703 02/07/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 5 (3mb)

    Usenet Application

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usenet-31-01-2023.rar
    7,379 01/31/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    TQW: Weekly Nodelists

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tqwnet.z03
    7,254 07/22/22 Nodelist for Friday, Jan 3, 2020 -- Day number 003 tqwnet.z10
    7,287 08/05/22 No Description
    6,813 05/13/22 No Description
    7,432 11/18/22 No Description
    7,228 01/27/23 ܲ
    7,297 11/12/22
    7,297 09/09/22 No Description
    7,485 11/25/22 No Description
    7,298 02/03/23 No Description
    7,594 12/02/22 No Description
    6,974 08/22/22
    6,974 05/20/22 No Description
    7,175 01/13/23 ܲ
    6,977 05/27/22 No Description
    6,977 12/31/22
    6,713 12/10/22
    6,713 03/25/22 No Description
    7,360 10/14/22 ܲ
    7,023 06/24/22 Nodelist for Friday, December 20, 2019 -- Day 354 tqwnet.z54
    7,023 09/29/22
    7,017 07/01/22 No Description
    7,127 07/15/22 No Description
    7,400 11/04/22 No Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 23 (0mb)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: SpaceSST BBS <gallaxial> Usenet,Fidonet (1:229/206)
  • From Sysop@1:229/206 to All on Wednesday, February 08, 2023 00:05:04

    Local Files

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st-200.zip
    1,659,068 03/27/22 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
    reader from Sparkware. This
    archive contains the rest of
    the basic 2.00 release. It
    includes manuals, address book,
    RIP and database support.
    2,528,993 03/28/22 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a
    utility used to place groups of files within
    compressed containers known as "archives" adchpp-3.0.0_win32_x86_installer.rar
    9,410,791 03/28/22 ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network. It
    implements the ADC protocol. The core
    application is very simple, but extensible using
    plugins. Among the standard plugins there is a
    scripting plugin that allows hub owners to
    further customize the hub using several
    scripting languages including Lua. The core is
    also exposed as a Python module, thus it is
    possible to use it within a Python application advanced_renamer_portable_3_88_1.rar
    12,778,512 03/28/22 Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming
    multiple files and folders at once. By
    configuring renaming methods the names can be
    manipulated in various ways.
    It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple
    methods on a large amount of files. The 14
    different methods enables you to change the
    names, attributes, and timestamps of files in
    one go. The files can also be copied or moved to
    new locations based on information in the files.
    With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file
    names by adding, removing, replacing, changing
    case, or giving the file a brand new name based
    on known information about the file.
    Before performing the operations on the files
    you can verify that the output will be correct
    and if you perform the rename and regret it, you
    can undo the complete batch.
    223,205 03/28/22 Blat - Win32/Win64 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    Useful for sending mail from
    automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts,
    etc. Includes source code.
    Public Domain.
    1,829,340 03/28/22 BitTorrent Sync v1.3.109 Freeware Vista / Win10
    / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP Download Description Info
    All versions Reviews BitTorrent Syncis a P2P
    file synchronization tool that works across a
    variety of platforms. It can sync files between
    devices on a local network, or between remote
    devices using the Internet. clamav-0.104.0.win.x64.rar
    7,633,901 03/29/22 ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus
    toolkit, designed especially for e-mail
    scanning on mail gateways. It provides a
    number of utilities including a flexible and
    scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line
    scanner and advanced tool for automatic
    database updates. The core of the package is
    an anti-virus engine available in a form of
    shared library.
    36,806 03/29/22 Deltree Command Replacement in Windows DuckieTV-202011202304-windows-x64.rar
    126,200,602 03/29/22 DuckieTV is an application that takes care of
    TV-Show addicts by providing a personalized
    TV-Show calendar. DuckieTV ensures the
    information is always up to date and provides
    an integrated blocking resistant torrent
    search so that the download can be as easy as
    IPFilter v3.0.2.9 Beta.rar
    190,285 03/29/22 Update Util for IPfilter for Torrent
    It's update your ipfilter.dat JamNNTPd-1.2.3-Win32.rar
    630,654 03/30/22 JamNNTPD/Win32 - Scott Street version.
    version 1.2.2
    117,458 03/30/22 JamNNTPd is an attempt to merge dying fidonet
    technology with modern Usenet newsreaders.
    Basically, JamNNTPd is NNTP server that allows
    newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase. (If you
    didn't understand a word of this, you probably
    don't want to use JamNNTPd anyway) JamNNTPd can
    be used with both Linux and Windows. An
    executable binary is only suppplied for Windows,
    Linux users need to compile JamNNTPd themselves. jbmailplus33.rar
    707,951 03/30/22 JBMail is a compact and portable secure e-mail
    client. The software has been designed for
    simplicity, security and "on-line mailbox
    access" meaning that mail is manipulated
    remotely and NOT stored locally. JBMail supports
    POP3, SMTP, SSL/TLS and all essential mail
    client features - but it is not "just another"
    mail client.
    82,333,260 03/30/22 Java
    Kiwi Syslog Server 8.3.52.rar
    7,727,525 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers Kiwi_Syslog_Server_9.8.1.Freeware.setup.rar
    26,247,075 03/30/22 Centralize and simplify log message management
    across network devices and servers
    1,211,062 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. lame3.100-64_0825903865.rar
    4,484,838 03/30/22 LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III
    (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL. mcomix-1.2.1.win32.all-in-one.rar
    18,962,740 03/30/22 MComix is a user-friendly, customizable image view
    It is specifically designed to handle comic books
    (both Western comics and manga) and supports a
    variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ,
    CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix is a fork of Comix.
    is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the
    PyGTK bindings.
    166,818 03/30/22 Change the port for the REmote Desktop Windows/vis MultiMail Offline Reade 052 x86-64.rar
    456,882 03/29/22 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.52 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    64-bit Windows console app. Freeware, GPL'ed.
    C++ source is available in mmsrc052.zip. MultiPar1326.rar
    2,900,921 11/13/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    files., Latest Version 2022-NOv nanozip-0.09a.win32.rar
    1,484,069 03/30/22 Experimental program that has both graphical user
    interface ( GUI) and command-line interface with
    number different compression algorithms: nz_lzpf,
    fast LZP compression. nz_lzpf_large, similar to
    nz_lzpf with a large window. nz_lzhd, a simplified
    nz_lzhds for extra speed. nz_lzhd_parallel, a fine
    granularity parallel compression ...
    146,112 03/30/22 NirCmd is a small utility that allows you to do ma
    useful tasks from command-line, without displaying
    any user interface: change your display settings,
    turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-RO
    drive, and more...
    458,085 03/30/22 .-------------------------------------------.
    | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 18 Windows 32-bit |
    | Free SDL2-based telnet client for BBSes |
    | ANSI BBS emulation, batch ZModem and |
    | Zmodem 8KB including batch uploads, |
    | scripting language, macros, multi phone |
    | books, book sorting, mTelnet and SyncTerm |
    | book inporting, 5000 line scrollback, |
    | original DOS and Amiga fonts with auto |
    | font switching. ANSI mouse driven UI |
    | designed by Grymmjack coded by g00r00! |
    `-------------------------------------------' pn-mrc129a.zip
    35,925 03/29/22 m u l t i - r e l a y - c h a t SABnzbd-3.5.3-win-setup.rar
    15,827,381 03/31/22 Restore damaged or lost files with PAR 1.0 recover
    96,396 03/31/22 TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the
    opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a
    new log line every time that a TCP connection is
    opened or closed. For every log line TriviaBotv10.2.1.rar
    7,427,743 03/31/22 What is TriviaBot. Well thats an easy answer.
    TriviaBot is an add on script for the mIRC IRC
    Client. TriviaBot allows user's to answer trivia
    questions on any irc network the bot is connected
    137,249 03/31/22 This is a Virtual Floppy Drive (VFD)
    for Windows NT platform.

    75,167 03/31/22 VHD Tool - a disk images converter for
    Virtual PC.
    120,215 03/31/22 Analyze suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs
    to detect malware and other breaches,
    automatically share them with the security
    1,486,876 03/31/22 one of the most popular server softwares for
    DC (Direct Connect). My goal when creating
    YHub was beside making a cool server

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 33 (320mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DND50A33.ZIP
    721,096 01/23/23 The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for RBBS sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code ported to
    QB64. The source is public domain 2016.
    23,072,489 07/25/22 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a3t.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules *tweaks*. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip, dnd50a2s.zip, dnd50a2u.zip,
    and dnd50a2p.zip packages in that order. FB109ARM.ZIP
    6,950,893 04/16/22 FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz for Rasberry PI FB109DOS.ZIP
    8,154,115 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for DOS.
    6,753,163 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v1.09 for Linux X64
    4,530,619 04/16/22 FreeBASIC is an open source, BASIC compiler
    with the syntax the most compatible possible
    with MS-QuickBASIC that adds new features
    such as pointers, unsigned data types,
    inline-assembly and many others. LINUX
    32bit x86
    9,809,999 04/16/22 FreeBASIC v.1.09 source code.

    229,880 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022
    230,324 01/02/23 The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    353,094 12/23/22 The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    862,669 12/01/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    864,930 12/12/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs.
    848,533 12/30/22 The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs.
    848,677 03/26/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7d
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/22/2022
    444,644 05/31/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    461,353 09/05/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    464,668 09/20/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.6a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 03/30/2022
    470,440 10/25/22 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC style programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.9a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/20/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 18 (63mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE05.ZIP
    13,424 01/30/23 FIDONEWS 30 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 05
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability FNEWTE06.ZIP
    13,052 02/05/23 FIDONEWS 06 Feb 2023 Vol 40 No 06
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL220919.ZIP
    145,825 09/20/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL220930.ZIP
    145,877 10/02/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221002.ZIP
    146,124 10/03/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221014.ZIP
    148,243 10/15/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221015.ZIP
    148,415 10/17/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221031.ZIP
    148,064 11/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221106.ZIP
    148,099 11/07/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
    BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
    are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
    and .NO (if needed) are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com. Submit all *.ECO,
    *.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
    must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. EL221130.ZIP
    148,157 12/01/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,920 12/12/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    146,970 12/31/22 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,851 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,994 01/10/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,202 01/12/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    144,248 01/14/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,868 01/27/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,861 01/28/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,822 01/30/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,813 01/31/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,884 02/03/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    143,944 02/04/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,466 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,626 02/06/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    148,709 02/07/23 This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
    Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
    It includes complete information of all mod'd
    echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP) & all .DES files in
    EDyymmdd.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    TWELVE months or sooner.
    145,280 09/19/22 Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly ELST2210.ZIP
    146,252 10/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    148,161 11/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
    if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is now included. If other nets are present,
    then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
    also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
    (c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
    2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
    2:25/21 and these must be done every twelve
    months or sooner.
    147,214 12/02/22 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    215,887 01/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner.
    143,803 02/02/23 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive for the Fidonet network.
    it includes complete information of all
    Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
    echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files in (ERULyymm.Zip) & all .DES files in
    EDESyymm.ZIP along with BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
    is included. If other nets are present, then
    files {othernet}.RPT & .NA are also present.
    FIDONet EList v5.3 is (c) 2019-2022 by
    Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
    Email: vbcoen(at)gmail.com.
    Submit all *.ECO, *.RUL & *.DES files DIRECT
    to 2:25/21 and these must be done every
    twelve months or sooner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 29 (4mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z27
    47,032 01/27/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027 NODELIST.Z34
    47,620 02/03/23 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)


    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z27
    12,567 01/26/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-27 (027) I-ARGUS.Z34
    12,741 02/02/23 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-02-03 (034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 2 (0mb)

    Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z34
    12,226 02/02/23 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip
    158,326 02/02/23
    ߰ ܰ߰
    ۰۰ܰ ۰ net
    ۰ ߲
    ۰ ۰

    fsxnet.txt -- Info & App
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist
    fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    history.txt -- History
    systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet
    fsxnet.na -- Echo list
    fsx_file.na -- File echo list

    ܱ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total files: 1 (0mb)

    Image Files (Various)

    Filename Size Date Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0206.zip
    1,749,791 02/06/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    460,703 02/07/23 NASA Astronomy Picture of the