• New files to Freq

    From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, November 01, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD44.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#44 for Oct. 31, 2022

    File: apod1031.zip (1650kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221031.zip (1650kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md221031.zip (98kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Smoldering Fires under Fresh Snow in Idaho 31
    October 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.305 (146kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z05 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, November 02, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL221031.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod1101.zip (4393kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221101.zip (4393kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221101.zip (261kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 01
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep221101.zip (261kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 01
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221101.zip (148kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Inland Niger Delta at the End of the Rainy
    Season 01 November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z06 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.306 (146kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, November 03, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1102.zip (808kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221102.zip (808kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ELST2211.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: ep221102.zip (261kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 02
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221102.zip (489kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires, Cloud Wakes, and Blooms Mark
    Springtime in Chile 02 November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221102.zip (261kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 02
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.307 (146kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z07 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, November 04, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1103.zip (3244kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221103.zip (8138kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z08 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (153kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md221103.zip (504kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Cloud Streets over Hudson Bay 03 November
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z08 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.308 (146kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, November 05, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A08 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 308

    File: NODELIST.Z08 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 308

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 4 November 2022 (day 308).
    Information about Micronet is in the nodelist. Micronet's ZC is Sean
    Dennis (618:618/1@Micronet).

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for 4 November 2022 (day 308).
    All the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS
    mail network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong! We offer IBBS
    League 618 for your gaming pleasure.

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod1104.zip (527kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221104.zip (527kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221104.zip (261kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 04
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221104.zip (178kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Lake Michigan in Bloom 04 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221104.zip (261kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 04
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, November 06, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1105.zip (2480kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221105.zip (2480kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221105.zip (261kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 05
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221105.zip (140kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Autumn Colors in the Bay of Fundy 05 November
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221105.zip (261kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 05
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, November 07, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1106.zip (382kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221106.zip (382kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: Z2DAILY.310 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z10 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: ep221106.zip (261kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 06
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221106.zip (493kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom off South America 06 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221106.zip (261kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 06
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z11 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.311 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, November 08, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD45.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#45 for Nov. 07, 2022

    File: EL221106.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ep221107.zip (261kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 07
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221107.zip (384kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in Nigeria 07 November 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221107.zip (261kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 07
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z12 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.312 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, November 09, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1108.zip (3111kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221108.zip (3111kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221108.zip (261kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 08
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221108.zip (508kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Haze over China 08 November 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221108.zip (261kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky 08
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.313 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z13 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, November 10, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1109.zip (1276kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221109.zip (1276kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221109.zip (458kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Cloud Shadow Projection over Novi
    Ligure, Italy 09 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep221109.zip (458kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Cloud Shadow Projection over Novi
    Ligure, Italy 09 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221109.zip (243kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Autumn Snow atop the Alps 09 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.314 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z14 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, November 11, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1110.zip (828kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221110.zip (828kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z15 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep221110.zip (479kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day A Year of Sunspots 10 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221110.zip (515kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Hurricane Nicole Approaching Florida 10
    November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221110.zip (479kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day A Year of Sunspots 10 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.315 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z15 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, November 12, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A15 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 315

    File: NODELIST.Z15 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 315

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for 11 November 2022 (day 315).
    All the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS
    mail network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong! We offer IBBS
    League 618 for your gaming pleasure.

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 11 November 2022 (day 315).
    Information about Micronet is in the nodelist. Micronet's ZC is Sean
    Dennis (618:618/1@Micronet).

    File: apod1111.zip (2571kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221111.zip (2571kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221111.zip (475kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Factors Determining Snowmelt in the
    Rocky Mountains 11 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep221111.zip (475kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Factors Determining Snowmelt in the
    Rocky Mountains 11 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221111.zip (454kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fog and Snow in Canadian Rockies 11 November
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z16 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.316 (151kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, November 13, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1112.zip (667kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221112.zip (667kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221112.zip (475kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Factors Determining Snowmelt in the
    Rocky Mountains 12 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221112.zip (508kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Nicole Soaks the Eastern United States 12
    November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221112.zip (475kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Factors Determining Snowmelt in the
    Rocky Mountains 12 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.317 (164kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z17 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, November 14, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1113.zip (125kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221113.zip (125kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221113.zip (475kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Factors Determining Snowmelt in the
    Rocky Mountains 13 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221113.zip (495kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in the Western United States 13 November
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221113.zip (475kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Factors Determining Snowmelt in the
    Rocky Mountains 13 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z18 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.318 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD46.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#46 for Nov. 14, 2022

    File: apod1114.zip (396kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221114.zip (396kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221114.zip (518kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day What is the Color of the Lunar Seas?
    14 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep221114.zip (518kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day What is the Color of the Lunar Seas?
    14 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221114.zip (466kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Aerosols Along the Kirthar Mountains 14
    November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z19 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.319 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1115.zip (1355kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221115.zip (1355kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221115.zip (487kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Moondog and Etna Lava Flow 15
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221115.zip (313kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom off Namib Desert 15 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221115.zip (487kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Moondog and Etna Lava Flow 15
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z20 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.320 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, November 17, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1116.zip (234kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221116.zip (234kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221116.zip (497kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Microbialites in Puna Argentina 16
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221116.zip (258kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Life-threatening Flooding along Barwon and
    Darling 16 November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221116.zip (497kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Microbialites in Puna Argentina 16
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.321 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z21 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, November 18, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1117.zip (88kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221117.zip (88kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z22 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep221117.zip (450kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Beautiful Alpine Lakes in the Sierra
    Nevada Range 17 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221117.zip (444kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Carpathians Surrounded by Fog and Cloud 17
    November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221117.zip (450kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Beautiful Alpine Lakes in the Sierra
    Nevada Range 17 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.322 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z22 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, November 19, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z22 (57kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 322

    File: NODEDIFF.A22 (22kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 322

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ap221118.zip (3942kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221118.zip (355kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25,
    2022, Observed over Athens 18 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod1118.zip (3942kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md221118.zip (509kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom in the South Atlantic 18 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221118.zip (355kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25,
    2022, Observed over Athens 18 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z23 (63kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.323 (360kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, November 20, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1119.zip (91kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221119.zip (91kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221119.zip (355kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25,
    2022, Observed over Athens 19 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221119.zip (92kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires at Neah Bay, Washington 19 November
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221119.zip (355kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25,
    2022, Observed over Athens 19 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z24 (63kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.324 (360kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, November 21, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1120.zip (166kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221120.zip (166kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221120.zip (355kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25,
    2022, Observed over Athens 20 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221120.zip (529kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust Swirling over the Mediterranean 20
    November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221120.zip (355kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25,
    2022, Observed over Athens 20 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z25 (63kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.325 (360kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD47.ZIP (14kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#47 for Nov. 21, 2022

    File: apod1121.zip (1652kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221121.zip (1652kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221121.zip (428kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Detailed Image of Dragonfly Eye 21
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221121.zip (144kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snowfall at the Grand Canyon 21 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221121.zip (428kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Detailed Image of Dragonfly Eye 21
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.326 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z26 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap221122.zip (2902kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod1122.zip (2902kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221122.zip (252kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dust Devils on a Dry Lakebed 22
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221122.zip (138kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Clear Skies over Qatar 22 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221122.zip (252kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dust Devils on a Dry Lakebed 22
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z27 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.327 (144kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, November 24, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap221123.zip (361kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod1123.zip (361kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221123.zip (496kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Saturn's Rings in 2020, 2021 and 2022
    23 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221123.zip (192kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Heavy Lake-Effect Snow in Western New York 23
    November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z28 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.328 (144kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, November 25, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep221123.zip (496kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Saturn's Rings in 2020, 2021 and 2022
    23 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod1124.zip (3615kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221124.zip (3615kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z29 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep221124.zip (512kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Below the Wasatch Range’s Storm
    Mountain 24 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221124.zip (93kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day North Carolina's Coastal Plain 24 November
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221124.zip (512kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Below the Wasatch Range’s Storm
    Mountain 24 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.329 (144kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z29 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, November 26, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z29 (57kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 329

    File: NODEDIFF.A29 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 329

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod1125.zip (2800kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221125.zip (2800kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221125.zip (471kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Glacial Striations in Victoria,
    British Columbia 25 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221125.zip (170kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust from Iran and Pakistan 25 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221125.zip (471kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Glacial Striations in Victoria,
    British Columbia 25 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z30 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.330 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, November 27, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1126.zip (397kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221126.zip (397kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221126.zip (471kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Glacial Striations in Victoria,
    British Columbia 26 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221126.zip (504kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow Across the Himalayas and Kunlun
    Mountains 26 November 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221126.zip (471kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Glacial Striations in Victoria,
    British Columbia 26 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.331 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z31 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, November 28, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1127.zip (880kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221127.zip (880kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221127.zip (471kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Glacial Striations in Victoria,
    British Columbia 27 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221127.zip (274kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust Storm in Chad 27 November 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: Z2DAILY.332 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z32 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD48.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#48 for Nov. 28, 2022

    File: ep221127.zip (471kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Glacial Striations in Victoria,
    British Columbia 27 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod1128.zip (324kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221128.zip (647kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221128.zip (280kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mamattus Observed in Stratus Cloud 28
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221128.zip (7kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Aerosols over India 28 November 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221128.zip (280kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mamattus Observed in Stratus Cloud 28
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z33 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.333 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1129.zip (915kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221129.zip (915kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221129.zip (519kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Carob Mushroom in Early Stage of
    Growth 29 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221129.zip (503kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Icebergs A76A and A69A 29 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.334 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z34 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: ep221129.zip (519kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Carob Mushroom in Early Stage of
    Growth 29 November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, December 01, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap221130.zip (5587kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod1130.zip (5587kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221130.zip (315kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day On the Wind: Plant Seed Dispersal 30
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep221130.zip (315kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day On the Wind: Plant Seed Dispersal 30
    November 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221130.zip (100kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom in the Caspian Sea 30 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z35 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.335 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, December 02, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL221130.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ap221201.zip (654kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z36 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: QBSHELL4.ZIP (842kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility.

    File: ep221201.zip (168kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mt. Baker at Sunrise 01 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod1201.zip (654kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md221201.zip (494kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Late Season Fires in Central South America 01
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z36 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.336 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, December 03, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep221201.zip (168kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mt. Baker at Sunrise 01 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: NODEDIFF.A36 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 336

    File: NODELIST.Z36 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 336

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod1202.zip (1030kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221202.zip (1030kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221202.zip (491kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Cumulus Clouds with Spikes 02
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ELST2212.ZIP (144kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: md221202.zip (79kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Mauna Loa Erupts 02 December 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: DAILYUTF.Z37 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.337 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, December 04, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep221202.zip (491kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Cumulus Clouds with Spikes 02
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod1203.zip (186kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221203.zip (186kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221203.zip (491kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Cumulus Clouds with Spikes 03
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221203.zip (489kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Sea Ice and Clouds over the Sea of Okhotsk 03
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z38 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.338 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, December 05, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep221203.zip (491kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Cumulus Clouds with Spikes 03
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ap221204.zip (36198kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221204.zip (491kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Cumulus Clouds with Spikes 04
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221204.zip (178kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow across the Midwestern United States 04
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod1204.zip (36198kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: Z2DAILY.339 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z39 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, December 06, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD49.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#49 for Dec. 05, 2022

    File: apod1205.zip (1923kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221205.zip (1923kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221205.zip (427kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Salt Pans of Torre Nubia 05 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221205.zip (236kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Burn Scars in Sudan and South Sudan 05
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221205.zip (427kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Salt Pans of Torre Nubia 05 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z40 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.340 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, December 07, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1206.zip (587kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221206.zip (587kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221206.zip (1742kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Double Cloud Shadow off the Coast of
    Croatia 06 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221206.zip (485kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust Shrouds the Taklamakan Desert 06
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221206.zip (1742kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Double Cloud Shadow off the Coast of
    Croatia 06 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z41 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.341 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, December 08, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1207.zip (470kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221207.zip (470kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221207.zip (1609kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Another Look at Lunar Pareidolia and
    the Tricks the Mind Plays 07 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221207.zip (517kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Open- and Closed-Cell Clouds off the West
    Coast of North 07 December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221207.zip (1609kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Another Look at Lunar Pareidolia and
    the Tricks the Mind Plays 07 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z42 (50kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.342 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, December 09, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap221208.zip (1100kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z43 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: apod1208.zip (1100kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221208.zip (512kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Golden Torch Cactus Flower 08
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221208.zip (255kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Cuba and the Gulf of Batabanó 08 December
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221208.zip (512kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Golden Torch Cactus Flower 08
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.343 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z43 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, December 10, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A43 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 343

    File: NODELIST.Z43 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 343

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod1209.zip (2315kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221209.zip (2315kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221209.zip (503kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood 09
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep221209.zip (503kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood 09
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221209.zip (368kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires and Smoke in Western Africa 09 December
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z44 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.344 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, December 11, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: FSXNET.Z50 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: FTA-1003.030 (4kB), Area: FTSC-OLD, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: FTSC Membership List

    File: FTA-1003.031 (4kB), Area: FTSC, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: FTSC Membership List

    File: apod1210.zip (560kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221210.zip (560kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FTA-1000.003 (3kB), Area: FTSC, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: FTSC Charter

    File: FTA-1000.002 (3kB), Area: FTSC-OLD, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: FTSC Charter

    File: ep221210.zip (503kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood 10
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep221210.zip (503kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood 10
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221210.zip (500kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Mount Etna Stands Above the Dust 10 December
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.345 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z45 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, December 12, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1211.zip (957kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221211.zip (957kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221211.zip (503kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood 11
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221211.zip (510kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in the Western United States 11 December
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z46 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.346 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: ep221211.zip (503kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood 11
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD50.ZIP (15kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#50 for Dec. 12, 2022

    File: EL221211.ZIP (143kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: QBSHELL5.ZIP (845kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility.

    File: ep221212.zip (494kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Joggins Fossil Cliffs 12 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221212.zip (389kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Mandous 12 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221212.zip (494kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Joggins Fossil Cliffs 12 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod1212.zip (650kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221212.zip (650kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z47 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.347 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1213.zip (2164kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221213.zip (2164kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221213.zip (509kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Twinned Rainbow 13 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221213.zip (218kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Ice on the Aral Sea 13 December 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: DAILYUTF.Z48 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.348 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, December 15, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep221213.zip (509kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Twinned Rainbow 13 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ap221214.zip (13935kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod1214.zip (13935kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221214.zip (505kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Evaporation Fog in Meuse Valley 14
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221214.zip (458kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Massive Winter Storm Rolls Across the United
    States 14 December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221214.zip (505kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Evaporation Fog in Meuse Valley 14
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z49 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.349 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, December 16, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1215.zip (848kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221215.zip (848kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z50 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep221215.zip (498kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Lace Lichen 15 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221215.zip (231kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in the United Kingdom and Ireland 15
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221215.zip (498kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Lace Lichen 15 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z50 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.350 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, December 17, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z50 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 350

    File: NODEDIFF.A50 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 350

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod1216.zip (2817kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221216.zip (2817kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221216.zip (493kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah 16
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221216.zip (495kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in the Southwestern United States 16
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221216.zip (493kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah 16
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z51 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.351 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, December 18, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1217.zip (2575kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221217.zip (2575kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221217.zip (493kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah 17
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep221217.zip (493kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah 17
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221217.zip (501kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone 07A 17 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.352 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z52 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, December 19, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1218.zip (667kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221218.zip (667kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221218.zip (493kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah 18
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221218.zip (64kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Richat Structure 18 December 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221218.zip (493kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah 18
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z53 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.353 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD51.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#51 for Dec. 19, 2022

    File: apod1219.zip (685kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221219.zip (685kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: Z2DAILY.353 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z53 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: ep221219.zip (477kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day La Palma Pillar 19 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221219.zip (157kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day North Caspian Ice-up 19 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221219.zip (477kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day La Palma Pillar 19 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.354 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z54 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1220.zip (316kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221220.zip (316kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221220.zip (418kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Lunar Green Flash Sequence 20
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221220.zip (516kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom around Falkland Islands 20 December
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221220.zip (418kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Lunar Green Flash Sequence 20
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z55 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.355 (143kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, December 22, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: fire-35.zip (185kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: ° Þ Þ FIRE! Þ ° Þ þ Ü ÜÛ
    ÜÛÛÛßÝ ÛÝ ßÛ ß ßßÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÝ ÞÛÝßÛÝ ß Ü þ Ý °
    ÛÛßÜÜÛßßß ÛÛ ÜÜß ° ÞÜÛÛÛ² ÜÜÛßÜÜß° ÞÛÛß ßÛ ° ßÛß ° Þ ÛÛÛ²ß
    ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßß fire warning : combustable package
    12/22 like a phoenix from the ashes

    File: blndr2022d.zip (28kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: cowboy / duelling / an abandoned metaverse ÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÜ ßßßÛÛÜÜ
    °ßÛÛÜÜ ± ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ---------------------------- blender czwarty
    blender roku 2022 ----------------------------

    File: hpm-002.zip (1451kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: __ __________________ __________ ________/ ³ / Û
    _Û ___ÛÛÛßßÛÝÛÛ ÛÛÛßßÛÛ/ ÛÛ/ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ/ / ²²² ÛÛÛ²²² Û ³
    ____ ÛÛÛ Û ³/ /³ Arl _________Û ÛÛÛ Ûßß Û/ ÛßßÛ ßÛÛÛÛÛ
    HERMANAS DEL PERRO MAGNETICO # del Monkey" °°° ÄÄÄ Monkey
    Island specia

    File: mist1022.zip (15835kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: []========================================[] ||
    . || || ._.-. __.-. || || .'
    ) ___ .' ) || || ( `-..a###b. ( `-.
    || || .-.` )#####!-.` ) || ||. (
    `-!##( `-. || ||' `--------------' `--------------' ||
    || . . . || ||7' ,.-' .
    . ,. ( `i|| || `:/:_ `-. ) . _ .,l`-!L || || _J\
    \V -`-._ \ :\\(|| ||L_,\L_.',// , /\ /\
    7.l_:l |||| ||/ //_.-=(_ ) : `.-'''-.' : (' `-:`-',l|| ||`-'_.-~'
    `-' / ' ' : ` ` \ :`.-'`-.`\|| ||.-'_..-' . : ._ ` ' _. : !
    : \ || || ==-'`-. / `-`, .'-' \ . i|| ||! ., : /
    :( ): \ ._l ||| || ) l_, . / !( Y )! \ . : ' \
    || ||!.-'-.- / : `V=V' : \ . i|| ||i . : .'.---. :
    : .---.`. ._||| ||| : . /.`)))) : (((('.\ : ' |||

    File: apod1221.zip (212kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221221.zip (212kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221221.zip (486kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Southern England Solargraph: Solstice
    to Solstice 21 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep221221.zip (486kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Southern England Solargraph: Solstice
    to Solstice 21 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221221.zip (130kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Clouds against the Mountains of Taiwan 21
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z56 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.356 (146kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, December 23, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FSXNET.Z57 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ap221222.zip (3750kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221222.zip (501kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Colorful Clouds Observed at Sunset 22
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod1222.zip (3750kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md221222.zip (77kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day The Weakening Pulse of Tonle Sap 22 December
    2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221222.zip (501kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Colorful Clouds Observed at Sunset 22
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z57 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.357 (148kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, December 24, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z57 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 357

    File: NODEDIFF.A57 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 357

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod1223.zip (42kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221223.zip (42kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8R8.ZIP (224kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.

    File: HEXXIT81.ZIP (345kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows

    File: ep221223.zip (484kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Halo Display Observed from
    Graubunden, Switzerland 23 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221223.zip (368kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fog in the Central Valley 23 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.358 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z58 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, December 25, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep221223.zip (484kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Halo Display Observed from
    Graubunden, Switzerland 23 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod1224.zip (11234kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221224.zip (11234kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FTS-4010.001 (5kB), Area: FTSC, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: PING and TRACE Flags

    File: FSP-1043.001 (5kB), Area: FTSC-OLD, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: PING and TRACE Flags

    File: FRL-1040.001 (6kB), Area: FTSC, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: PING and TRACE Flags

    File: ep221224.zip (484kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Halo Display Observed from
    Graubunden, Switzerland 24 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221224.zip (277kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Manicouagan Reservoir 24 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221224.zip (484kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Halo Display Observed from
    Graubunden, Switzerland 24 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z59 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.359 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, December 26, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1225.zip (2644kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221225.zip (2644kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: Z2DAILY.359 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: ep221225.zip (293kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Fernlike Snow Crystal 25 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep221225.zip (293kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Fernlike Snow Crystal 25 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221225.zip (465kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Killer Winter Storm Rolls Across North
    America 25 December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z60 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.360 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTD52.ZIP (15kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#39, Issue#52 for Dec. 26, 2022

    File: apod1226.zip (648kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221226.zip (648kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221226.zip (2187kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Lunar Occultation of Uranus 26
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221226.zip (108kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Southeastern Australia 26 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221226.zip (2187kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Lunar Occultation of Uranus 26
    December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z61 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.361 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1227.zip (1491kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221227.zip (1491kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221227.zip (489kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Patterns in the Dieffenbachia Plant
    27 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221227.zip (55kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Smoke and Fire near Santiago, Chile 27
    December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221227.zip (489kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Patterns in the Dieffenbachia Plant
    27 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.362 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z62 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, December 29, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod1228.zip (160kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221228.zip (160kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221228.zip (509kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day The Snake River’s Formidable Hells
    Canyon 28 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221228.zip (498kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Darien in the Indian Ocean
    28 December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221228.zip (509kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day The Snake River’s Formidable Hells
    Canyon 28 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, December 30, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: Z2DAILY.363 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z63 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: apod1229.zip (2876kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221229.zip (2876kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z64 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep221229.zip (483kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dalene Matthee Big Tree 29 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md221229.zip (234kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Christmas Snow in the Midwestern United
    States 29 December 2022 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep221229.zip (483kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dalene Matthee Big Tree 29 December
    2022 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.364 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z64 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, December 31, 2022 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A64 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 364

    File: NODELIST.Z64 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 364

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ap221230.zip (9817kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: QBSHELL6.ZIP (829kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility.

    File: apod1230.zip (9817kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep221230.zip (458kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crepuscular Rays Observed from
    Italian Alps 30 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221230.zip (200kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Lake Turkana 30 December 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep221230.zip (458kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crepuscular Rays Observed from
    Italian Alps 30 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.365 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z65 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, January 01, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep221231.zip (458kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crepuscular Rays Observed from
    Italian Alps 31 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep221231.zip (458kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crepuscular Rays Observed from
    Italian Alps 31 December 2022 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md221231.zip (252kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in South Korea 31 December 2022 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: DAILYUTF.Z01 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.001 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, January 02, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL221231.ZIP (144kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod1231.zip (998kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap221231.zip (998kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0101.zip (253kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230101.zip (253kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8R9.ZIP (225kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.

    File: ep230101.zip (458kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crepuscular Rays Observed from
    Italian Alps 01 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep230101.zip (458kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Crepuscular Rays Observed from
    Italian Alps 01 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230101.zip (208kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Icebergs, D30, D28, D29B, 01 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z02 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.002 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, January 03, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE01.ZIP (16kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#01 for Jan. 02, 2023

    File: apod0102.zip (201kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230102.zip (201kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ELST2301.ZIP (211kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: ep230102.zip (487kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Radial Stress Fracture 02 January
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230102.zip (163kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fog in the Mountains of the Balkan Peninsula
    02 January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230102.zip (487kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Radial Stress Fracture 02 January
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.003 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z03 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, January 04, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: fire-2023-ansi-calendar.zip (311kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    ÜÜÜÛÛÛÝÛÛÛ ÜÜÛÜßß²°ßÜÜ Ü ÛÛÛÛ² ßÛ°²ßÛ°²ÛÛ ß °²ÛÝÛÛÛÛ²°ÛÛßßßß ²²Û
    Ý ÛÛÛ²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝÜßßßß ÛÛÛ±±²²Ûßßßß ß ° ²²²°°ßß ÜÜ
    ² °° ÜÜ ßß ±°ÜÜ ßß F I R E 2 0 2 3 ²²ßß A
    N S I C A L E N D A R

    File: ap230103.zip (4217kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230103.zip (513kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Eyebrow Clouds 03 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod0103.zip (4217kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230103.zip (513kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Eyebrow Clouds 03 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230103.zip (212kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand 03
    January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.004 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z04 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, January 05, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0104.zip (4025kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230104.zip (4025kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230104.zip (497kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mars, Auriga and Taurus 04 January
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230104.zip (474kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Haze over China 04 January 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: DAILYUTF.Z05 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.005 (145kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, January 06, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: laz16.zip (218kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²ßÛß²ßÛß²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ
    ÛÛÛÛÛÛß ±± Ü ±±±±

    File: ep230104.zip (497kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mars, Auriga and Taurus 04 January
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod0105.zip (3451kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230105.zip (3451kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z06 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (155kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230105.zip (509kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Web of the Orb Weaver Spider 05
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230105.zip (509kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Web of the Orb Weaver Spider 05
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230105.zip (60kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in California 05 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.006 (146kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z06 (51kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, January 07, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A06 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 006

    File: NODELIST.Z06 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 006

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0106.zip (2331kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230106.zip (2331kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230106.zip (240kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone 06
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230106.zip (491kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust near Lake Chad 06 January 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230106.zip (240kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone 06
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.007 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z07 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, January 08, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0107.zip (2741kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230107.zip (2741kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 6 January 2023 (day

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 6 January 2023 (day

    File: ep230107.zip (240kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone 07
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230107.zip (491kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Aerosols over India 07 January 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: DAILYUTF.Z08 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.008 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, January 09, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep230107.zip (240kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone 07
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod0108.zip (508kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230108.zip (508kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230108.zip (240kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone 08
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230108.zip (463kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in the Midwestern United States 08
    January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230108.zip (240kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone 08
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.009 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z09 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE02.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#02 for Jan. 09, 2023

    File: apod0109.zip (1164kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230109.zip (1164kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230109.zip (504kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Subterranean Cathedral of Salt in
    Sicily 09 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230109.zip (116kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding along the the Murray River, South
    Australia 09 January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230109.zip (504kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Subterranean Cathedral of Salt in
    Sicily 09 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.010 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z10 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0110.zip (1878kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230110.zip (1878kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: EL230109.ZIP (141kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ep230110.zip (489kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Milky Way and Summer Triangle 10
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230110.zip (192kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in Northwest Australia 10 January
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230110.zip (489kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Milky Way and Summer Triangle 10
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z11 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.011 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, January 12, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230110.ZIP (142kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod0111.zip (631kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230111.zip (631kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230111.zip (456kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Total Lunar Eclipse and over Quebec
    City 11 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service
    of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230111.zip (109kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Hawaii 11 January 2023 Moderate Resolution
    Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230111.zip (456kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Total Lunar Eclipse and over Quebec
    City 11 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service
    of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z12 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.012 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, January 13, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230112.zip (1809kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0112.zip (1809kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: EL230111.ZIP (141kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: FSXNET.Z13 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230112.zip (490kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Bird's Nest Ferns in Singapore 12
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230112.zip (490kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Bird's Nest Ferns in Singapore 12
    January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230112.zip (360kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snowfall in the Alps 12 January 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: DAILYUTF.Z13 (52kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.013 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: ACD-PG20.ZIP (49070kB), Area: FSX_MUTL, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC] Mystic Paging Module.
    (Jan/2023) by n3! - Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts - Themes
    (Included ICECHAT and more!) - Emergency Chat Override - Blacklister -
    Sysop Availability Status - Home Automation URL Support ܲÜ
    ßß°ßßßß ßßßßßßßßß ßßßßß°ß °ßßßßß ;;:;;;;;;;bBS^mODIFICATION^dIVISION;;
    ;;;;;;;; ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, January 14, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z13 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 013

    File: NODEDIFF.A13 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 013

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0113.zip (4853kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230113.zip (4853kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230113.zip (528kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Storms Continue to Batter the West Coast of
    the United 13 January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: Z2DAILY.014 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, January 15, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230113.ZIP (141kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod0114.zip (1136kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230114.zip (1136kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230114.zip (489kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in New England and Canada 14 January
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.015 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, January 16, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0115.zip (6324kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230115.zip (6324kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230115.zip (512kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Massive Dust Event in Afghanistan and
    Pakistan 15 January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE03.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#03 for Jan. 16, 2023

    File: ap230116.zip (3520kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230116.zip (500kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Atacama Lagoon and Sagittarius Arm of
    the Milky Way 16 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod0116.zip (3520kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230116.zip (500kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Atacama Lagoon and Sagittarius Arm of
    the Milky Way 16 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230116.zip (463kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Japan 16 January 2023 Moderate Resolution
    Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230117.zip (2641kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0117.zip (2641kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: Z2DAILY.017 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.016 (147kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: ep230117.zip (149kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day White Underwing Moth 17 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230117.zip (112kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day South Florida 17 January 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230117.zip (149kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day White Underwing Moth 17 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z17 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.018 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z18 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, January 19, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0118.zip (281kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230118.zip (281kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230118.zip (476kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mushroom Rock State Park 18 January
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230118.zip (199kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Mexico's Sinaloan Coastal Plain 18 January
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230118.zip (476kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mushroom Rock State Park 18 January
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, January 20, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: Z2DAILY.019 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z19 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: apod0119.zip (588kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230119.zip (588kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z20 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230119.zip (483kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Different Ice Patterns Inside a
    Hailstone 19 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230119.zip (178kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in California's Sacramento Valley 19
    January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230119.zip (483kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Different Ice Patterns Inside a
    Hailstone 19 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.020 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z20 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, January 21, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z20 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 020

    File: NODEDIFF.A20 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 020

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ap230120.zip (2296kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230120.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day 3-D View of DNA 20 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod0120.zip (2296kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230120.zip (297kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Irene 20 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230120.zip (154kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day 3-D View of DNA 20 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.021 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z21 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, January 22, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0121.zip (2417kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230121.zip (2417kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230121.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day 3-D View of DNA 21 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230121.zip (154kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day 3-D View of DNA 21 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230121.zip (480kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Storm Cheneso 21 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z22 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.022 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, January 23, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0122.zip (1886kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230122.zip (1886kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230122.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day 3-D View of DNA 22 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230122.zip (514kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in the Western United States 22 January
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230122.zip (154kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day 3-D View of DNA 22 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z23 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.023 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE04.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#04 for Jan. 23, 2023

    File: apod0123.zip (475kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230123.zip (475kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: DND50A33.ZIP (704kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Dnd Door version 5.0

    File: ep230123.zip (491kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day The Fisherman and the Full Omega Moon
    23 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 20 January 2023 (day

    File: md230123.zip (207kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Southern Patagonia Ice Field 23 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 20 January 2023 (day

    File: ep230123.zip (491kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day The Fisherman and the Full Omega Moon
    23 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z24 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.024 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0124.zip (104kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230124.zip (104kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230124.zip (441kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Splendid Sundog over Montreal, Canada
    24 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230124.zip (499kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom of Iberian Peninsula 24 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230124.zip (441kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Splendid Sundog over Montreal, Canada
    24 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z25 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.025 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, January 26, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0125.zip (1265kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230125.zip (1265kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230125.zip (503kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Pearl Necklace or Frozen Spiderweb?
    25 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230125.zip (311kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Gorgeous Green along the Nile River 25
    January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230125.zip (503kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Pearl Necklace or Frozen Spiderweb?
    25 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z26 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.026 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, January 27, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230126.zip (6632kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z27 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (154kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230126.zip (197kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Volcanoes of the Northern Oregon
    Cascade Range 26 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod0126.zip (6632kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230126.zip (495kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Cheneso Intensifies in the
    Mozambique 26 January 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230126.zip (197kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Volcanoes of the Northern Oregon
    Cascade Range 26 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: DAILYUTF.Z27 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.027 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, January 28, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A27 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 027

    File: NODELIST.Z27 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 027

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0127.zip (2316kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230127.zip (2316kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 27 January 2023 (day

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 27 January 2023 (day

    File: ep230127.zip (518kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Winter’s Black and White — and
    Gray — World 27 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230127.zip (340kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in the Taklimakan Desert 27 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230127.zip (518kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Winter’s Black and White — and
    Gray — World 27 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: Z2DAILY.027 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z27 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z28 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.028 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, January 29, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230127.ZIP (140kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod0128.zip (1037kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230128.zip (1037kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230128.zip (518kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Winter’s Black and White — and
    Gray — World 28 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep230128.zip (518kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Winter’s Black and White — and
    Gray — World 28 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230128.zip (500kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow on the Korean Peninsula 28 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z29 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.029 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, January 30, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230128.ZIP (140kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ap230129.zip (3677kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230129.zip (518kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Winter’s Black and White — and
    Gray — World 29 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod0129.zip (3677kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230129.zip (417kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day First Snow in Morocco 29 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z30 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.030 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep230129.zip (518kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Winter’s Black and White — and
    Gray — World 29 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: EL230129.ZIP (140kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ap230130.zip (3590kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0130.zip (3590kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FNEWTE05.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#05 for Jan. 30, 2023

    File: ep230130.zip (441kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Anti-twilight Colors and Belt of
    Venus 30 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service
    of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep230130.zip (441kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Anti-twilight Colors and Belt of
    Venus 30 January 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service
    of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230130.zip (7kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow Across the United States 30 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z31 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.031 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, February 01, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0131.zip (2953kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230131.zip (2953kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230131.zip (495kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Pincushion Cactus 31 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230131.zip (192kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in Madagascar 31 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230131.zip (495kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Pincushion Cactus 31 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.032 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z32 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, February 02, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230131.ZIP (140kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod0201.zip (238kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230201.zip (238kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230201.zip (19kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Backyard Viewing of Saturn and Uranus
    01 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230201.zip (136kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day The Meta River 01 February 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230201.zip (19kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Backyard Viewing of Saturn and Uranus
    01 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, February 03, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ELST2302.ZIP (140kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: apod0202.zip (3466kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z33 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.033 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: ap230202.zip (3466kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z34 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (155kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230202.zip (478kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Biofouling 02 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230202.zip (506kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Ice Storm Hits the Mid-South United States 02
    February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230202.zip (478kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Biofouling 02 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z34 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.034 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, February 04, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A34 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 034

    File: NODELIST.Z34 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 034

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 3 February 2023 (day

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 3 February 2023 (day

    File: EL230202.ZIP (141kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ap230203.zip (2385kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0203.zip (2385kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230203.zip (487kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wallaman Falls, Australia 03 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230203.zip (143kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Winter in the Maritimes 03 February 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230203.zip (487kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wallaman Falls, Australia 03 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z35 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.035 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, February 05, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230203.ZIP (141kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ap230204.zip (1569kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0204.zip (1569kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230204.zip (487kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wallaman Falls, Australia 04 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230204.zip (466kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Polar Cold Front Chills Southern Australia 04
    February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: Z2DAILY.036 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z36 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, February 06, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230204.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ep230204.zip (487kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wallaman Falls, Australia 04 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: apod0205.zip (160kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230205.zip (160kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230205.zip (487kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wallaman Falls, Australia 05 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230205.zip (90kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Persian Gulf 05 February 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230205.zip (487kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Wallaman Falls, Australia 05 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.037 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z37 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: FNEWTE06.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#06 for Feb. 06, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, February 07, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230205.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod0206.zip (1709kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230206.zip (1709kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230206.zip (428kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Six Years of Full Moons 06 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230206.zip (142kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow Surrounds the Great Salt Lake 06
    February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230206.zip (428kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Six Years of Full Moons 06 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z38 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.038 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, February 08, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0207.zip (450kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230207.zip (450kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: EL230206.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ep230207.zip (485kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day La Scala dei Turchi 07 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230207.zip (434kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Massive and Deadly Wildfire Outbreak in Chile
    07 February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230207.zip (485kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day La Scala dei Turchi 07 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.039 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z39 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, February 09, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0208.zip (3021kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230208.zip (3021kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: EL230207.ZIP (145kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: ep230208.zip (483kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Blooming Hibiscus 08 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230208.zip (66kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Alashan Plateau 08 February 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230208.zip (483kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Blooming Hibiscus 08 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: Z2DAILY.040 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z40 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, February 10, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: EL230208.ZIP (146kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: apod0209.zip (7603kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230209.zip (7603kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z41 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (155kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230209.zip (488kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day ISS Transit of the Sun Observed from
    Sardinia, Italy 09 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep230209.zip (488kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day ISS Transit of the Sun Observed from
    Sardinia, Italy 09 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230209.zip (496kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Freddy off of Western
    Australia 09 February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: Z2DAILY.041 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z41 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, February 11, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z41 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 041

    File: NODEDIFF.A41 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 041

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ap230210.zip (3428kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 10 February 2023
    (day 041).

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 10 February 2023
    (day 041).

    File: ep230210.zip (496kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Gegenschein Observed from La Silla,
    Chile 10 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod0210.zip (3428kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230210.zip (496kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Gegenschein Observed from La Silla,
    Chile 10 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230210.zip (498kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Clear Skies over Europe 10 February 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: DAILYUTF.Z42 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.042 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, February 12, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: HEXED8RA.ZIP (225kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a rA.0a.

    File: apod0211.zip (12324kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230211.zip (13264kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230211.zip (496kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Gegenschein Observed from La Silla,
    Chile 11 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep230211.zip (496kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Gegenschein Observed from La Silla,
    Chile 11 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230211.zip (498kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Severe Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle 11 February
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, February 13, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0212.zip (421kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230212.zip (421kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230212.zip (83kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Blooms, Sediment, and Contrails over the
    Persian Gulf 12 February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: FNEWTE07.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#07 for Feb. 13, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0213.zip (3288kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230213.zip (3288kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230213.zip (506kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Bay Bolete Mushroom 13 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230213.zip (98kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Burn Scars in Chile 13 February 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230213.zip (506kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Bay Bolete Mushroom 13 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0214.zip (937kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230214.zip (937kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230214.zip (506kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Grotta di Serracozzo Lava Tube 14
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230214.zip (506kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Grotta di Serracozzo Lava Tube 14
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230214.zip (137kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires in South Sudan and Ethiopia 14 February
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, February 16, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ep230215.zip (250kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Honey Locust Tree 15 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230215.zip (298kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Sediment and Phytoplankton in the Gulf of
    Mexico 15 February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0215.zip (772kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230215.zip (772kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230215.zip (250kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Honey Locust Tree 15 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, February 17, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0216.zip (2996kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230216.zip (2996kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z48 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (155kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230216.zip (488kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Canis Minor 16 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230216.zip (492kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Swath of Snow South of the Black Sea 16
    February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230216.zip (488kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Canis Minor 16 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, February 19, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A48 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 048

    File: NODELIST.Z48 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 048

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 17 February 2023
    (day 048).

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 17 February 2023
    (day 048).

    File: apod0217.zip (1670kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230217.zip (1670kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230217.zip (498kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Brocken Spectre and Glory Observed
    from Viterbo Airport, Italy 17 February 2023 Magic Name:
    EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: ep230217.zip (498kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Brocken Spectre and Glory Observed
    from Viterbo Airport, Italy 17 February 2023 Magic Name:
    EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230217.zip (494kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Colors of the Coast of Florida 17 February
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0218.zip (3422kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230218.zip (3422kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: SICK64E1.ZIP (461kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the

    File: ep230218.zip (498kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Brocken Spectre and Glory Observed
    from Viterbo Airport, Italy 18 February 2023 Magic Name:
    EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230218.zip (492kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Powerful Tropical Cyclone Freddy crossing the
    Indian 18 February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230218.zip (498kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Brocken Spectre and Glory Observed
    from Viterbo Airport, Italy 18 February 2023 Magic Name:
    EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, February 20, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0219.zip (2372kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230219.zip (2372kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230219.zip (498kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Brocken Spectre and Glory Observed
    from Viterbo Airport, Italy 19 February 2023 Magic Name:
    EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230219.zip (490kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Low Ice Cover on the Great Lakes 19 February
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230219.zip (498kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Brocken Spectre and Glory Observed
    from Viterbo Airport, Italy 19 February 2023 Magic Name:
    EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE08.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#08 for Feb. 20, 2023

    File: apod0220.zip (1536kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230220.zip (1536kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230220.zip (310kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day High Tatras Halo Display 20 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230220.zip (107kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Gulf of Khambhat 20 February 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230220.zip (310kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day High Tatras Halo Display 20 February
    2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities
    Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0221.zip (1018kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230221.zip (1018kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230221.zip (501kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Light Rings Illusion 21 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230221.zip (526kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Aerosols over India and Bangladesh 21
    February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230221.zip (501kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Light Rings Illusion 21 February 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, February 23, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0222.zip (1279kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230222.zip (1279kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230222.zip (210kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Spiral Pattern on an Icy Puddle 22
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230222.zip (495kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Freddy Slams Madagascar 22
    February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230222.zip (210kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Spiral Pattern on an Icy Puddle 22
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, February 24, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0223.zip (2316kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230223.zip (2316kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z55 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (155kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230223.zip (464kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Occultation of Mars by the Moon 23
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230223.zip (464kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Occultation of Mars by the Moon 23
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230223.zip (150kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Sicily 23 February 2023 Moderate Resolution
    Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, February 25, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0224.zip (3026kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230224.zip (3026kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: NODEDIFF.A55 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 055

    File: NODELIST.Z55 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 055

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ep230224.zip (458kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dance Hall Rock and Tafoni 24
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230224.zip (458kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dance Hall Rock and Tafoni 24
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230224.zip (108kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Burn Scars in Iberá National Park, Argentina
    24 February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, February 26, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0225.zip (1414kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230225.zip (1414kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230225.zip (458kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dance Hall Rock and Tafoni 25
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230225.zip (458kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dance Hall Rock and Tafoni 25
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230225.zip (237kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Freddy Strikes Mozambique 25 February 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, February 27, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0226.zip (124kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230226.zip (124kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230226.zip (458kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dance Hall Rock and Tafoni 26
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: ep230226.zip (458kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Dance Hall Rock and Tafoni 26
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230226.zip (312kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Saharan Dust over the Atlantic 26 February
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE09.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#09 for Feb. 27, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0227.zip (339kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230227.zip (339kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230227.zip (188kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Northeastern Nevada’s Pilot Peak 27
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230227.zip (301kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Iceberg B22A adrift in Antarctica 27 February
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230227.zip (188kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Northeastern Nevada’s Pilot Peak 27
    February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, March 01, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0228.zip (1233kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230228.zip (1233kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230228.zip (152kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mutualism Between Flowers and
    Honeybees 28 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230228.zip (480kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Judy approaching Vanuatu 28
    February 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230228.zip (152kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Mutualism Between Flowers and
    Honeybees 28 February 2023 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, March 02, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230301.zip (12167kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230301.zip (507kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Sun Pillar Observed at Sunrise and
    Sunset from Sugarcreek, Ohio 01 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: apod0301.zip (12167kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230301.zip (507kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Sun Pillar Observed at Sunrise and
    Sunset from Sugarcreek, Ohio 01 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230301.zip (99kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow in San Diego County 01 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, March 03, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0302.zip (2507kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230302.zip (2507kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ELST2303.ZIP (143kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: FSXNET.Z62 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: ep230302.zip (502kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Kings Canyon, Australia 02 March 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230302.zip (333kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fire and Smoke in Southeast Asia 02 March
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230302.zip (502kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Kings Canyon, Australia 02 March 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, March 04, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A62 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 062

    File: NODELIST.Z62 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 062

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0303.zip (4kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0303.zip (2798kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230303.zip (2798kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230303.zip (455kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Supercell Thunderstorm and Hailstorm
    in Sampacho, Argentina 03 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230303.zip (179kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Talampaya National Park and Ischigualasto
    Provincial Park 03 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: ep230303.zip (455kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Supercell Thunderstorm and Hailstorm
    in Sampacho, Argentina 03 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, March 05, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0304.zip (5874kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230304.zip (5874kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230304.zip (455kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Supercell Thunderstorm and Hailstorm
    in Sampacho, Argentina 04 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230304.zip (444kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Kevin Batters Beleaguered
    Vanuatu 04 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230304.zip (455kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Supercell Thunderstorm and Hailstorm
    in Sampacho, Argentina 04 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: SICK64E2.ZIP (464kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Symbolic Instruction Code Kit v64.0a r6.1a PD 2023.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, March 06, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0305.zip (168kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230305.zip (168kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230305.zip (482kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Supercell Thunderstorm and Hailstorm
    in Sampacho, Argentina 05 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: md230305.zip (205kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Early Bloom in the North Sea 05 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230305.zip (482kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Supercell Thunderstorm and Hailstorm
    in Sampacho, Argentina 05 March 2023 Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of Universities Space Research Association

    File: FNEWTE10.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#10 for Mar. 06, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, March 07, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0306.zip (76kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230306.zip (76kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ep230306.zip (502kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:1/186
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Giant Bialy 06 March 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    File: md230306.zip (270kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust in Texas and Mexico 06 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: ep230306.zip (502kB), Area: EPOD, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: Earth Science Picture of the Day Giant Bialy 06 March 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space Research
    Association (https//epod.usra.edu)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, March 08, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0307.zip (149kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230307.zip (149kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230307.zip (365kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust plumes off Eritrea 07 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, March 09, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0308.zip (1758kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230308.zip (1758kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: QBSHELL7.ZIP (829kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility v.0001 Release r.001

    File: md230308.zip (496kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Record-breaking Tropical Cyclone Freddy turns
    back to 08 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, March 10, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0309.zip (2050kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230309.zip (2050kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z69 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230309.zip (100kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires in the Southeastern United States 09
    March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, March 11, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A69 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 069

    File: NODELIST.Z69 (47kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 069

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0310.zip (2781kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230310.zip (2781kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230310.zip (255kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Prince William Sound, Alaska 10 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, March 12, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: tw-roth.zip (569kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜ Ü ÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü Ü Ü ÜÜ Üþþ Ê ÈÜß Èܼ È ¼ È
    ÈÖ·¼ Èܼ ÈÜ ß ß ß ß ß ßß ßßß ßß ß ß ß ß ßß ú
    ÜÜ ÜÜ ú ÜþúþßßßßßÜÜÜÜÜþ ßÛßú
    ÜÜþßß ÜÜÜ²Þ ßßÜþÛ ÜþÛÜÜ ú ²ß ÞÛÛßÛþ ±°ßþÛ²ßÛ ÜÜ ß
    ß ÛÜÜÜÜÜßßßÛÛÛßÜÜܲ° ßßþ ú ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ßß ßßßþ ú
    ú ßÛß²ÛÜßÛÜ ÜÜ ÞÞÛÛÛ ßßÛÜ ú
    ÜþßÝÞÛÛÛܲ±ßß ú ßÛÜ ú ÜþÜß ÜÛÛÛ ßßßÛÛÛÛÛÝÝ ßßÜ ßßßß
    ß ßßß ß ßßßßßß ßßßßþ ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜ Ü Ü ÜÜ
    Ü Ü ÄÍÛßÛÍÛÍÛÜÍÛßÜÍÛßÛÍÛßÜÍÛÜÜÍÛßÛÍßÛßÍÄ ù a nitron/warpus
    production ù

    File: blndr2023a.zip (37kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: hippies / feeding frenzy / alien invasion ÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÜ ßßßÛÛÜÜ
    °ßÛÛÜÜ ± ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ---------------------------- blender
    pierwszy blender roku 2023 ----------------------------

    File: impure84.zip (49kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: iMPURE! .::::. .::::. fEB^2023 ¯¯¯¯¬
    .::::::::.::aNSt::. ¯¯¯¯¯¬ :/\::::/\:::::::::/\
    /\_)::/ (¯¯¯¯\::/ (¯¯\ . »»»====) )=====) ) /====)__/=|>
    \_/·::\_/\_/\_/::\_/ · ·:::::::::·
    ·:::::· oUR 84th pACK oF ·;· sWEET tEXTmØDE lUV

    File: nhg_cag023.zip (21kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: N ú H ú G Cyber-Amish Guide ANSi Pack
    Feb 2023 °° °° °° ° °
    ° ° °°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°° ° °
    ° °° °° ° ° ° °°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°
    ° ° ° ° °° °° °°
    N i G h T m a R e H i J a C k G u i L

    File: fire-36.zip (198kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: ßÜÜ ÞÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÛÛ
    ßÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÝ ß ° ÞÛÛÝ ° °°²ÝÞ²² Þ²²°°° °°
    ÜßÛÝ °° ܲßÜ ß ßþ ±±Ü²²Üß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²²ß
    ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß fire warning : combustable
    package 03/23

    File: ni-2mad.zip (44kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: °°°°ÜÛÛÛ²±²ÛÛÛÛ²°°±²Û²±°±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±²ÛÛÜ°°°°
    °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²²²²Þ°±Ý²²²²°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±±²°²°°±°
    °±°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°NiTR餰PACK°ý°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
    °°°°°±±±±±±±°°°°±±ASSURED±±±±±°°±±±±±±°°°°° °°°
    °Ý²ÛþÛÛ.Þ±²ÛÛ..ÝÛÛ..ÝÛÛ.ÛúÛÛÛÛÛÚWelcome to¿

    File: apod0311.zip (578kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230311.zip (578kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230311.zip (505kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust in Mongolia and China 11 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, March 13, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0312.zip (140kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230312.zip (140kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: SICK64E3.ZIP (466kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Kit v64.0a r6.2a

    File: md230312.zip (190kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day San Bernadino Snowfall 12 March 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: FNEWTE11.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#11 for Mar. 13, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0313.zip (1533kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230313.zip (1533kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 24 February 2023
    (day 055).

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 24 February 2023
    (day 055).

    File: md230313.zip (486kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Cloud Streets and Sea Ice off Eastern
    Greenland 13 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0314.zip (1491kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230314.zip (1491kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230314.zip (57kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Freddy fills up Lake Ihotry 14 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, March 16, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0315.zip (1952kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230315.zip (1952kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230315.zip (499kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Iceberg A76A making its way north 15 March
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, March 17, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230316.zip (8931kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z76 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230316.zip (498kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Nor'easter Strikes Northeastern United States
    16 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0316.zip (8931kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, March 18, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z76 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 076

    File: NODEDIFF.A76 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 076

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 17 March 2023 (day

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 17 March 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0317.zip (175kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230317.zip (175kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230317.zip (175kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooded Lake Tarabool, Northern Territory,
    Australia 17 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, March 19, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0318.zip (5246kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230318.zip (5246kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: SICK64E4.ZIP (466kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Symbolic Instruction Code Kit v64.0a r6.

    File: md230318.zip (305kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow from Nor'easter across New England 18
    March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, March 20, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0319.zip (554kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230319.zip (554kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230319.zip (238kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Sediment in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary and
    Atlantic Ocean 19 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: FNEWTE12.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#12 for Mar. 20, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0320.zip (396kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230320.zip (396kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230320.zip (110kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in Mozambique 20 March 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0321.zip (4kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0321.zip (2201kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230321.zip (2201kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8RB.ZIP (226kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a rB.0a.

    File: md230321.zip (457kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Another Atmospheric River approaches
    California 21 March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, March 23, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0322.zip (1283kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230322.zip (1283kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230322.zip (119kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Water receedes on the Darling River 22 March
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, March 24, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FSXNET.Z83 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230323.zip (501kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust Storm in Northern China 23 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0323.zip (2672kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230323.zip (2672kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, March 25, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z83 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 083

    File: NODEDIFF.A83 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 083

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 24 March 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 24 March 2023 (day

    File: apod0324.zip (1286kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230324.zip (1286kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230324.zip (44kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires in the Philippines 24 March 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, March 26, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: QBSHELL8.ZIP (838kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: QB64shell v.0001 r.001 for Windows release 02/20/2023.

    File: ap230325.zip (8597kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230325.zip (320kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires and Smoke in Southeast Asia 25 March
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, March 27, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0325.zip (8597kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230326.zip (497kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Cloud Streets over the Labrador Sea 26 March
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE13.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#13 for Mar. 27, 2023

    File: FTA-1003.032 (4kB), Area: FTSC, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: FTSC Membership List as of 2023-03-27

    File: FTA-1003.031 (4kB), Area: FTSC-OLD, Origin: 1:320/219
    Desc: FTSC Membership List as of 2022-12-10

    File: apod0327.zip (2714kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230327.zip (2714kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230327.zip (137kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Ice receding on the North Aral Sea 27 March
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0328.zip (1636kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230328.zip (1636kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230328.zip (243kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom off of Namibia 28 March 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, March 30, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0329.zip (4934kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230329.zip (4934kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230329.zip (141kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Water Release from Arizona Reservoirs 29
    March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: QB64UTL9.ZIP (252kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, March 31, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0330.zip (928kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230330.zip (928kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z90 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230330.zip (514kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust Storm in Libya 30 March 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, April 01, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A90 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 090

    File: NODELIST.Z90 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 090

    File: ap230331.zip (1975kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 31 March 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 31 March 2023 (day

    File: md230331.zip (193kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Swirling Sea Ice in the Sea of Okhotsk 31
    March 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0331.zip (1975kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, April 02, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: QBSHELL9.ZIP (850kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: QB64shell v.0001 r.001 for Windows release 03/28/2023.

    File: apod0401.zip (529kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230401.zip (529kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230401.zip (517kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Herman 01 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, April 03, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0402.zip (273kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230402.zip (273kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ELST2304.ZIP (143kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: md230402.zip (80kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Ionian Islands and Western Greece 02 April
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE14.ZIP (15kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#14 for Apr. 03, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, April 04, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0403.zip (97kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230403.zip (97kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230403.zip (61kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Smoky Fires in North Carolina's Smoky
    Mountains 03 April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, April 05, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0404.zip (1814kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230404.zip (1814kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8RC.ZIP (229kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rA.0a for Windows release 02/10/2023.

    File: md230404.zip (242kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow Lingers in the Adirondack and Green
    Mountains 04 April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, April 06, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0405.zip (1481kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230405.zip (1481kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230405.zip (364kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Gulf of Bothnia 05 April 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, April 07, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0406.zip (2131kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230406.zip (2131kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z97 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230406.zip (83kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Shrinking Lake Urmia 06 April 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: FSXNET.Z97 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, April 08, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A97 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 097

    File: NODELIST.Z97 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 097

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 7 April 2023 (day

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 7 April 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0407.zip (8520kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230407.zip (8520kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230407.zip (203kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in Brazil 07 April 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, April 09, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: SICK64E5.ZIP (475kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Symbolic Instruction Code Kit v64.0a r6.5a

    File: apod0408.zip (3831kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230408.zip (3831kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230408.zip (479kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow Western United States 08 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, April 10, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0409.zip (1988kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230409.zip (1988kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230409.zip (253kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Contrails Crisscross the Iberian Peninsula 09
    April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE15.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#15 for Apr. 10, 2023

    File: apod0410.zip (6693kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230410.zip (6693kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230410.zip (410kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires in Southeast Asia 10 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0411.zip (2982kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230411.zip (2982kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230411.zip (124kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Rain fills Murchinson and Gascoyne Rivers 11
    April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, April 13, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0412.zip (8781kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230412.zip (8781kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230412.zip (516kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Severe Dust Storm Blankets Eastern Asia 12
    April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, April 14, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0413.zip (4940kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230413.zip (4940kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z04 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230413.zip (211kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Spring Bloom off the East Coast of the United
    States 13 April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, April 15, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A04 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 104

    File: NODELIST.Z04 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 104

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 14 April 2023 (day

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 14 April 2023 (day

    File: ap230414.zip (585kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230414.zip (275kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Burn Scars across Eastern Kansas 14 April
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0414.zip (585kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, April 16, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0415.zip (1834kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230415.zip (1834kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230415.zip (503kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Spring Thaw across the Great Lakes 15 April
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FSXNET.Z11 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, April 17, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0416.zip (89kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230416.zip (89kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230416.zip (476kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Clear skies over Patagonia 16 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE16.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#16 for Apr. 17, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0417.zip (311kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230417.zip (311kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230417.zip (222kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust over the Sea of Okhotsk 17 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0418.zip (3916kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230418.zip (3916kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8RD.ZIP (244kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rD.0a for Windows release 04/16/2023.

    File: md230418.zip (499kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Ilsa 18 April 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, April 20, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0419.zip (984kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230419.zip (984kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230419.zip (106kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Verdant Bicuari National Park 19 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, April 21, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0420.zip (1734kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230420.zip (1734kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z11 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230420.zip (304kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Contrails over Scandinavia 20 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, April 22, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z11 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 111

    File: NODEDIFF.A11 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 111

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 21 April 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 21 April 2023 (day

    File: apod0421.zip (406kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230421.zip (406kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230421.zip (494kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Hybrid Solar Eclipse DarkensTimor-Leste 21
    April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, April 23, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230422.zip (3461kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0422.zip (3461kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230422.zip (487kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Ireland and the United Kingdom 22 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: GDYNWIN.ZIP (629kB), Area: FSX_DOOR, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: +----------------------------+ | Galactic Dynasty | |
    by | | Andrew Pamment |
    +----------------------------+ | Galactic Dynasty is a BBS | | door
    game similar to Solar | | Realms Elite. | |
    | | It is interBBS capable and | | opensource. | |
    | | v1.3.2-dev WIN32 | +----------------------------+

    File: GDYNSRC.ZIP (828kB), Area: FSX_DOOR, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: +----------------------------+ | Galactic Dynasty | |
    by | | Andrew Pamment |
    +----------------------------+ | Galactic Dynasty is a BBS | | door
    game similar to Solar | | Realms Elite. | |
    | | It is interBBS capable and | | opensource. | |
    | | v1.3.2-dev SOURCE | +----------------------------+

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, April 24, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0423.zip (77kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230423.zip (77kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230423.zip (64kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires in and around Iberá National Park 23
    April 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE17.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#17 for Apr. 24, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230424.zip (3275kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230424.zip (497kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust over East Asia 24 April 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: apod0424.zip (3275kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0425.zip (4351kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230425.zip (4351kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230425.zip (464kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Gulf Coast of the United States 25 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, April 27, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0426.zip (712kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230426.zip (712kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230426.zip (178kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Australia's Red Centre 26 April 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, April 28, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0427.zip (5012kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230427.zip (8956kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z18 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (156kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230427.zip (139kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Sea Ice Swirls in the Labrador Sea 27 April
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, April 29, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A18 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 118

    File: NODELIST.Z18 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 118

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 28 April 2023 (day

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 28 April 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0428.zip (7531kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230428.zip (7531kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230428.zip (151kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Heavy Snowpack in California 28 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, April 30, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: SICK64E6.ZIP (475kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: sick

    File: HEXED8RF.ZIP (267kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: hex

    File: apod0429.zip (268kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230429.zip (268kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: BREV988.ZIP (330kB), Area: FSX_DOOR, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: Barren Realms Elite [BRE] v0.988 IBBS - Attack, trade, and make
    political alliances throughout the world - the real world - in this
    completely inter-BBS capable strategy war game.

    File: md230429.zip (174kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Vortices behind Isla Gudalupe 29 April 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, May 01, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0430.zip (65kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230430.zip (65kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230430.zip (107kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Kafue Flats and Lake Manyeke, Zambia 30 April
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE18.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#18 for May. 01, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, May 02, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0501.zip (8985kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230501.zip (8985kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230501.zip (30kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfire and Dust at Lake Balkhash 01 May
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, May 03, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0502.zip (545kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230502.zip (545kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ELST2305.ZIP (140kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: md230502.zip (81kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dual Marvels of New Mexico 02 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, May 04, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0503.zip (4865kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230503.zip (4865kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230503.zip (63kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust across Algeria 03 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, May 05, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0504.zip (378kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230504.zip (378kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z25 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230504.zip (263kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Large Wildfires and Burn Scars in Russia 04
    May 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, May 06, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A25 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 125

    File: NODELIST.Z25 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 125

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 5 May 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 5 May 2023 (day

    File: apod0505.zip (659kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230505.zip (659kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: EL230504.ZIP (141kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: zip'd archive Daily on Demand of Elist system

    File: md230505.zip (113kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Lagoa dos Patos 05 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: RAND620.ZIP (6077kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: RAR for Android 6.20 build 113

    File: RMOSX621.ZIP (596kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: rarmacos-x64-621

    File: RL32-621.ZIP (615kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: RAR 6.21 for Linux x64 command line only.

    File: RMARM621.ZIP (561kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: RAR 6.21 for macOS ARM

    File: RL621X86.ZIP (615kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: RAR 6.21 for Linux x86. Command line only.

    File: RBSD621.ZIP (605kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: RAR 6.21 for FreeBSD x64. Command line only.

    File: R621X64.ZIP (602kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: RAR 6.21 for Linux x64

    File: WRAR621.ZIP (3503kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: WINRAR x64(64 bit) 6.21

    File: WR32621.ZIP (3239kB), Area: RAR, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: WINRAR x86 (32 bit) v. 6.21

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, May 07, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0506.zip (1118kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230506.zip (1118kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230506.zip (481kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Frozen Lakes in Manitoba 06 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, May 08, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0507.zip (1155kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230507.zip (1155kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230507.zip (150kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Great Smoky Mountains 07 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, May 09, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: QBSHELLA.ZIP (851kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: shell

    File: FNEWTE19.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#19 for May. 08, 2023

    File: apod0508.zip (486kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230508.zip (486kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230508.zip (92kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding on the Mississippi River in Illinois
    and Iowa 08 May 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0509.zip (209kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230509.zip (209kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230509.zip (524kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfires in Western Canada 09 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, May 11, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0510.zip (656kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230510.zip (656kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230510.zip (487kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust in Turkmenistan and Afghanistan 10 May
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, May 12, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0511.zip (1449kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230511.zip (1449kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: SIC87F.ZIP (845kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: sic

    File: FSXNET.Z32 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230511.zip (381kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day A River of Smoke Darkens North American Skies
    11 May 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, May 13, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: SICK64E7.ZIP (475kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: sick

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for Friday, 12 May 2023 (day

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for Friday, 12 May 2023 (day

    File: apod0512.zip (3068kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230512.zip (3068kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230512.zip (447kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Potentially Disastrous Tropical Cyclone Mocha
    forms in the Bay 12 May 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic
    Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, May 14, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0513.zip (1039kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, May 15, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230513.zip (1039kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230513.zip (206kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Iceberg A-76D Drifting near South Georgia
    Island 13 May 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0514.zip (1117kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230514.zip (1117kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230514.zip (158kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Lake Tana 14 May 2023 Moderate Resolution
    Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: QBSHELLB.ZIP (851kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: qb

    File: FNEWTE20.ZIP (12kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#20 for May. 15, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230515.zip (472kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230515.zip (492kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Swirling Clouds off of Western Africa 15 May
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0515.zip (472kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0516.zip (543kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230516.zip (543kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230516.zip (501kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Mocha Makes Landfall in Myanmar' 16 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, May 18, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0517.zip (365kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230517.zip (365kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230517.zip (475kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Western Canada Continues to Burn 17 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, May 19, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0518.zip (1702kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230518.zip (1702kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z39 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230518.zip (142kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in Myanmar 18 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, May 20, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z39 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 139

    File: NODEDIFF.A39 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 139

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ap230519.zip (6821kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8RG.ZIP (269kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rG.0a for Windows release 05/18/2023.

    File: md230519.zip (54kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day South America's Pantanal 19 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: apod0519.zip (6821kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, May 21, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: md230520.zip (144kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfires in Western Spain 20 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0520.zip (333kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230520.zip (333kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, May 22, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: HEXED8RH.ZIP (269kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rH.0a for Windows release 05/20/2023

    File: apod0521.zip (109kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230521.zip (109kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230521.zip (333kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Canadian Wildfire Smoke Over Michigan 21 May
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE21.ZIP (14kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#21 for May. 22, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0522.zip (544kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230522.zip (544kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230522.zip (500kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust in China and Mongolia 22 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0523.zip (117kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230523.zip (117kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230523.zip (376kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Typhoon Mawar Takes Aim at Guam 23 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, May 25, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: HEXXIT82.ZIP (341kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.2a for DOS & Windows release 05/20/2023.

    File: apod0524.zip (168kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230524.zip (168kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230524.zip (241kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Mountains in the Clouds 24 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, May 26, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0525.zip (1931kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230525.zip (1931kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z46 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230525.zip (171kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Super Typhoon Mawar Batters Guam 25 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, May 27, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z46 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 146

    File: NODEDIFF.A46 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 146

    File: MININFO.ZIP (41kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for 26 May 2023 (day 146). All
    the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong! We offer IBBS
    League 618 for your gaming pleasure.

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 19 May 2023 (day 139).
    Information about Micronet is in the nodelist. Micronet's ZC is Sean
    Dennis (618:618/1@Micronet).

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0526.zip (609kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230526.zip (609kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230526.zip (9kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tulare Lake Reappears 26 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, May 28, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0527.zip (34kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230527.zip (34kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8RI.ZIP (270kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rI.0a for Windows release 05/23/2023.

    File: md230527.zip (454kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Popcorn Clouds in the Congo Basin 27 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, May 29, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0528.zip (45kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230528.zip (45kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230528.zip (515kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Smoke from Canadian Wildfires over Europe 28
    May 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE22.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#22 for May. 29, 2023

    File: apod0529.zip (359kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230529.zip (359kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230529.zip (154kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Iceberg A76A Breaks Up 29 May 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0530.zip (448kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230530.zip (448kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230530.zip (95kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Flooding in Northern Italy 30 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, June 01, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0531.zip (7746kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230531.zip (7746kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230531.zip (457kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Mawar Churns in the Pacific 31 May 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, June 02, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FSXNET.Z53 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230601.zip (52kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfire in Scottish Highlands 01 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0601.zip (5489kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230601.zip (5489kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, June 03, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z53 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 153

    File: NODEDIFF.A53 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 153

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (10kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 2 June 2023 (day 153).
    Information about Micronet is in the nodelist. Micronet's ZC is Sean
    Dennis (618:618/1@Micronet).

    File: MININFO.ZIP (23kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for 2 June 2023 (day 153). All
    the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong! We offer IBBS
    League 618 for your gaming pleasure.

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: apod0602.zip (9680kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230602.zip (9680kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ELST2306.ZIP (137kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: md230602.zip (527kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Thawing of Hudson Bay 02 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, June 04, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0603.zip (1084kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230603.zip (1084kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230603.zip (383kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Mawar Weakens off Japan 03 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, June 05, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0604.zip (2142kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230604.zip (2142kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230604.zip (487kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust over the Nile River Delta 04 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE23.ZIP (12kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#23 for Jun. 05, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, June 06, 2023 00:00:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0605.zip (625kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230605.zip (625kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230605.zip (522kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Burn Scars in Northwestern Canada 05 June
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, June 07, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0606.zip (3661kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230606.zip (3661kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: QBSHELLC.ZIP (858kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: QB64shell v.0001 r.001 for Windows release 05/26/2023

    File: md230606.zip (510kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfires Scorch Quebec 06 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, June 08, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0607.zip (138kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230607.zip (138kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8RJ.ZIP (270kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rJ.0a for Windows release 06/01/2023.

    File: md230607.zip (493kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Open- and Closed-Cell Clouds over the Pacific
    Ocean 07 June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, June 09, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FSXNET.Z60 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (157kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230608.zip (472kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Phytoplankton Bloom off Western Europe 08
    June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: QB64UTLA.ZIP (246kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Set Of More Utilities vA.0a r1.0a 06/12/2023.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, June 10, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z60 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 160

    File: NODEDIFF.A60 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 160

    File: MININFO.ZIP (23kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for 9 June 2023 (day 160). All
    the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong! We offer IBBS
    League 618 for your gaming pleasure.

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (10kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 9 June 2023 (day 160).
    Information about Micronet is in the nodelist. Micronet's ZC is Sean
    Dennis (618:618/1@Micronet).

    File: apod0608.zip (2673kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230608.zip (2673kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: apod0609.zip (3575kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230609.zip (3575kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230609.zip (493kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Typhoon Guchol 09 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, June 11, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: nhg_rev0323.zip (64kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: N ú H ú G Revolution ANSi Pack
    Mar 2023 °° °° °° ° °
    ° ° °°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°° ° °
    ° °° °° ° ° ° °°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°
    ° ° ° ° °° °° °°
    N i G h T m a R e H i J a C k G u i L

    File: blndr2023b.zip (592kB), Area: FSX_ARTS, Origin: 21:1/101
    Desc: the mandalorian / graffiti / in da hood ÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÜ ßßßÛÛÜÜ
    °ßÛÛÜÜ ± ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ---------------------------- blender drugi
    blender roku 2023 ----------------------------

    File: apod0610.zip (439kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230610.zip (439kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: QBSHELLD.ZIP (859kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: QB64shell v.0001 r.001 for Windows release 06/03/2023.

    File: md230610.zip (496kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Cyclone Barparijoy 10 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, June 12, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0611.zip (756kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230611.zip (756kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: HEXED8RK.ZIP (269kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rK.0a for Windows release 06/10/2023

    File: md230611.zip (211kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfire Smoke Blankets East Coast 11 June
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE24.ZIP (12kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#24 for Jun. 12, 2023

    File: apod0612.zip (1152kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230612.zip (1152kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230612.zip (159kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Lake Tanganyika and Lake Rukwa 12 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0613.zip (506kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230613.zip (506kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230613.zip (498kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Cloud Bank over the Gran Chaco 13 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, June 15, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0614.zip (2223kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230614.zip (2223kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230614.zip (28kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Colorful Van Diemen Gulf, Northern Territory,
    Australia 14 June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, June 16, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230615.zip (4962kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z67 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (158kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230615.zip (81kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dasht-e Lut, Iran 15 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: apod0615.zip (4962kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, June 17, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODEDIFF.A67 (3kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 167

    File: NODELIST.Z67 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 167

    File: MININFO.ZIP (60kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for 9 June 2023 (day 160). All
    the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong! We offer IBBS
    League 618 for your gaming pleasure.

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (10kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 16 June 2023 (day 167).
    Information about Micronet is in the nodelist. Micronet's ZC is Sean
    Dennis (618:618/1@Micronet).

    File: apod0616.zip (1133kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ap230616.zip (1133kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: DND50A4T.ZIP (23470kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Tweak Kit for DNDBBS v5.0a r2.0a t4.0a PD 04/05/2023

    File: md230616.zip (324kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Severe Cyclonic Storm Biparjoy Nears Landfall
    16 June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, June 19, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0617.zip (8451kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230617.zip (8451kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230617.zip (412kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Dust in Chad and Libya 17 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: apod0618.zip (180kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230618.zip (180kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230618.zip (512kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfire Smoke over the Central United States
    18 June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: FNEWTE25.ZIP (12kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#25 for Jun. 19, 2023

    File: apod0619.zip (2408kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230619.zip (2408kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230619.zip (123kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Burn Scars near Kafue National Park, Zambia
    19 June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0620.zip (812kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230620.zip (812kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230620.zip (499kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Clear Skies over South America 20 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, June 22, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0621.zip (155kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230621.zip (155kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230621.zip (98kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Popcorn Clouds over the Amazon River Delta 21
    June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, June 23, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0622.zip (1883kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230622.zip (1883kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z74 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (158kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230622.zip (170kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Birparjoy Floods India 22 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, June 24, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0623.zip (6179kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230623.zip (6179kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: NODEDIFF.A74 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 174

    File: NODELIST.Z74 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 174

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MININFO.ZIP (23kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network infopack for 23 June 2023 (day 174). All
    the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong!

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 23 June 2023 (day 174).

    File: md230623.zip (268kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Thawing on Greenland's East Coast 23 June
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, June 25, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0624.zip (2521kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230624.zip (2521kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: QBSHELLE.ZIP (859kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: QB64shell v.0001 r.001 for Windows release 06/03/2023

    File: SICK64E8.ZIP (476kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Symbolic Instruction Code Kit v64.0a r6.7a PD 2023

    File: HEXED8RL.ZIP (271kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: Hex Editor v8.0a rK.0a for Windows release 06/10/2023

    File: md230624.zip (497kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Tropical Storms Brett and Cindy 24 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, June 26, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0625.zip (83kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230625.zip (83kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230625.zip (168kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Snow and Fog on New Zealand's South Island 25
    June 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: FNEWTE26.ZIP (12kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#26 for Jun. 26, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: md230626.zip (486kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Canadian Wildfires 26 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: apod0626.zip (1156kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230626.zip (1156kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0627.zip (878kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230627.zip (878kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230627.zip (504kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Bloom in the Black Sea 27 June 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, June 29, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0628.zip (2559kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230628.zip (2559kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230628.zip (482kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Wildfire Smoke Reaches Europe 28 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, June 30, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: apod0629.zip (726kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230629.zip (726kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z81 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (158kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230629.zip (498kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Hurricane Adrian Forms off of Mexico 29 June
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, July 01, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: NODELIST.Z81 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 181

    File: NODEDIFF.A81 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 181

    File: apod0630.zip (936kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230630.zip (936kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MICRONET.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 30 June 2023 (day 181).

    File: MININFO.ZIP (23kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 30 June 2023 (day 181).
    Micronet Information Network infopack for 30 June 2023 (day 181). All
    the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong!

    File: md230630.zip (410kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Badain Jaran and Tengger Desert 30 June 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Sunday, July 02, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230701.zip (5729kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: SICK64E9.ZIP (477kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Symbolic Instruction Code Kit v64.0a r6.8a PD 2023

    File: md230701.zip (339kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fires in the Democratic Republic of Congo and
    Zambia 01 July 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0701.zip (5729kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Monday, July 03, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: ap230702.zip (5837kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ELST2307.ZIP (140kB), Area: ECHOLIST, Origin: 2:25/21@fidonet
    Desc: Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly

    File: apod0702.zip (5837kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z64 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.134 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.141 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z42 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z41 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.177 (44kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z34 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z43 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z12 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z17 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z05 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z28 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z81 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.114 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z44 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.092 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z96 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.121 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.164 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.151 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z72 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z21 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.052 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z22 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.094 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z49 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z82 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z61 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z56 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: DAILYUTF.Z63 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.146 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.155 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.142 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.091 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z71 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.178 (36kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.144 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.117 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.110 (129kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z83 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.067 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.163 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.171 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.056 (130kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: Z2DAILY.143 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z94 (41kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: md230702.zip (99kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Garabogazköl Bay 02 July 2023 Moderate
    Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov

    File: FNEWTE27.ZIP (13kB), Area: FIDONEWS, Origin: 2:2/2
    Desc: The Fidonews: Vol#40, Issue#27 for Jul. 03, 2023

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Tuesday, July 04, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: Z2DAILY.184 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z84 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: apod0703.zip (86kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230703.zip (86kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230703.zip (503kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Burn Scars in Eastern Canada 03 July 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, July 05, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: Z2DAILY.185 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z85 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: apod0704.zip (1487kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230704.zip (1487kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: SICK64F1.ZIP (478kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 2:250/1
    Desc: The Symbolic Instruction Code Kit v64.0a r7.1a PD 2023

    File: md230704.zip (419kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Craters of the Moon and Grand Tetons 04 July
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, July 06, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: Z2DAILY.186 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z86 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: apod0705.zip (1171kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap230705.zip (1171kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: md230705.zip (511kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Fire and Smoke in Russia's Far East 05 July
    2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, July 07, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: Z2DAILY.187 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z87 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: ap230706.zip (3875kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z88 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (159kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: md230706.zip (78kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Remnants of Iceberg A-76 off South Georgia
    Island 06 July 2023 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0706.zip (3875kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Saturday, July 08, 2023 00:00:02
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.thecivv.ie
    | | | <__| | || . \| | tcob1.duckdns.org
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    Freq via Binkd only

    File: Z2DAILY.188 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z88 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: NODELIST.Z88 (46kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 188

    File: NODEDIFF.A88 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 188

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: ap230707.zip (8876kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: MICRONET.Z88 (8kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 7 July 2023 (day 188).

    File: MININFO.ZIP (22kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network nodelist for 7 July 2023 (day 188).
    Micronet Information Network infopack for 7 July 2023 (day 188). All
    the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong!

    File: md230707.zip (506kB), Area: MODIS, Origin: 1:317/3
    Desc: MODIS Picture of the Day Agricultural Fire in Africa 07 July 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Plus
    published Report Magic Name: MODIS

    File: apod0707.zip (8876kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: DAILYUTF.Z89 (40kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.189 (128kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: TCOB1 - binkd.thecivv.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Wednesday, February 05, 2025 23:59:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.rima.ie binkd
    | | | <__| | || . \| | bbs.rima-iot.eu bbs
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    File: Z2DAILY.037 (117kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z37 (37kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/LiR v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: BBS - https://bbs.rima-iot.eu/ binkd - binkd.rima.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Thursday, February 06, 2025 23:59:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.rima.ie binkd/https
    | | | <__| | || . \| | binkd https
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    File: apod0206.zip (1053kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap250206.zip (1053kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: FSXNET.Z38 (12kB), Area: FSX_NODE, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    File: fsxnet.zip (158kB), Area: FSX_INFO, Origin: 21:1/100
    Desc: ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ±°°ß°°± ÜÜ°ßß°ÛÛ ±°° °°±
    ² °°Û Û°°ÜÛ°±ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°Û Û°° net ± Ûßßßß °°Û ßßß ÜÜÜ °Û° ßßß²ßßß
    ßßßßÛ Û °° °ÛÛßß °°± ±°° °ÛÛßÛ°± °°° Û ² °°°° ±°° °Û°° °°±
    ±°° °Û° °°° Û ± °°°° °ßß ±°°ÜÜßß °ßß ±°Û ° Û ° °°
    ßßß ßß Û ° ° fsxnet.txt -- Info & App Û ± °
    fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ² ² fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP)
    ± ± ° history.txt -- History ² ² systems.txt -- BBS in
    fsxNet ± Û fsxnet.na -- Echo list ° ² fsx_file.na
    -- File echo list ± ± ú ² ° úú
    ÜÜÜ infopack Û ßßßßßßþßßßßßßßßßßþßßßßßßßܱßßßßßßßßþßß

    File: DAILYUTF.Z38 (37kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    File: Z2DAILY.038 (117kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    --- BBBS/LiR v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: BBS - https://bbs.rima-iot.eu/ binkd - binkd.rima.ie (2:263/1)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/1 to All on Friday, February 07, 2025 23:59:00
    ___ ___ ___ ___ _
    |_ _|| _>| . || . >/ | binkd.rima.ie binkd/https
    | | | <__| | || . \| | binkd https
    |_| `___/`___'|___/|_| 27 Nodes

    File: NODELIST.Z38 (42kB), Area: NODELIST, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 038

    File: NODEDIFF.A38 (2kB), Area: NODEDIFF, Origin: 1:229/426
    Desc: Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 038

    File: MININFO.ZIP (26kB), Area: MIN_INFO, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network weekly infopack for Friday, 7 February
    2025 (day 038).

    File: MINDIFF.Z38 (1kB), Area: MIN_DIFF, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network weekly nodediff for Friday, 7 February
    2025 (day 038).

    File: TWITLIST.ZIP (9kB), Area: MIN_MISC, Origin: 618:500/1
    Desc: Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    File: MINBINKD.Z38 (2kB), Area: MIN_BINKD, Origin: 618:100/2
    Desc: Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist for 7 February 2025 (day

    File: MICRONET.Z38 (8kB), Area: MIN_LIST, Origin: 618:618/1
    Desc: Micronet Information Network weekly nodelist for Friday, 7 February
    2025 (day 038).

    File: apod0207.zip (1615kB), Area: FSX_IMGE, Origin: 21:4/106
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: ap250207.zip (1615kB), Area: NASA, Origin: 1:153/757
    Desc: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    File: Z2DAILY.039 (117kB), Area: Z2DAILY, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Z2DAILY for today

    File: DAILYUTF.Z39 (37kB), Area: DAILYUTZ, Origin: 2:292/854
    Desc: Daily UTF8-list ZIP

    --- BBBS/LiR v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: BBS - https://bbs.rima-iot.eu/ binkd - binkd.rima.ie (2:263/1)