• New files at Filegate, Air Applewood, UK at 07:00 (local)

    From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, May 16, 2024 06:07:50
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 16/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240515.ZIP 1194 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1194 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240515.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240515.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.137 116 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 116 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5191 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Success is one unpardonable sin against one's fellows.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, May 17, 2024 06:07:59
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 17/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z38 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-05-17 (138) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240516.ZIP 1460 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1460 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240516.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240516.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z38 2 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z38 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.138 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 5519 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Alas! The poor Tagline. I knew it well.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, May 18, 2024 06:08:25
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 18/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240517.ZIP 993 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 993 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240517.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240517.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.139 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z38 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 138 (17.05.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z38 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 138 (17.05.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 5055 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A power so great, it can only be used for Good or Evil!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, May 19, 2024 06:08:06
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 19/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.BACK - GFD.APP: OS/2 Backup programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BCKEM223.ZIP 838 Kb. BackEmUp Version 2.2.3 is a simple, non
    graphical user interface incremental file backup
    program. Copyright (c) Allen Heath 2000-2024. (A
    prototype gui BackEmUI has been released as a
    Beta development. This PM interface calls the
    command line code to perform the actions.) It is
    able to backup an entire drive, or only certain
    subdirectories, or utilitze a user specified
    list of files/directories (specification mask)
    to exclude certain entities or only include
    certain entities. Hidden and System files as
    well as Extended Attributes are backed up. It
    has been tested on OS/2 Warp 4, Warp Server for
    e-Business, and Windows 95/98. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 838 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.REXX - OS/2 Rexx samples, libs, dll's etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG396.ZIP 2901 Kb. Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.9.6 Sources.
    Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA Rexx API
    support. An implementation of the the ANSI
    Standard REXX Programming Language, available
    for most operating systems. Freeware.
    REG396O.ZIP 2598 Kb. Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.9.6 for OS/2.
    Port of Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA Rexx
    API support. OS/2 version. An implementation of
    the the ANSI Standard REXX Programming Language,
    available for most operating systems. Freeware. REG396D.ZIP 1001 Kb. Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.9.6 for DOS.
    Port of Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA Rexx
    API support. OS/2 version. An implementation of
    the the ANSI Standard REXX Programming Language,
    available for most operating systems. Freeware. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 6500 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENA316.ZIP 10835 Kb. AGENA version 3.16.1 OS/2, eComStation, ArcaOS
    edition. Copyright (c) 2006-2024 by Alexander
    Walz. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright
    2006-2020 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved.
    Agena is a procedural programming language.
    Agena is an easy-to-learn interpreted language
    suited for sophisticated procedural programming.
    It provides a rapid development environment for
    your every-day needs. Its syntax looks a lot
    like a simplified Algol 68 with elements taken
    from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 10835 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240518.ZIP 1316 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1316 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240518.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240518.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.140 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    11 new files, together 23488 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A feature is a bug with seniority.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, May 20, 2024 06:08:07
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 20/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF21.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 20 May 2024 Vol 41 No 21
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.EDIT - GFD.APP: OS/2 Editors (Text & Binary) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE40OS2.ZIP 470 Kb. THE The Hessling Editor Version 4.0. Copyright
    (c) 1991-2022 Mark Hessling. THE is a
    full-screen character mode text editor based on
    the VM/CMS editor. XEDIT and many features of
    KEDIT written by Mansfield Software. THE OS/2
    port is similar to EPM, runs within an OS/2
    command window and is HPFS aware. THE also uses
    the OS/2 Rexx interpreter to execute macro
    files. An extensive interface exists between THE
    and Rexx giving THE the complete power of Rexx. THE40WPI.ZIP 764 Kb. THE The Hessling Editor Version 4.0. Copyright
    (c) 1991-2022 Mark Hessling. THE is a
    full-screen character mode text editor based on
    the VM/CMS editor. XEDIT and many features of
    KEDIT written by Mansfield Software. THE OS/2
    port is similar to EPM, runs within an OS/2
    command window and is HPFS aware. THE also uses
    the OS/2 Rexx interpreter to execute macro
    files. An extensive interface exists between THE
    and Rexx giving THE the complete power of Rexx.
    WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1234 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.REXX - OS/2 Rexx samples, libs, dll's etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RXCRL211.ZIP 560 Kb. The Rexx/CURL Library version 2.1.1. Copyright
    (c) 2001-2024 Mark Hessling. A Rexx interface to
    the cURL library. Rexx/CURL consists of Rexx
    external functions that allows a Rexx program to
    access any URL. The basic concept of Rexx/CURL
    (and cURL), is that you specify a URL and all
    options appropriate to that URL, and then
    perform the URL access. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 560 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240519.ZIP 12512 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12512 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240519.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240519.ZIP 270 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1870 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.141 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 18322 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... On a clear disk you can seek forever.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 06:08:07
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 21/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240520.ZIP 3471 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3471 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240520.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240520.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1869 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.142 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 7474 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A fertile imagination is no compensation for vasectomy.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 06:08:43
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 22/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240521.ZIP 915 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 915 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240521.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240521.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1870 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.143 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4917 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Save fuel. Get cremated with a friend.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, May 23, 2024 06:08:24
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 23/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240522.ZIP 550 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 550 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240522.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240522.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.144 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4549 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... His ears made him look like a taxicab with both doors open.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, May 24, 2024 06:08:13
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 24/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z45 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-05-24 (145) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240523.ZIP 5391 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 5391 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240523.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240523.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z45 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z45 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.145 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 9448 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... When it's three O'clock in New York, it's still 1938 in London.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, May 25, 2024 06:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 25/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240524.ZIP 2447 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2447 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240524.ZIP 268 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240524.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.146 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z45 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 145 (24.05.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z45 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 145 (24.05.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 6510 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... There is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, May 26, 2024 06:08:19
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 17 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 26/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240525.ZIP 4739 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4739 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240525.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240525.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.147 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 8736 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Feed the wolf as you will; he will always look to the forest.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, May 27, 2024 06:08:21
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 17 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 27/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF22.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 27 May 2024 Vol 41 No 22
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240526.ZIP 418 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 418 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240526.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240526.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.148 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4426 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Fifty-eight per cent of all cars coming into Britain are imported.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 06:08:19
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 15 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 28/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2012 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240527.ZIP 6215 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 6215 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240527.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240527.ZIP 264 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1864 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.149 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 10208 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... When GOD made women, he was only testing.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 06:08:10
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 15 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 29/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2012 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240528.ZIP 648 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 648 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240528.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240528.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.150 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4644 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Mary had a little RAM -- only about a MEG or so.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 13:36:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240529.ZIP 7188 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 7188 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240529.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240529.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEXED8RT.ZIP 366 Kb. The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a rT.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2024.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 366 KBytes.

    4 new files, together 9422 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... The OFFICIAL tagline of the 1996 Olympics!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, May 30, 2024 06:08:14
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 30/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.FILE - GFD.APP: OS/2 File & Disk Managers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FC2_250D.ZIP 926 Kb. File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot.
    Copyright (C) 1993-2024 by Brian Havard. Norton
    Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides
    powerful file management functions, program
    launch, text viewing and editing facilities,
    built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH,
    ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware. FC2_250R.ZIP 490 Kb. File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot.
    Copyright (C) 1993-2024 by Brian Havard. Norton
    Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides
    powerful file management functions, program
    launch, text viewing and editing facilities,
    built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH,
    ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    Add remote control feature. Allows FC to be run
    over an ssh connection. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1416 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.DRV - OS/2 Misc. Device Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUMPFS32.ZIP 112 Kb. DUMPFS 32-bit File System Version 6.4. 32-bit
    DUMPFS file system driver replacement of the
    original 16-bit DUMPFS file system driver,
    including OS2DUMP and UDUMPFS.DLL. It provides
    access to the dump file as produced by the
    corresponding Dump Module (OS2DUMP) that is also
    part of this package. Author: Lars Erdmann -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 112 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.151 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 3658 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Life is a hereditary disease.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, May 31, 2024 06:07:43
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 31/May/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z52 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-05-31 (152) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240530.ZIP 2388 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2388 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240530.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240530.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z52 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z52 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.152 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SICK64F8.ZIP 505 Kb. Symbolic Instruction Code Kit is the
    BASIC programming interpreter.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2024. v64.0a r7.8a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 505 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 6948 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Gravity doesn`t exist: the earth sucks.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, June 01, 2024 06:09:05
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 01/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area FG_WORF - FGW: FileGate Info files, FAQ's, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGATEHDR.ZIP 0 Kb. FileGate Header comment file for IFDC
    FileGate archives, to be applied by FDN
    Use zip -z filename.zip < filegate.hdr to
    apply to your archives. Does not change the
    contents of the archive. For RAR,
    use rar c filename.rar -zfilegate.hdr
    Magic request: FILEGATE-HDR
    FDNINFO.ZIP 26 Kb. This is the information file for the IFDC
    FileGate Project (sm).
    Coordinators may find information for
    starting FDNs or linking to an existing
    FILEGATE hub. Also includes FGPOL007.TXT,
    the IFDC FileGate Project policy file and
    other useful files from the Filegete project.
    Magic request: FDNINFO
    FGATEZXX.ZIP 17 Kb. IFDC FileGate file tag update in RAID format.
    Also contains HUB/connect and file area
    Magic request: FILEGATE.ZXX -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 43 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.FILE - GFD.APP: OS/2 File & Disk Managers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATAS117.ZIP 244 Kb. DataSeeker version 1.17. Copyright (c) 2003-2007
    Alessandro Felice Cantatore, 2008-2024 Andreas
    Buchinger. PM text and file finder better PMSeek
    (ACDataSeeker). A multithreaded text and file
    finder for the OS/2 presentation manager.
    Additional requirements: Multimedia subsystem,
    eCo Software runtime (base & win when using FOC
    or NLS). -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 244 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MMPM - OS/2 Multimedia Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVXCT211.ZIP 4801 Kb. AVxCAT for ArcaNoae, eComStation and
    OS/2. Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Remy Dodin.
    Audio/Video eXtended Conversion and Authoring
    Tool. AVxCAT is a powerfull audio/video
    conversion and creation tool under many codecs
    type. GUI front-end in Rexx language for FFmpeg,
    which will allow for converting audio and video
    between formats. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4801 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_SDK.ZIP 6945 Kb. QSINIT 0.35, rev 0626. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 6945 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_LDR.ZIP 1099 Kb. QSINIT 0.35, rev 0626. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1099 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240531.ZIP 3228 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3228 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240531.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240531.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.153 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    13 new files, together 20356 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... If you've seen one city slum, you've seen them all.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, June 02, 2024 06:08:30
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 17 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 02/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240601.ZIP 193 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 193 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240601.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240601.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.154 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QBSHELLO.ZIP 402 Kb. The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 05-10-2024.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2024.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2024
    Note: Includes some LFNs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 402 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4594 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... It works better if you plug it in.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, June 03, 2024 06:08:38
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 03/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF23.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 03 Jun 2024 Vol 41 No 23
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area GFD.WPS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for WPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LP-015.ZIP 252 Kb. 3D Launch pad for OS/2 version 0.1.5 with PNG
    icons support. WarpIN archive. Author: Andrey
    Vasilkin, 2019-2024. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 252 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240602.ZIP 634 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 634 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240602.ZIP 270 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240602.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1870 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.155 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 4900 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Hey! Who took the cork off my lunch??!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, June 04, 2024 06:08:24
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 04/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240603.ZIP 4622 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4622 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240603.ZIP 268 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240603.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.156 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 8622 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... When Eve arrived, this was no longer a man's world.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, June 05, 2024 06:08:35
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 05/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240604.ZIP 1318 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1318 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240604.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240604.ZIP 270 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1870 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.157 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5320 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Everybody has a right to pronounce foreign names as he chooses.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, June 06, 2024 06:08:16
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1997 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 06/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240605.ZIP 1517 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1517 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240605.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240605.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1869 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.158 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5518 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Universal suffrage is the government of a house by its nursery.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, June 07, 2024 06:08:17
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 07/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.FILE - GFD.APP: OS/2 File & Disk Managers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FM2-3250.ZIP 2445 Kb. Mark Kimes FM/2 File Manager 3.25.0. Copyright
    (c) 1993-1998 Mark Kimes. All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2024 Steven Levine and
    Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. An OS/2
    Warp PM 32-bit file/directory/disk/archive/etc.
    maintenance package with plenty of bells and
    whistles a Swiss army knife for OS/2. Only file
    management winner of a 1995 OS/2 Magazine
    Editor's Choice award. Winner of OS/2 e-Zine!'s
    1996 Readers' Choice Award for "Best Disk/File
    Utility or Suite." Copy and move files (even
    with rename and wildcards), merge, delete,
    UUdecode, create objects, compare directories,
    find duplicates, search for files by wildcards
    containing text in file or EAs, edit file or
    EAs, autoview file or comments, view all files
    in a directory tree or on one or more drives in
    one window, etc. Utilities like process killer,
    undelete interface, etc. Access parts of FM/2
    without loading the whole thing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2445 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MISC - OS/2 Misc. Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUP-71.ZIP 5164 Kb. Mup - Music Publisher Version 7.1. Copyright (c)
    1995-2023 by Arkkra Enterprises. Mup is free
    software. Mup is a program for printing music.
    It takes an input file containing ordinary
    (ASCII) text describing music, and produces
    PostScript output for printing the musical score
    described by the input. OS/2 - ArcaOS port by
    Mentore Siesto. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 5164 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z59 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-06-07 (159) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240606.ZIP 832 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 832 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240606.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240606.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z59 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z59 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.159 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    11 new files, together 12500 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... There are certain things men must do to remain men.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, June 08, 2024 06:08:23
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 08/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240607.ZIP 1021 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1021 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240607.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240607.ZIP 268 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.160 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5023 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Advertising is legalized lying.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, June 09, 2024 06:08:56
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 09/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240608.ZIP 3574 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3574 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240608.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240608.ZIP 270 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1870 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.161 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 7578 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Men will always be men -- no matter where they are.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, June 10, 2024 06:08:01
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 10/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF24.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 10 Jun 2024 Vol 41 No 24
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240609.ZIP 95 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 95 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240609.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240609.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1869 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.162 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4110 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)#@K it!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 06:08:13
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 11/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240610.ZIP 1285 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1285 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240610.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240610.ZIP 270 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1870 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.163 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z52 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 152 (31.05.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT
    Z2PNT.Z59 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 159 (07.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 126 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z52 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 152 (31.05.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D
    Z2PNT_D.Z59 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 159 (07.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 0 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 5415 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Information deteriorates upward through bureaucracies.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 06:08:23
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 12/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240611.ZIP 1283 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1283 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240611.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240611.ZIP 268 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.164 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5284 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... As a boy, he swallowed a teaspoon. And he hasn't stirred since.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, June 13, 2024 06:08:12
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 13/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240612.ZIP 179 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 179 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240612.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240612.ZIP 264 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1864 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.165 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4176 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Ambition is the last refuge of the failure.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.6 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, June 14, 2024 06:08:25
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 14/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z66 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-06-14 (166) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240613.ZIP 3614 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3614 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240613.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240613.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z66 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z66 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.166 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 7670 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... There is more to life than increasing its speed.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, June 15, 2024 06:08:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 15/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240614.ZIP 515 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 515 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240614.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240614.ZIP 268 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.167 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z66 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 166 (14.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z66 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 166 (14.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 4579 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... If this is dying, I don't think much of it.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, June 16, 2024 06:08:29
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 16/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240615.ZIP 407 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 407 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240615.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240615.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.168 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4407 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again. - L. Long

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, June 17, 2024 06:08:27
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 17/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF25.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 17 Jun 2024 Vol 41 No 25
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240616.ZIP 11135 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11135 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240616.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240616.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.169 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 15147 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Anything that keeps a politician humble is healthy for democracy.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 06:08:14
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 18/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240617.ZIP 2143 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2143 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240617.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240617.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.170 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 6141 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... In comparison, there's no comparison.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 06:08:18
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 15 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 19/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240618.ZIP 584 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 584 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240618.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240618.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.170 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.171 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 234 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4697 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... It takes a long time to understand nothing.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, June 20, 2024 06:08:25
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 15 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 20/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240619.ZIP 2211 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2211 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240619.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240619.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.172 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 6208 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, June 21, 2024 06:08:17
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 15 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 21/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z73 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-06-21 (173) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240620.ZIP 224 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 224 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240620.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240620.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z73 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z73 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.173 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 4278 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Music is essentially useless, as life is.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, June 22, 2024 06:08:34
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 15 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 22/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1998 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240621.ZIP 1652 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1652 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240621.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240621.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.174 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z73 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 173 (21.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z73 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 173 (21.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 5712 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... No one wants war. Kirk, Errand of Mercy, stardate 3201.7.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, June 23, 2024 06:08:42
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 23/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.FILE - GFD.APP: OS/2 File & Disk Managers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATAS118.ZIP 243 Kb. DataSeeker version 1.18. Copyright (c) 2003-2007
    Alessandro Felice Cantatore, 2008-2024 Andreas
    Buchinger. PM text and file finder better PMSeek
    (ACDataSeeker). A multithreaded text and file
    finder for the OS/2 presentation manager.
    Additional requirements: Multimedia subsystem,
    eCo Software runtime (base & win when using FOC
    or NLS). -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 243 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MMPM - OS/2 Multimedia Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DVDTS109.ZIP 2410 Kb. DVD/CD Toys version 1.09.00. Copyright (c)
    2008-2024 eCo Software. Copyright (c) 2008-2020
    Dmitry A. Steklenev. CD/DVD Toys is a set of
    utilities to burn CD and DVD disks (Blu-Ray,
    HD-DVD). The utilities support creation and
    burning of ISO-images. All utilities are
    multi-language and easy to use. The thirdparty
    developers may use the API of CD/DVD Toys and
    integrate the support of DVD-recorder to own
    applications. Main features: Possibility of
    burning any data to CD-R/CD-RW,
    discs, dual layer support. Burn files and
    folders onto CD/DVD on the fly, buffer
    protection support. Fast and full erase of disk.
    Copy Data disks. Burn ISO image to disk. Create
    ISO-images. Save CD/DVD disk to ISO-image. All
    rights on DVD/CD Toys are reserved to its author
    Dmitry Steklenev. The distribution rights for
    the program are reserved to eCo Software.
    AVXCT211.ZIP 4801 Kb. AVxCAT for ArcaNoae, eComStation and
    OS/2. Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Remy Dodin.
    Audio/Video eXtended Conversion and Authoring
    Tool. AVxCAT is a powerfull audio/video
    conversion and creation tool under many codecs
    type. GUI front-end in Rexx language for FFmpeg,
    which will allow for converting audio and video
    between formats. WarpIN archive.
    VLC-3021.ZIP 45742 Kb. VLC media player v3.0.21 Vetinari for OS/2. The
    cross-platform open-source multimedia framework,
    player and server VLC media player is a highly
    portable multimedia player and multimedia
    framework capable of reading most audio and
    video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX,
    MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac ...) as well as DVDs,
    Audio CDs VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
    Additional requirements: LIBCn v0.1.12, Qt
    4.7.3GA2. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 52953 KBytes.

    Area GFD.GNU.DEV - OS/2 GNU Compilers (Gcc, Emx, SmallTalk etc) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE-441.ZIP 3412 Kb. GNU Make v4.4.1-r2 for OS/2. Copyright (C)
    1988-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GNU
    Make is a tool which controls the generation of
    executables and other non-source files of a
    program from the program's source files. Make
    gets its knowledge of how to build your program
    from a file called the makefile, which lists
    each of the non-source files and how to compute
    it from other files. When you write a program,
    you should write a makefile for it, so that it
    is possible to use Make to build and install the
    program. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3412 KBytes.

    Area GFD.GNU.TOOL - OS/2 GNU Tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOM116.ZIP 3518 Kb. GNU Automake version 1.16.5-r2 for OS/2.
    Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Free Software
    Foundation, Inc. This is Automake, a Makefile
    generator. It was inspired by the 4.4BSD make
    and include files, but aims to be portable and
    to conform to the GNU Coding Standards for
    Makefile variables and targets. Additional
    requirements: Perl v5.16.0-k2, autoconf v2.71,
    GNU M4 v1.4.19. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3518 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SBOOT-V1.ZIP 2705 Kb. Secure Boot tools for ArcaOS (Sboot v1.0).
    Copyright 2022 Bankai Software. Licensed for use
    under the GPL v2. SBoot is for UEFI systems only
    and will not run if your system boots OS/2 in
    CSM/BIOS mode. It has been tested on a limited
    number of computers and performed as expected on
    each. This software will only work on ArcaOS
    version 5.1.0. and higher. Development
    coordinated by OS2Voice.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2705 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240622.ZIP 4291 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4291 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240622.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240622.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.175 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    13 new files, together 71123 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Celibacy is not hereditary.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.7 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, June 24, 2024 06:08:19
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 24/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2018 KBytes.

    Area MBSE_BBS - MBSE: MBSE BBS for Linux ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MB1088.ZIP 8760 Kb. -= MBSE BBS System v1.0.8.8 for Unix =-
    Magic request: MBSE
    MBSEBBS-1.0. 8654 Kb. -= MBSE BBS System v1.0.8.8 for Unix =-
    MBSE BBS is a full Fidonet capable ANSI bbs
    package including a mailer, tosser, ticfile
    processor, filefind and other utilities.
    The bbs supports full configurable ANSI
    menus, multiple languages, standard file
    transfer protocols, native GNU/Linux doors,
    DOS doors using dosemu and BlueWave and QWK
    offline readers.
    The mailer supports FTS-0001, YooHoo/2U2,
    EMSI protocols over modem, TCP/IP IFC and
    Binkp protocols. Zedzap, Zmodem, Telink and
    Hydra file transfer protocols. Full FTN mail
    support, including automatic routing for hub
    and host systems.
    Internal mail format is JAM (c) messagebase.
    Full tic file support, including extended
    tic files.
    OS: GNU/Linux and *BSD, 32/64 bit versions.
    (C) MBSE BBS Development Team.
    Released under the terms of the GNU Public
    License. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 17414 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF26.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 24 Jun 2024 Vol 41 No 26
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240623.ZIP 43 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 43 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240623.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240623.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1870 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.176 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 21474 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Typographers rule, OQ

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 06:08:20
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 25/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2018 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240624.ZIP 224 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 224 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240624.ZIP 268 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240624.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.177 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4227 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... He used to be fairly indecisive, but now he's not so certain.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 06:08:33
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 26/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2018 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240625.ZIP 5254 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 5254 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240625.ZIP 264 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240625.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1864 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.178 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 9253 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Never invest your money in anything that eats or needs painting.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, June 27, 2024 06:07:31
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 27/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2018 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240626.ZIP 22020 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 22020 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240626.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240626.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.179 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 26020 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... My other computer is a 486.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, June 28, 2024 06:08:39
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 28/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2018 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z80 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-06-28 (180) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240627.ZIP 3380 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3380 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240627.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240627.ZIP 243 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1844 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z80 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z80 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.180 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 7417 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, June 29, 2024 06:08:32
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 29/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2018 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240628.ZIP 342 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 342 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240628.ZIP 268 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240628.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.181 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z80 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 180 (28.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z80 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 180 (28.06.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 4407 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... I want to be what I was when I started to be what I am now.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, June 29, 2024 20:47:25
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4G.ZIP 2683 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2683 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5366 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240629.ZIP 910 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 910 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240629.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240629.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    5 new files, together 8141 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, June 30, 2024 06:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 18 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 30/June/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1999 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    2 new files, together 2017 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, July 01, 2024 06:08:35
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 01/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF27.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 01 Jul 2024 Vol 41 No 27
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.GAME - GFD: OS/2 Games ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENDUNE.ZIP 1238 Kb. OpenDUNE v0.9-r2 for OS/2. OpenDUNE is an open
    source re-creation of the popular game "Dune
    II", originally made by Westwood Studios, and
    released by Virgin Entertainment. It attempts to
    re-create the original game and apply modern
    technology to it to allow it to be run natively
    on most operating systems. Additional
    requirements: LIBCn v0.1.12, SDL2 v2.0.4, Dune 2
    v1.07. For build: libkai v2.2.1, libfluidsynth
    v1.0.9-r2, munt-libmt32emu v2.4.1. This port was
    done by: KO Myung-Hun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1238 KBytes.

    Area FG_WORF - FGW: FileGate Info files, FAQ's, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGATEZXX.ZIP 17 Kb. IFDC FileGate file tag update in RAID format.
    Also contains HUB/connect and file area
    Magic request: FILEGATE.ZXX
    FGATEHDR.ZIP 0 Kb. FileGate Header comment file for IFDC
    FileGate archives, to be applied by FDN
    Use zip -z filename.zip < filegate.hdr to
    apply to your archives. Does not change the
    contents of the archive. For RAR,
    use rar c filename.rar -zfilegate.hdr
    Magic request: FILEGATE-HDR
    FDNINFO.ZIP 26 Kb. This is the information file for the IFDC
    FileGate Project (sm).
    Coordinators may find information for
    starting FDNs or linking to an existing
    FILEGATE hub. Also includes FGPOL007.TXT,
    the IFDC FileGate Project policy file and
    other useful files from the Filegete project.
    Magic request: FDNINFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 43 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MISC - OS/2 Misc. Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FBZX-48.ZIP 811 Kb. FBZX version 4.8.0. OS/2 - ArcaOS port of FBZX,
    a ZX spectrum emulator. Copyright (c) 2003-2021
    Raster Software Vigo. This software has been
    ported via GCC 9.20 using SDL 2. Source code is
    included in the file fbzx-master.zip. Ported by
    Mentore Siesto. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 811 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MMPM - OS/2 Multimedia Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLUID109.ZIP 1849 Kb. FluidSynth version 1.0.9-r2 for OS/2. Copyright
    (C) 2000-2006 Peter Hanappe and others.
    Distributed under the LGPL license. SoundFont(R)
    is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc.
    FluidSynth is a software real-time synthesizer
    based on the Soundfont 2 specifications.
    Additional requirements: Additional
    requirements: LIBCn v0.1.12(rpm), glib
    v2.46.2(rpm). For build: CMake v3.20.6(rpm), gcc
    v9.2.0(rpm). This port was done by: KO
    CASTOOLS.ZIP 146 Kb. This is the OS/2 - ArcaOS port of CAS Tools 1.3,
    a set of programs to handle sampled MSX tapes.
    This port was done by: Mentore Siesto. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1995 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGEN3177.ZIP 10907 Kb. AGENA version 3.17.7 OS/2, eComStation, ArcaOS
    edition. Copyright (c) 2006-2024 by Alexander
    Walz. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright
    2006-2020 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved.
    Agena is a procedural programming language.
    Agena is an easy-to-learn interpreted language
    suited for sophisticated procedural programming.
    It provides a rapid development environment for
    your every-day needs. Its syntax looks a lot
    like a simplified Algol 68 with elements taken
    from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 10907 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_SDK.ZIP 6958 Kb. QSINIT 0.36, rev 0628. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 6958 KBytes.

    Area GFD.NET.MISC - OS/2 Misc. Network Tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREERDP.ZIP 2006 Kb. FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP
    v3.4.0 (20240618) is a client for Remote Desktop
    Protocol (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft
    Windows operation systems. FreeRDP is a free
    implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), released under the Apache license. Enjoy
    the freedom of using your software wherever you
    want, the way you want it, in a world where
    interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version,
    you need a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel
    (the not AVX version is under construction yet).
    Additional requirements: CPU with AVX
    instruction set (supported by OS/4 kernel),
    pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN archive. This
    port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2006 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WTELEDSK.ZIP 55 Kb. WTeleDsk Version 1.01 A. This is the OS/2 port
    of WTeleDsk, a software thought to replace
    Teledisk. Teledisk is a DOS program used to
    create raw images of old floppy disks and its
    files (*.td0) are widely used in retrocomputing,
    old CNC machines, and some old music keyboards
    which used floppy disks in the past - most
    notably the GEM music processor series, but also
    Yamaha, Korg and the likes of them. Ported by
    Mentore Siesto.
    QS_LDR.ZIP 1105 Kb. QSINIT 0.36, rev 0628. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1160 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240630.ZIP 12948 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12948 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240630.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240630.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.182 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.183 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 234 KBytes.

    20 new files, together 42198 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Finagle's Sixth Law: Do NOT believe in miracles -- rely on them!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, July 02, 2024 06:08:18
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 02/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240701.ZIP 1481 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1481 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240701.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240701.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.184 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5486 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... When you dial a wrong number, you NEVER get a busy signal.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, July 03, 2024 06:07:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 03/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240702.ZIP 2705 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2705 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240702.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240702.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.185 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 6709 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Ahh! Come on Gerard, just this one last little feature!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, July 04, 2024 06:08:47
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 04/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240703.ZIP 5762 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 5762 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240703.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240703.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.186 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 9766 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... If you can count your money you don't have a billion dollars.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, July 05, 2024 06:08:34
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 05/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z87 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-07-05 (187) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240704.ZIP 4321 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4321 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240704.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240704.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1869 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z87 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z87 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.187 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 8386 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Let him who takes the plunge remember to return it by Tuesday.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, July 06, 2024 06:08:41
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 06/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240705.ZIP 2730 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2730 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.188 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z87 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 187 (05.07.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z87 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 187 (05.07.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4931 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, July 07, 2024 06:08:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 07/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2020 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240706.ZIP 2337 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2337 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240706.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240706.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.189 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 6340 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... You'll never walk alone with schizophrenia.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, July 08, 2024 06:08:20
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 08/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 2000 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2020 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF28.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 08 Jul 2024 Vol 41 No 28
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240707.ZIP 400 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 400 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240707.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240707.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.190 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4417 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... As a boy, he swallowed a teaspoon. And he hasn't stirred since.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, July 09, 2024 06:08:21
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 09/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240708.ZIP 627 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 627 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240708.ZIP 269 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240708.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1869 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.191 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4634 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... The truth is NOT always dressed for the evening.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 06:08:21
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 10/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240709.ZIP 131 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 131 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240709.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240709.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.192 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4136 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Elevators smell different to midgets

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, July 11, 2024 06:08:30
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 11/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240710.ZIP 1214 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1214 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240710.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240710.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.193 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DNGEON13.ZIP 306 Kb. The Dungeon Adventure Game
    Version v13.0, Mainentance
    release r1.0 public domain
    program. Basic source code
    DNDOOR51.ZIP 728 Kb. The Dnd Door version 5.0 is a complete
    text adventure program for Rbbs sysops
    using v17.4 and v17.5 door files. The
    Dnd Door requires 512k Ram, some Ems
    and no Xms, no device drivers and uses
    remote Ansi codes. Dnd Door operates
    in Dos, Desqview, Windows, and OS/2.
    Dnd Door requires no registration and
    contains basic source code written in
    VB 1.0 Pro. The program and source are
    public domain. Version 5.0 is the last
    expected release of Dnd door for 2001. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1034 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 6253 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... HE has not a single redeeming defect.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, July 12, 2024 06:08:13
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 12/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z94 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-07-12 (194) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240711.ZIP 2357 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2357 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240711.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240711.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z94 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z94 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.194 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 6418 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Answers: $1, Short: $5, Correct: $25, dumb looks are still free.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, July 13, 2024 06:08:28
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 13/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2021 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240712.ZIP 2266 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2266 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240712.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240712.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1867 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.195 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z94 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 194 (12.07.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z94 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 194 (12.07.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 6334 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... We're free people. We belong to no one. Kirk, stardate 3259.2.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, July 14, 2024 00:14:08
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4G.ZIP 2682 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2682 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5364 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MISC - OS/2 Misc. Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QK-V118.ZIP 2274 Kb. Quick & Easy Finances Version 1.18-202407. Made
    possibile by: Nathan Woodruff. NW Software, Inc.
    All rights reserved. The ultimate in personal
    financial programs for OS/2. This will make the
    rest of the financial programs will look like
    they were developed in the early 1990's. The
    best native OS/2 personal financial program to
    date. Additional requirements: DB2 for
    Finance.exe, PostGRE for FinanceGRE, Nothing for
    QnE. Needs a TCP/IP connection for Tax
    Information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2274 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ETOOLKIT.ZIP 11761 Kb. Latest eCo Software developer's toolkit
    (2024/07/08). The toolkit includes dlls, headers
    and samples for all libraries. Users don't need
    the toolkit, they should install the eCo
    Software runtime libraries. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11761 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_SDK.ZIP 6960 Kb. QSINIT 0.36, rev 0629. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 6960 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_LDR.ZIP 1104 Kb. QSINIT 0.36, rev 0629. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie.
    DEVMN102.ZIP 860 Kb. eComStation Device Manager 1.02.01. Copyright
    (c) 2015-2024 eCo Software. Copyright (c)
    2015-2024 Dmitry Steklenev. WarpIN archive. ECORTWIN.ZIP 2759 Kb. eCo Software runtime (Win): aboutdlg.dll,
    calendar.dll, ecoclrwl.dll, ecofilm.dll,
    eicons.dll, foc.dll, focpimg.dll, focplcd.dll,
    focpoo3.dll, focppng.dll, focptxt.dll,
    focres.dll, hugelb.dll, merlinn.dll,
    pmhotkey.dll, progress.dll, urllink.dll,
    wc_image.dll (2024/07/08). You can use eCo
    Software runtime in commercial and free
    applications free of charge. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 4723 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240713.ZIP 125 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 125 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240713.ZIP 266 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240713.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1866 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.196 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    12 new files, together 33190 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Footprints in the sands of time are never made by sitting down.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, July 14, 2024 06:08:43
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2002 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 14/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2023 KBytes.

    2 new files, together 2023 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Always mistrust a subordinate who never finds fault with his boss.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, July 14, 2024 23:55:11
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4S.ZIP 2682 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2683 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5365 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF29.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 15 Jul 2024 Vol 41 No 29
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240714.ZIP 2248 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2248 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240714.ZIP 264 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240714.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.197 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 9607 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... All turtle thoughts are of turtle.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, July 15, 2024 06:08:36
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 15/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2023 KBytes.

    2 new files, together 2023 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A bachelor never makes the same mistake once.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 06:08:25
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 16/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2022 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240715.ZIP 1714 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1714 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240715.ZIP 264 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240715.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1864 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.198 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5717 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... If only I could be respected without having to be respectable.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 06:08:24
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 17/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2022 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240716.ZIP 1640 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1640 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM240716.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WW240716.ZIP 264 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1864 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.199 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5643 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... In comparison, there's no comparison.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, July 18, 2024 06:08:20
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2001 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 18/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2022 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240717.ZIP 4613 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4613 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240717.ZIP 267 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240717.ZIP 1601 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1868 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.200 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 8620 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... One was more wise than the other.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, July 19, 2024 06:08:22
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2002 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 19/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2024 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z01 11 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2024-07-19 (201) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240718.ZIP 1498 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1498 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240718.ZIP 264 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240718.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1863 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z01 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z01 46 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 46 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.201 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORUTL71.ZIP 4435 Kb. The Set Of More DOS Utilities. v71.0a.
    Includes PDS v7.10/VB Pro v1.00 Public
    Domain BASIC source code 1995-2024.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Publish: 07/20/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4435 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 9995 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Bend the facts to fit the conclusion. It's easier that way.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, July 19, 2024 15:42:51
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240719.ZIP 1281 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1281 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240719.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240719.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1864 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORUTL72.ZIP 4435 Kb. The Set Of More DOS Utilities. v71.0a.
    Includes PDS v7.10/VB Pro v1.00 Public
    Domain BASIC source code 1995-2024.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Publish: 07/20/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4435 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z01 63 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 201 (19.07.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 63 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z01 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 201 (19.07.2024)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 7643 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A University without students is like an ointment without a fly.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, July 20, 2024 06:08:44
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 20/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 2002 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2024 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.202 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    3 new files, together 2141 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, July 21, 2024 06:08:25
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 2002 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 21/July/2024.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2024 KBytes.

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4S.ZIP 2683 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2683 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5366 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP240720.ZIP 655 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 655 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW240720.ZIP 265 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426
    WM240720.ZIP 1600 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 1865 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.203 117 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 117 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 10027 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Behind every successful man is an astonished mother-in-law.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, October 31, 2022 07:11:10
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 31/October/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD44.ZIP 13 Kb. FIDONEWS 31 Oct 2022 Vol 39 No 44
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 13 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.FILE - GFD.APP: OS/2 File & Disk Managers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DFSEE170.ZIP 10891 Kb. DFSee 17.0 FDISK + FS display & analysis.
    For DOS, OS2, Windows, macOS and Linux.
    Shows partition-tables and bootsectors.
    Collects UNFDISK type recovery info.
    Supports MBR and GPT style partitions.
    plus some ReiserFS and XFS structures.
    Check allocation integrity and display
    allocation maps for disks and partitions.
    Fast CLONING and IMAGING of disks and
    partitions. File-recovery for APFS, HFS,
    RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS and NTFS.
    MOVE or COPY any filesystem/partition.
    Comes with a user-friendly menu system
    including mouse and clipboard support!
    Includes HEX sector editor/disassembler
    and an interactive directory browser
    with file edit/view and copy functions.
    (can restore files from an image backup)
    Allows access to compressed (IMZ) images
    and VirtualBox dynamic disk (VDI) images
    (c) 2022 Jan van Wijk - Fsys Software
    Release Date - October 25, 2022
    DFS170D.ZIP 1274 Kb. DFSee 17.0 FDISK + FS display & analysis. For
    DOS, OS2, Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows
    partition-tables and bootsectors. Collects
    UNFDISK type recovery info. Supports MBR and GPT
    style partitions.
    some ReiserFS and XFS structures. Check
    allocation integrity and display allocation maps
    for disks and partitions. Fast CLONING and
    IMAGING of disks and partitions. File-recovery
    EXTn. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS and NTFS. MOVE
    or COPY any filesystem/partition. Comes with a
    user-friendly menu system including mouse and
    clipboard support! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions.
    Allows access to compressed (IMZ) images and
    VirtualBox dynamic disk (VDI) images. (c) 2022
    Jan van Wijk - Fsys Software Release Date -
    October 25, 2022. This is a ZIP file with a
    self-extracting diskette-image.
    DFS170I.ZIP 41138 Kb. DFSee 17.0 FDISK + FS display & analysis. For
    DOS, OS2, Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows
    partition-tables and bootsectors. Collects
    UNFDISK type recovery info. Supports MBR and GPT
    style partitions.
    some ReiserFS and XFS structures. Check
    allocation integrity and display allocation maps
    for disks and partitions. Fast CLONING and
    IMAGING of disks and partitions. File-recovery
    EXTn. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS and NTFS. MOVE
    or COPY any filesystem/partition. Comes with a
    user-friendly menu system including mouse and
    clipboard support! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions.
    Allows access to compressed (IMZ) images and
    VirtualBox dynamic disk (VDI) images. (c) 2022
    Jan van Wijk - Fsys Software Release Date -
    October 25, 2022. This is a ZIP file with the
    latest ISO image for to create a bootable CDROM. DFS170S.ZIP 2772 Kb. DFSee 17.0 FDISK + FS display & analysis. For
    DOS, OS2, Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows
    partition-tables and bootsectors. Collects
    UNFDISK type recovery info. Supports MBR and GPT
    style partitions.
    some ReiserFS and XFS structures. Check
    allocation integrity and display allocation maps
    for disks and partitions. Fast CLONING and
    IMAGING of disks and partitions. File-recovery
    EXTn. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS and NTFS. MOVE
    or COPY any filesystem/partition. Comes with a
    user-friendly menu system including mouse and
    clipboard support! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions.
    Allows access to compressed (IMZ) images and
    VirtualBox dynamic disk (VDI) images. (c) 2022
    Jan van Wijk - Fsys Software Release Date -
    October 25, 2022. This is a ZIP file with the
    latest ISO image for to create a bootable CDROM
    or USB stick.
    DFS170W.ZIP 6386 Kb. DFSee 17.0 FDISK + FS display & analysis. For
    DOS, OS2, Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows
    partition-tables and bootsectors. Collects
    UNFDISK type recovery info. Supports MBR and GPT
    style partitions.
    some ReiserFS and XFS structures. Check
    allocation integrity and display allocation maps
    for disks and partitions. Fast CLONING and
    IMAGING of disks and partitions. File-recovery
    EXTn. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS and NTFS. MOVE
    or COPY any filesystem/partition. Comes with a
    user-friendly menu system including mouse and
    clipboard support! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions.
    Allows access to compressed (IMZ) images and
    VirtualBox dynamic disk (VDI) images. (c) 2022
    Jan van Wijk - Fsys Software Release Date -
    October 25, 2022. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5 files, 62461 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENA234.ZIP 8165 Kb. AGENA version 2.34.0 eCS OS/2 Warp 4 edition.
    Copyright (c) 2006-2022 by Alexander Walz. All
    rights reserved. Portions Copyright 2006-2020
    Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved. Agena is
    a procedural programming language. Agena is an
    easy-to-learn interpreted language suited for
    sophisticated procedural programming. It
    provides a rapid development environment for
    your every-day needs. Its syntax looks a lot
    like a simplified Algol 68 with elements taken
    from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8165 KBytes.

    Area GFD.GNU.APPS - OS/2 GNU Apps (Tex, Emacs, Ghostscript) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GP545OS2.ZIP 3345 Kb. This is Gnuplot version 5.4.5 binary
    distribution for OS/2. Copyright (C) 1986-1993,
    1998, 2004, 2007-2022 Thomas Williams, Colin
    Kelley and many others. Gnuplot is a portable
    command-line driven graphing utility for linux,
    OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other
    platforms. The source code is copyrighted but
    freely distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay
    for it). It was originally created to allow
    scientists and students to visualize
    mathematical functions and data interactively,
    but has grown to support many non-interactive
    uses such as web scripting. It is also used as a
    plotting engine by third-party applications like
    Octave. Gnuplot has been supported and under
    active development since 1986. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3345 KBytes.

    Area GFD.NET.TCP - OS/2 Tcp/ip related (Ftp/Mail) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUID-53.ZIP 12630 Kb. Squid v5.3 for OS/2 & eComStation. Requires a
    copy of libc066.dll. Squid is a high-performance
    proxy caching server for web clients, supporting
    FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike
    traditional caching software, squid handles all
    requests in a single, non-blocking, I/O-driven
    process. squid keeps meta data and especially
    hot objects cached in RAM, caches DNS lookups,
    supports non-blocking DNS lookups, and
    implements negative caching of failed requests.
    squid supports SSL, extensive access controls,
    and full request logging. By using the
    lightweight Internet Cache Protocol, squid
    caches can be arranged in a hierarchy or mesh
    for additional bandwidth savings. This port was
    done by: Paul Smedley. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12630 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.DRV - OS/2 Misc. Device Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUMPFS32.ZIP 111 Kb. DUMPFS 32-bit File System Version 4.0. 32-bit
    DUMPFS file system driver replacement of the
    original 16-bit DUMPFS file system driver,
    including OS2DUMP and UDUMPFS.DLL. It provides
    access to the dump file as produced by the
    corresponding Dump Module (OS2DUMP) that is also
    part of this package. Author: Lars Erdmann USBDR245.ZIP 429 Kb. This package contains updated USB drivers,
    revision 10.245. Updated USB host controller
    USBD.SYS and USBRESMG.SYS. Human interface class
    Some other class drivers: USBCOM.SYS,
    audio 2.0 support. Author: Lars Erdmann -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 540 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221030.ZIP 487 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fall Colors in the Appalachian Mountains
    30 October 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 487 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221030.ZIP 168 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 168 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221030.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.304 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    17 new files, together 90378 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... It requires a very unusual mind to make an analysis of the obvious.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, November 01, 2022 07:09:26
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 24 Kb. FileGate Header comment file for IFDC
    FileGate archives, to be applied by FDN
    Use zip -z filename.zip < filegate.hdr to
    apply to your archives. Does not change the
    contents of the archive. For RAR,
    use rar c filename.rar -zfilegate.hdr
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area FG_WORF - FGW: FileGate Info files, FAQ's, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGATEZXX.ZIP 18 Kb. IFDC FileGate file tag update in RAID format.
    Also contains HUB/connect and file area
    Magic request: FILEGATE.ZXX
    FDNINFO.ZIP 28 Kb. This is the information file for the IFDC
    FileGate Project (sm).
    Coordinators may find information for
    starting FDNs or linking to an existing
    FILEGATE hub. Also includes FGPOL007.TXT,
    the IFDC FileGate Project policy file and
    other useful files from the Filegete project.
    Magic request: FDNINFO
    FGATEHDR.ZIP 2 Kb. FileGate Header comment file for IFDC
    FileGate archives, to be applied by FDN
    Use zip -z filename.zip < filegate.hdr to
    apply to your archives. Does not change the
    contents of the archive. For RAR,
    use rar c filename.rar -zfilegate.hdr
    Magic request: FILEGATE-HDR -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 48 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221031.ZIP 99 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Smoldering Fires under Fresh Snow in Idaho
    31 October 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 99 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221031.ZIP 1651 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1651 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221031.ZIP 406 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 406 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.305 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 4366 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Counting time is not so important as making time count.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, November 02, 2022 07:08:29
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 02/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221101.ZIP 261 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky
    01 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 261 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221101.ZIP 149 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Inland Niger Delta at the End of the Rainy Seaso
    01 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 149 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221101.ZIP 4393 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4393 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221101.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.306 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 7372 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... All things are possible. Except skiing through a revolving door.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, November 03, 2022 07:08:37
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 03/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221102.ZIP 262 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky
    02 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 262 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221102.ZIP 490 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires, Cloud Wakes, and Blooms Mark Springtime i
    02 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 490 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221102.ZIP 809 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 809 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221102.ZIP 403 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 403 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.307 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    Area PDNLANG - PDN: Other Languages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETSTT32.ZIP 114 Kb. Netstat v3.2 supplied in pascal source.
    Produces a report for any nodelist, ZnDAILY
    which provides a break down of statistics for
    Regions, Zones and nodes.
    For use with fpc (Free PAscal Compiler) on a
    range of platforms, i.e, Windows, Linux, OSX.
    A P.D. program from Justin Marquez, Jr. and
    updates from Vincent Coen 2:250/1.
    Magic request: netstats -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 114 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 4239 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Renegade Tagline!! We're tired of Being Kidnapped!!! REBEL!!!!!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, November 04, 2022 07:08:43
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 04/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z08 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-11-04 (308) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221103.ZIP 505 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Cloud Streets over Hudson Bay
    03 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 505 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221103.ZIP 8139 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8139 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221103.ZIP 405 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 405 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z08 2 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z08 50 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 50 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.308 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 11274 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... I say we nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, November 05, 2022 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 05/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221104.ZIP 262 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky
    04 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 262 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221104.ZIP 179 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Michigan in Bloom
    04 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 179 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221104.ZIP 528 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 528 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221104.ZIP 406 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 406 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z08 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 308 (04.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z08 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 308 (04.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 3460 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... When you dial a wrong number, you NEVER get a busy signal.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, November 06, 2022 07:08:56
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 06/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221105.ZIP 262 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky
    05 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 262 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221105.ZIP 141 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Autumn Colors in the Bay of Fundy
    05 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 141 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221105.ZIP 2481 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2481 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221105.ZIP 405 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 405 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 5305 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Religions change; Beer and Wine remain.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, November 07, 2022 07:08:31
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 07/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD45.ZIP 13 Kb. FIDONEWS 07 Nov 2022 Vol 39 No 45
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 13 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221106.ZIP 262 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky
    06 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 262 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221106.ZIP 494 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom off South America
    06 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 494 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221106.ZIP 383 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 383 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221106.ZIP 403 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 403 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.310 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.311 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 290 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 3861 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Every living thing wants to survive. Spock, stardate 4731.3.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, November 08, 2022 07:08:50
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 08/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221107.ZIP 262 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky
    07 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 262 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221107.ZIP 385 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in Nigeria
    07 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 385 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221107.ZIP 405 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 405 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.312 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 3213 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Americans like fat books and thin women

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, November 09, 2022 07:08:43
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 09/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221108.ZIP 261 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wafer Thin Moon and Pumpkin Sky
    08 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 261 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221108.ZIP 509 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Haze over China
    08 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 509 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221108.ZIP 3112 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3112 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221108.ZIP 406 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 406 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.313 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 6447 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... I only touch base with reality on an as-needed basis!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, November 10, 2022 07:08:42
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 10/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221109.ZIP 458 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cloud Shadow Projection over Novi Ligure, Italy
    09 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 458 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221109.ZIP 243 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Autumn Snow atop the Alps
    09 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 243 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221109.ZIP 1277 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1277 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221109.ZIP 407 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 407 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.314 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4544 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... The truth is NOT always dressed for the evening.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, November 11, 2022 07:08:55
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 11/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221110.ZIP 480 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    A Year of Sunspots
    10 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 480 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z15 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-11-11 (315) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221110.ZIP 516 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hurricane Nicole Approaching Florida
    10 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 516 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221110.ZIP 829 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 829 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221110.ZIP 407 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 407 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z15 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z15 50 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 50 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.315 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    Area AFTNBINKD - R50: BinkD - new IP mailer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BPM20702.ZIP 294 Kb. Binkd 2022/07/02 13:06:13 1.1a-115 Darwin
    Compilation flags: clang, zlib, bzlib2, perl,
    https, ntlm,
    amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim,
    af_force. Facilities: fts5004 ipv6
    BCM20702.ZIP 144 Kb. Binkd 2022/07/02 13:06:13 1.1a-115 Darwin
    Compilation flags: clang, zlib, bzlib2, https,
    ntlm, amiga_4d_outbound,
    bwlim, af_force. Facilities: fts5004 ipv6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 438 KBytes.

    Area AFTNMISC - R50: Multiplatform FidoNet software ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HCM20703.ZIP 2712 Kb. husky/mac 1.9 2022-07-03
    husky is a bunch of os-independent software
    for fidonet. It consitsts of tosser hpt,
    fileechoprocessor htick, message editor
    msged TE, libraries fidoconfig, smapi etc.
    Russian documentation may be found in Wiki
    OSXIP21110.T 2270 Kb. FidoNet Point Kit for Mac OS X (macOS) (based on
    MacFidoIP) by Moris Haos (2:5083/444.36) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 4982 KBytes.

    14 new files, together 9876 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Graphics recorders will deposit more ink on humans than on paper.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, November 12, 2022 07:09:07
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 12/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221111.ZIP 476 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Factors Determining Snowmelt in the Rocky Mounta
    11 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 476 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221111.ZIP 455 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fog and Snow in Canadian Rockies
    11 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 455 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221111.ZIP 2571 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2571 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221111.ZIP 406 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 406 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.316 151 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 151 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z15 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 315 (11.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z15 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 315 (11.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 6144 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... The writer does the most who gives the reader the most

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, November 13, 2022 07:08:55
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 13/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221112.ZIP 476 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Factors Determining Snowmelt in the Rocky Mounta
    12 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 476 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGEN2341.ZIP 8169 Kb. AGENA version 2.34.1 eCS OS/2 Warp 4 edition.
    Copyright (c) 2006-2022 by Alexander Walz. All
    rights reserved. Portions Copyright 2006-2020
    Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved. Agena is
    a procedural programming language. Agena is an
    easy-to-learn interpreted language suited for
    sophisticated procedural programming. It
    provides a rapid development environment for
    your every-day needs. Its syntax looks a lot
    like a simplified Algol 68 with elements taken
    from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8169 KBytes.

    Area GFD.GNU.SRC - OS/2 GNU Sources with exe's ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBIC117.ZIP 7754 Kb. GNU libiconv v1.17 for OS/2. Copyright (C)
    2000-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written
    by Bruno Haible. This library provides an
    iconv() implementation, for use on systems which
    don't have one, or whose implementation cannot
    convert from/to Unicode. Additional
    requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6. This port was done
    by: KO Myung-Hun.
    GTTX0211.ZIP 39964 Kb. gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) v0.21.1 for OS/2.
    Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2001-2022 Free Software
    Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper. This
    is the GNU gettext package. It is interesting
    for authors or maintainers of other packages or
    programs which they want to see
    internationalized. As one step the handling of
    messages in different languages should be
    implemented. For this task GNU gettext provides
    the needed tools and library functions.
    Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6. This port
    was done by: KO Myung-Hun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 47718 KBytes.

    Area GFD.NET.WWW - OS/2 Http, Server, Browsers etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNKS228W.ZIP 3799 Kb. Links browser version 2.28. Links is (c)
    1999-2022 Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2022 Petr
    Kulhav, Karel Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a
    graphics and text mode web browser, released
    under GPL. Links is a free software. Additional
    requirements: EMX v0.9c. WarpIN archive.
    LNKS228.ZIP 3735 Kb. Links browser version 2.28. Links is (c)
    1999-2022 Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2022 Petr
    Kulhav, Karel Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a
    graphics and text mode web browser, released
    under GPL. Links is a free software. Additional
    requirements: EMX v0.9c. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 7534 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.DRV - OS/2 Misc. Device Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USBDR246.ZIP 429 Kb. This package contains updated USB drivers,
    revision 10.246. Updated USB host controller
    USBD.SYS and USBRESMG.SYS. Human interface class
    Some other class drivers: USBCOM.SYS,
    audio 2.0 support. Author: Lars Erdmann -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 429 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221112.ZIP 509 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Nicole Soaks the Eastern United States
    12 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 509 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221112.ZIP 668 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 668 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221112.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.317 163 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 163 KBytes.

    Area AFTNMISC - R50: Multiplatform FidoNet software ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIDOOSXIP.TA 2270 Kb. FidoNet Point Kit for Mac OS X (macOS) (based on
    MacFidoIP) by Moris Haos (2:5083/444.36) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2270 KBytes.

    14 new files, together 70360 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Today is the first day of the rest of the mess.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, November 14, 2022 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 24 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 14/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD46.ZIP 13 Kb. FIDONEWS 14 Nov 2022 Vol 39 No 46
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 13 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221113.ZIP 476 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Factors Determining Snowmelt in the Rocky Mounta
    13 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 476 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221113.ZIP 495 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Western United States
    13 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 495 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221113.ZIP 126 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 126 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221113.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.318 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 3679 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Some men are discovered; others are found out.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 07:09:01
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 15/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221114.ZIP 518 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    What is the Color of the Lunar Seas?
    14 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 518 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221114.ZIP 467 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Aerosols Along the Kirthar Mountains
    14 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 467 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221114.ZIP 397 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 397 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221114.ZIP 409 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 409 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.319 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3950 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... He who dies with the most TAGLINES wins!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 07:08:44
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 16/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221115.ZIP 488 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Moondog and Etna Lava Flow
    15 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 488 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221115.ZIP 314 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom off Namib Desert
    15 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 314 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221115.ZIP 1356 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1356 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221115.ZIP 410 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 410 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.320 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4727 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Omens are there to be broken.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, November 17, 2022 07:08:37
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 220000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 17/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221116.ZIP 498 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Microbialites in Puna Argentina
    16 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 498 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221116.ZIP 259 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Life-threatening Flooding along Barwon and Darli
    16 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 259 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221116.ZIP 235 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 235 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221116.ZIP 409 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 409 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.321 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3560 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, November 18, 2022 07:08:59
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 18/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221117.ZIP 451 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Beautiful Alpine Lakes in the Sierra Nevada Rang
    17 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 451 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z22 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-11-18 (322) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221117.ZIP 444 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Carpathians Surrounded by Fog and Cloud
    17 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 444 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221117.ZIP 89 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 89 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221117.ZIP 412 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 412 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.322 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 3567 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Computers run on faith, not electrons.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, November 19, 2022 07:08:47
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 19/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221118.ZIP 356 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022, Obser
    18 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 356 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221118.ZIP 509 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom in the South Atlantic
    18 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 509 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221118.ZIP 3943 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3943 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221118.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z22 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z22 50 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 50 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.323 360 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 360 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z22 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 322 (18.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z22 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 322 (18.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    11 new files, together 7711 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... If you've seen one REDWOOD tree, you've seen 'em all.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, November 20, 2022 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 20/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221119.ZIP 356 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022, Obser
    19 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 356 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221119.ZIP 92 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires at Neah Bay, Washington
    19 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 92 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221119.ZIP 92 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 92 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221119.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.324 360 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 360 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3323 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... No more blah, blah, blah! Kirk, Miri, stardate 2713.6.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, November 21, 2022 07:08:35
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1993 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 21/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2015 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD47.ZIP 14 Kb. FIDONEWS 21 Nov 2022 Vol 39 No 47
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * What is a Bulletin Board?
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 14 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221120.ZIP 356 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Partial Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022, Obser
    20 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 356 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221120.ZIP 530 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust Swirling over the Mediterranean
    20 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 530 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221120.ZIP 167 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 167 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221120.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.325 360 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 360 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 3850 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... It is a well known fact that a deceased body harms the mind.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 07:08:34
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 22/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221121.ZIP 428 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Detailed Image of Dragonfly Eye
    21 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 428 KBytes.

    Area BBS-SUPPORT - BBS Support software all platforms ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETST404.ZIP 122 Kb. Netstat v4.0.4 supplied as Pascal source.
    Produces a report for any nodelist or ZnDAILY
    which provides a break down of statistics for
    Zones, Regions, Hubs and nodes, etc.
    For use with fpc (Free Pascal Compiler) on a
    range of platforms, i.e, Windows, Linux, OSX.
    A P.D. program from Justin Marquez, Jr. and
    updates from Vincent Coen 2:250/1 provided as
    open source.
    Latest version always available from
    Magic request: netstats -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 122 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221121.ZIP 145 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snowfall at the Grand Canyon
    21 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221121.ZIP 1653 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1653 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221121.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.326 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    Area PDNLANG - PDN: Other Languages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETST404.ZIP 122 Kb. Netstat v4.0.4 supplied as Pascal source.
    Produces a report for any nodelist or ZnDAILY
    which provides a break down of statistics for
    Zones, Regions, Hubs and nodes, etc.
    For use with fpc (Free Pascal Compiler) on a
    range of platforms, i.e, Windows, Linux, OSX.
    A P.D. program from Justin Marquez, Jr. and
    updates from Vincent Coen 2:250/1 provided as
    open source.
    Latest version always available from
    Magic request: netstats -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 122 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 5039 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Moderation is a fatal thing - nothing succeeds like excess.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 07:08:37
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 23/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221122.ZIP 253 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Dust Devils on a Dry Lakebed
    22 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 253 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221122.ZIP 138 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Clear Skies over Qatar
    22 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 138 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221122.ZIP 2903 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2903 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221122.ZIP 407 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 407 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.327 144 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 144 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 5861 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Distrust your first impressions; they are invariably too favorable.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, November 24, 2022 07:08:41
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 24/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221123.ZIP 496 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Saturn's Rings in 2020, 2021 and 2022
    23 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 496 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221123.ZIP 193 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Heavy Lake-Effect Snow in Western New York
    23 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 193 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221123.ZIP 362 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 362 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221123.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.328 143 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 143 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3618 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Rugby is played by men with odd-shaped balls!!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, November 25, 2022 07:08:54
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 25/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221124.ZIP 513 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Below the Wasatch Ranges Storm Mountain
    24 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 513 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z29 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-11-25 (329) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221124.ZIP 94 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    North Carolina's Coastal Plain
    24 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 94 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221124.ZIP 3616 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3616 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221124.ZIP 410 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 410 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z29 3 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z29 50 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 50 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.329 143 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 143 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 6857 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Do what you will with this tagline, just don't bother me about it!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, November 26, 2022 07:08:41
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 26/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221125.ZIP 472 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Glacial Striations in Victoria, British Columbia
    25 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 472 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221125.ZIP 170 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust from Iran and Pakistan
    25 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 170 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221125.ZIP 2801 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2801 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221125.ZIP 407 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 407 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.330 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z29 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 329 (25.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z29 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 329 (25.11.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 6077 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, November 27, 2022 07:08:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 27/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2016 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221126.ZIP 472 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Glacial Striations in Victoria, British Columbia
    26 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 472 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221126.ZIP 505 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow Across the Himalayas and Kunlun Mountains
    26 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 505 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221126.ZIP 398 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 398 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221126.ZIP 405 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 405 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.331 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3938 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Virtue is a relative term. Spock, Friday's Child, stardate 3499.1.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, November 28, 2022 07:08:35
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 28/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD48.ZIP 13 Kb. FIDONEWS 28 Nov 2022 Vol 39 No 48
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 13 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221127.ZIP 472 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Glacial Striations in Victoria, British Columbia
    27 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 472 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.GAME - GFD: OS/2 Games ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHELLO.ZIP 53 Kb. Othello version 1.02. Copyright (c) Nathan
    Woodruff. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 53 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEASLSRC.ZIP 799 Kb. Weasel Pro 2.8 source code. Copyright (C)
    1998-2022 Peter Moylan. Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP
    daemon for OS/2. Includes controls on who may
    send relay mail, and includes a way of blocking
    mail from specified hosts. Now released as
    open-source with GPL licence.
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6375 Kb. QSINIT 0.32, rev 0580. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 7174 KBytes.

    Area GFD.NET.TCP - OS/2 Tcp/ip related (Ftp/Mail) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEASEL28.ZIP 563 Kb. Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for
    OS/2. Includes controls on who may
    send relay mail, and includes a way
    of blocking mail from specified hosts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 563 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_LDR.ZIP 1024 Kb. QSINIT 0.32, rev 0580. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1024 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221127.ZIP 275 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust Storm in Chad
    27 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 275 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221127.ZIP 881 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 881 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221127.ZIP 407 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 407 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.332 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    13 new files, together 13021 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... For a man of fortitude, there are no walls, only avenues.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 07:08:44
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 29/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2017 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221128.ZIP 281 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mamattus Observed in Stratus Cloud
    28 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 281 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221128.ZIP 8 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Aerosols over India
    28 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221128.ZIP 648 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 648 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221128.ZIP 405 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 405 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.333 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3501 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Anything that keeps a politician humble is healthy for democracy.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 07:08:41
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 30/November/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221129.ZIP 520 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Carob Mushroom in Early Stage of Growth
    29 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 520 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221129.ZIP 504 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Icebergs A76A and A69A
    29 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 504 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221129.ZIP 916 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 916 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221129.ZIP 405 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 405 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.334 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4500 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Immortality--a fate worse than death.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, December 01, 2022 07:08:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 01/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221130.ZIP 316 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    On the Wind: Plant Seed Dispersal
    30 November 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 316 KBytes.

    Area FG_WORF - FGW: FileGate Info files, FAQ's, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGATEHDR.ZIP 2 Kb. FileGate Header comment file for IFDC
    FileGate archives, to be applied by FDN
    Use zip -z filename.zip < filegate.hdr to
    apply to your archives. Does not change the
    contents of the archive. For RAR,
    use rar c filename.rar -zfilegate.hdr
    Magic request: FILEGATE-HDR
    FGATEZXX.ZIP 18 Kb. IFDC FileGate file tag update in RAID format.
    Also contains HUB/connect and file area
    Magic request: FILEGATE.ZXX
    FDNINFO.ZIP 28 Kb. This is the information file for the IFDC
    FileGate Project (sm).
    Coordinators may find information for
    starting FDNs or linking to an existing
    FILEGATE hub. Also includes FGPOL007.TXT,
    the IFDC FileGate Project policy file and
    other useful files from the Filegete project.
    Magic request: FDNINFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 48 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221130.ZIP 100 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom in the Caspian Sea
    30 November 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 100 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221130.ZIP 5588 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 5588 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221130.ZIP 408 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 408 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.335 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 8615 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A crises is when you CAN'T say let's forget about the whole thing!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, December 02, 2022 07:08:22
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 02/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221201.ZIP 169 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mt. Baker at Sunrise
    01 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 169 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z36 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-12-02 (336) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221201.ZIP 494 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Late Season Fires in Central South America
    01 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 494 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221201.ZIP 655 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 655 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221201.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z36 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z36 50 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 50 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.336 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QBSHELL4.ZIP 842 Kb. The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 04-20-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 04/20/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 842 KBytes.

    11 new files, together 4794 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... There are no answers, only cross-references!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, December 03, 2022 07:08:33
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 03/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221202.ZIP 492 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cumulus Clouds with Spikes
    02 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 492 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221202.ZIP 80 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Mauna Loa Erupts
    02 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 80 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221202.ZIP 1031 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1031 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221202.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.337 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z36 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 336 (02.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z36 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 336 (02.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 4242 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Federal Employment Principle: Confusion creates jobs.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, December 04, 2022 07:08:23
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 04/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221203.ZIP 492 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cumulus Clouds with Spikes
    03 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 492 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221203.ZIP 489 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sea Ice and Clouds over the Sea of Okhotsk
    03 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 489 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221203.ZIP 187 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 187 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221203.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.338 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3739 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Average is as close to the bottom as it is to the top.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, December 05, 2022 07:08:21
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 05/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD49.ZIP 13 Kb. FIDONEWS 05 Dec 2022 Vol 39 No 49
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 13 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221204.ZIP 492 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cumulus Clouds with Spikes
    04 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 492 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221204.ZIP 178 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow across the Midwestern United States
    04 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 178 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221204.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.339 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3253 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Some men are discovered; others are found out.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, December 06, 2022 07:08:22
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 06/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221205.ZIP 428 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Salt Pans of Torre Nubia
    05 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 428 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221205.ZIP 236 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Burn Scars in Sudan and South Sudan
    05 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 236 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221205.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.340 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 3235 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... I used to get high on life but lately I've built up a resistance.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, December 07, 2022 07:08:23
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 07/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2014 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221206.ZIP 1743 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Double Cloud Shadow off the Coast of Croatia
    06 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1743 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221206.ZIP 485 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust Shrouds the Taklamakan Desert
    06 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 485 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221204.ZIP 36199 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP221205.ZIP 1924 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP221206.ZIP 588 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 38711 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221206.ZIP 416 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 416 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.341 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 43511 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, December 08, 2022 07:08:50
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 08/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221207.ZIP 1610 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Another Look at Lunar Pareidolia and the Tricks
    07 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1610 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221207.ZIP 518 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Open- and Closed-Cell Clouds off the West Coast
    07 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 518 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221207.ZIP 471 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 471 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221207.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.342 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 5169 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, December 09, 2022 07:08:38
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 09/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221208.ZIP 512 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Golden Torch Cactus Flower
    08 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 512 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z43 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-12-09 (343) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221208.ZIP 256 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Cuba and the Gulf of Bataban
    08 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 256 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221208.ZIP 1101 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1101 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221208.ZIP 417 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 417 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z43 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z43 50 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 50 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.343 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 4504 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Almost everything in life is easier to get into than out of.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, December 10, 2022 07:08:41
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 10/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221209.ZIP 504 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood
    09 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 504 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221209.ZIP 369 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires and Smoke in Western Africa
    09 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 369 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221209.ZIP 2315 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2315 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221209.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.344 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z43 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 343 (09.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z43 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 343 (09.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 5826 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... I reserve my abuse for lower life forms, like Civil Servants.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, December 11, 2022 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 11/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221210.ZIP 504 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood
    10 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 504 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221210.ZIP 501 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Mount Etna Stands Above the Dust
    10 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 501 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221210.ZIP 561 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 561 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221210.ZIP 416 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 416 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.345 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4137 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A closed mouth gathers no foot.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, December 12, 2022 07:08:52
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 12/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD50.ZIP 15 Kb. FIDONEWS 12 Dec 2022 Vol 39 No 50
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * FTA-1000
    * FTA-1003
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 15 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221211.ZIP 504 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Crystal Forms in Petrified Wood
    11 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 504 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221211.ZIP 510 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Western United States
    11 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 510 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221211.ZIP 958 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 958 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221211.ZIP 416 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 416 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.346 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 4558 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... HANGOVER: the wrath of grapes.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 07:08:33
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 13/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2013 KBytes.

    Area FTSC - SDS: FidoNet Technical Standards Committee ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTA-1003.031 4 Kb. FTSC Membership List
    Magic request: FTA-1003
    FTA-1000.003 3 Kb. FTSC Charter
    Magic request: FTA-1000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 7 KBytes.

    Area FTSC-OLD - Fidonet Technical Standards Old files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTA-1003.030 4 Kb. FTSC Membership List
    FTA-1000.002 3 Kb. FTSC Charter -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 7 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221212.ZIP 495 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Joggins Fossil Cliffs
    12 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 495 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221212.ZIP 390 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Mandous
    12 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 390 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221212.ZIP 651 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 651 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221212.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.347 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QBSHELL5.ZIP 844 Kb. The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-10-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/10/2022
    Note: Some internal filenames
    in this archive use LFNs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 844 KBytes.

    12 new files, together 4964 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A Smith & Wesson *ALWAYS* beats 4 Aces.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 07:08:46
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 14/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221213.ZIP 510 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Twinned Rainbow
    13 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 510 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221213.ZIP 218 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ice on the Aral Sea
    13 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 218 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221213.ZIP 2165 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2165 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221213.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.348 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 5459 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... It's innocence when it charms us, ignorance when it doesn't.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, December 15, 2022 07:08:34
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 15/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221214.ZIP 506 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Evaporation Fog in Meuse Valley
    14 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 506 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221214.ZIP 459 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Massive Winter Storm Rolls Across the United Sta
    14 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 459 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221214.ZIP 13936 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 13936 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221214.ZIP 412 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 412 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.349 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 17465 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Some things have got to be believed to be seen.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, December 16, 2022 07:08:23
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 16/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221215.ZIP 498 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lace Lichen
    15 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 498 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z50 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-12-16 (350) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221215.ZIP 231 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the United Kingdom and Ireland
    15 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 231 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221215.ZIP 849 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 849 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221215.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z50 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z50 50 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 50 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.350 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 4207 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... It is illegal to make liquor privately, or water publicly.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, December 17, 2022 07:08:51
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 17/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221216.ZIP 493 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah
    16 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 493 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221216.ZIP 496 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Southwestern United States
    16 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 496 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221216.ZIP 2818 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2818 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221216.ZIP 412 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 412 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.351 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z50 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 350 (16.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z50 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 350 (16.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 6440 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... I think sex is better than logic, but I can't prove it.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, December 18, 2022 07:08:37
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 18/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221217.ZIP 493 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah
    17 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 493 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221217.ZIP 502 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone 07A
    17 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 502 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221217.ZIP 2576 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2576 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221217.ZIP 411 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 411 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.352 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 6134 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again. - L. Long

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, December 19, 2022 07:08:38
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 19/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD51.ZIP 13 Kb. FIDONEWS 19 Dec 2022 Vol 39 No 51
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 13 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221218.ZIP 493 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Red Bar Natural Bridge, Utah
    18 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 493 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221218.ZIP 65 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Richat Structure
    18 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 65 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221218.ZIP 668 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 668 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221218.ZIP 411 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 411 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.353 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 3802 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... HANGOVER: the wrath of grapes.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 07:08:42
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 20/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221219.ZIP 478 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    La Palma Pillar
    19 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 478 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221219.ZIP 158 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    North Caspian Ice-up
    19 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 158 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221219.ZIP 686 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 686 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221219.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.353 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.354 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 284 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 4030 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 07:08:43
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 21/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221220.ZIP 418 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lunar Green Flash Sequence
    20 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 418 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221220.ZIP 517 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom around Falkland Islands
    20 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 517 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221220.ZIP 317 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 317 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221220.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.355 142 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 142 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3818 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... You can tune a piano, but you can`t tuna fish.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, December 22, 2022 07:08:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 15 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 22/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2009 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221221.ZIP 487 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Southern England Solargraph: Solstice to Solstic
    21 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 487 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221221.ZIP 131 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Clouds against the Mountains of Taiwan
    21 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 131 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221221.ZIP 213 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 213 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221221.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.356 146 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 146 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3400 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... God has Alzheimer's disease; he's forgotten that we exist.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, December 23, 2022 07:09:10
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 16 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 23/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1994 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2010 KBytes.

    Area MBSE_BBS - MBSE: MBSE BBS for Linux ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MB1082.ZIP 8334 Kb. -= MBSE BBS System v1.0.8.2 for Unix =-
    MBSE BBS is a full Fidonet capable ANSI bbs
    package including a mailer, tosser, ticfile
    processor, filefind and other utilities.
    The bbs supports full configurable ANSI
    menus, multiple languages, standard file
    transfer protocols, native GNU/Linux doors,
    DOS doors using dosemu and BlueWave and QWK
    offline readers.
    The mailer supports FTS-0001, YooHoo/2U2,
    EMSI protocols over modem, TCP/IP IFC and
    Binkp protocols. Zedzap, Zmodem, Telink and
    Hydra file transfer protocols. Full FTN mail
    support, including automatic routing for hub
    and host systems.
    Internal mail format is JAM (c) messagebase.
    Full tic file support, including extended
    tic files.
    OS: GNU/Linux and *BSD, 32/64 bit versions.
    (C) MBSE BBS Development Team.
    Released under the terms of the GNU Public
    License. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8334 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221222.ZIP 502 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Colorful Clouds Observed at Sunset
    22 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 502 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z57 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-12-23 (357) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221222.ZIP 77 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Weakening Pulse of Tonle Sap
    22 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 77 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221222.ZIP 3751 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3751 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221222.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z57 3 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z57 52 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 52 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.357 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    11 new files, together 15302 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Life is a hereditary disease.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, December 23, 2022 15:37:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221223.ZIP 43 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 43 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEXXIT81.ZIP 344 Kb. The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2012
    HEXED8R8.ZIP 224 Kb. The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r8.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/21/2022 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 568 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z57 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 357 (23.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z57 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 357 (23.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    5 new files, together 680 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... We think he's dead, but we're afraid to ask.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, December 24, 2022 07:08:50
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 17 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 24/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1995 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2012 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221223.ZIP 485 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Halo Display Observed from Graubunden, Switzerla
    23 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 485 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221223.ZIP 368 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fog in the Central Valley
    23 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 368 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221223.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.358 146 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 146 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 3426 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Men will always be men -- no matter where they are.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, December 25, 2022 07:08:49
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 17 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 25/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1995 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2012 KBytes.

    Area FTSC - SDS: FidoNet Technical Standards Committee ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTS-4010.001 5 Kb. PING and TRACE Flags
    Magic request: FTS-4010
    FRL-1040.001 5 Kb. PING and TRACE Flags -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 10 KBytes.

    Area FTSC-OLD - Fidonet Technical Standards Old files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSP-1043.001 5 Kb. PING and TRACE Flags -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 5 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221224.ZIP 485 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Halo Display Observed from Graubunden, Switzerla
    24 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 485 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221224.ZIP 278 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Manicouagan Reservoir
    24 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 278 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221224.ZIP 11234 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 11234 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221224.ZIP 416 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 416 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.359 146 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 146 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 14586 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... One good turn gets most of the blanket.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, December 26, 2022 07:08:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 26/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2002 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTD52.ZIP 14 Kb. FIDONEWS 26 Dec 2022 Vol 39 No 52
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * *********************************************
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 14 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221225.ZIP 293 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Fernlike Snow Crystal
    25 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 293 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENA234.ZIP 8293 Kb. AGENA version 2.34.10 eCS OS/2 Warp 4 edition.
    Copyright (c) 2006-2022 by Alexander Walz. All
    rights reserved. Portions Copyright 2006-2020
    Lua.org, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved. Agena is
    a procedural programming language. Agena is an
    easy-to-learn interpreted language suited for
    sophisticated procedural programming. It
    provides a rapid development environment for
    your every-day needs. Its syntax looks a lot
    like a simplified Algol 68 with elements taken
    from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8293 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_SDK.ZIP 6314 Kb. QSINIT 0.32, rev 0583. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 6314 KBytes.

    Area GFD.NET.MISC - OS/2 Misc. Network Tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREER290.ZIP 1806 Kb. FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP
    v2.9.0.0 (20221013) is a client for Remote
    Desktop Protocol (RDP), used in a number of
    Microsoft Windows operation systems. FreeRDP is
    a free implementation of the Remote Desktop
    Protocol (RDP), released under the Apache
    license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it,
    in a world where interoperability can finally
    liberate your computing experience. This is a
    test version, you need a CPU with AVX support
    and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX version is under
    construction yet). Additional requirements: CPU
    with AVX instruction set (supported by OS/4
    kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1806 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_LDR.ZIP 1030 Kb. QSINIT 0.32, rev 0583. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1030 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221225.ZIP 466 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Killer Winter Storm Rolls Across North America
    25 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 466 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221225.ZIP 2644 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2644 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221225.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.359 146 Kb. Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.360 146 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 292 KBytes.

    13 new files, together 23569 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Illiterate? Write for FREE HELP!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 07:08:33
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 27/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2002 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221226.ZIP 2188 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lunar Occultation of Uranus
    26 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2188 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.REXX - OS/2 Rexx samples, libs, dll's etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRIVEDIR.ZIP 40 Kb. Enhanced Directory Tree Utility Version: 2.0.0
    by Al Heath. Enhanced directory command for a
    drive, somewhat similar to "dir /s". -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 40 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.DRV - OS/2 Misc. Device Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUMPFS32.ZIP 111 Kb. DUMPFS 32-bit File System Version 6.0. 32-bit
    DUMPFS file system driver replacement of the
    original 16-bit DUMPFS file system driver,
    including OS2DUMP and UDUMPFS.DLL. It provides
    access to the dump file as produced by the
    corresponding Dump Module (OS2DUMP) that is also
    part of this package. Author: Lars Erdmann -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 111 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221226.ZIP 108 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Southeastern Australia
    26 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 108 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221226.ZIP 649 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 649 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221226.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.361 146 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 146 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 5659 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Academic rivalries are so intense because the stakes are so small.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 07:08:37
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 28/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2002 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221227.ZIP 490 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Patterns in the Dieffenbachia Plant
    27 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 490 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221227.ZIP 56 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Smoke and Fire near Santiago, Chile
    27 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 56 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221227.ZIP 1491 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1491 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221227.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.362 146 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 146 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4599 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... He who laughs, lasts.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, December 29, 2022 07:08:46
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 29/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2002 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221228.ZIP 510 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Snake Rivers Formidable Hells Canyon
    28 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 510 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221228.ZIP 499 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Darien in the Indian Ocean
    28 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 499 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221228.ZIP 161 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 161 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221228.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.363 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3734 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Da trouble wit computers is, dey got no sense of humor.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, December 30, 2022 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 30/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2002 KBytes.

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4S.ZIP 2681 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2681 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5362 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221229.ZIP 484 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Dalene Matthee Big Tree
    29 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 484 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z64 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2022-12-30 (364) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221229.ZIP 234 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Christmas Snow in the Midwestern United States
    29 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 234 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221229.ZIP 2876 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2876 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221229.ZIP 413 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 413 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z64 2 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z64 52 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 52 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.364 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    12 new files, together 11584 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Fascinating, a totally parochial attitude. Spock, stardate 3219.8.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, December 31, 2022 07:08:41
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 19 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 31/December/2022.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2002 KBytes.

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4S.ZIP 2680 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2680 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5360 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221230.ZIP 459 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Crepuscular Rays Observed from Italian Alps
    30 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 459 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221230.ZIP 201 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Turkana
    30 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 201 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221230.ZIP 9818 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 9818 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221230.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.365 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QBSHELL6.ZIP 828 Kb. The Windows QB64shell Utility.
    Version v.0001 Release r.001
    Build 12-30-2022.01
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022
    Note: Includes some LFNs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 828 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z64 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 364 (30.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z64 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 364 (30.12.2022)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    12 new files, together 19296 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, January 01, 2023 07:08:44
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 01/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2003 KBytes.

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4S.ZIP 2680 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2681 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5361 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP221231.ZIP 459 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Crepuscular Rays Observed from Italian Alps
    31 December 2022
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 459 KBytes.

    Area FG_WORF - FGW: FileGate Info files, FAQ's, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGATEHDR.ZIP 2 Kb. FileGate Header comment file for IFDC
    FileGate archives, to be applied by FDN
    Use zip -z filename.zip < filegate.hdr to
    apply to your archives. Does not change the
    contents of the archive. For RAR,
    use rar c filename.rar -zfilegate.hdr
    Magic request: FILEGATE-HDR
    FGATEZXX.ZIP 18 Kb. IFDC FileGate file tag update in RAID format.
    Also contains HUB/connect and file area
    Magic request: FILEGATE.ZXX
    FDNINFO.ZIP 28 Kb. This is the information file for the IFDC
    FileGate Project (sm).
    Coordinators may find information for
    starting FDNs or linking to an existing
    FILEGATE hub. Also includes FGPOL007.TXT,
    the IFDC FileGate Project policy file and
    other useful files from the Filegete project.
    Magic request: FDNINFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 48 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MMPM - OS/2 Multimedia Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VLC-3018.ZIP 44604 Kb. VLC media player v3.0.18 Vetinari for OS/2. The
    cross-platform open-source multimedia framework,
    player and server VLC media player is a highly
    portable multimedia player and multimedia
    framework capable of reading most audio and
    video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX,
    MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac ...) as well as DVDs,
    Audio CDs VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
    Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, Qt
    4.7.3GA2. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 44604 KBytes.

    Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_SDK.ZIP 6320 Kb. QSINIT 0.32, rev 0584. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 6320 KBytes.

    Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_LDR.ZIP 1036 Kb. QSINIT 0.32, rev 0584. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
    but it is suitable for many other things like
    playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
    editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1036 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD221231.ZIP 253 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in South Korea
    31 December 2022
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 253 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP221231.ZIP 999 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 999 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW221231.ZIP 411 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 411 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.001 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    15 new files, together 61639 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Living with a saint is more gruelling than being one.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, January 02, 2023 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 02/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2003 KBytes.

    Area DBRIDGE - DB: D'Bridge Software releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB4S.ZIP 2680 Kb. D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2680 Kb. D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 5360 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE01.ZIP 16 Kb. FIDONEWS 02 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 01
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * IPv6 in 2022
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 16 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230101.ZIP 459 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Crepuscular Rays Observed from Italian Alps
    01 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 459 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230101.ZIP 209 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Icebergs, D30, D28, D29B,
    01 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 209 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230101.ZIP 254 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 254 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230101.ZIP 412 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 412 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.002 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    Area PDNBASIC - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEXED8R9.ZIP 224 Kb. The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r9.0a.
    Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment.
    Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC
    Source Code public domain 2022.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 12/30/2022 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 224 KBytes.

    Area OPENXP - Points software ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OX557WIN.ZIP 3235 Kb. OpenXP v5.0.57 Win32 binaries.
    Console-mode multi-platform and multi-protocol
    mail/news software supporting POP3, SMTP, IMAP
    NNTP, UUCP, FidoNet and ZConnect. FidoNet
    protocols supported are binkP (Fido-over-ip)
    and POTS. POP3/SMTP/IMAP now support SSL/TLS.
    Online help and user interface available in
    German and English. Released under GPLv2.
    OX557L64.ZIP 4148 Kb. OpenXP v5.0.57 Linux-x86_64 binaries.
    Console-mode multi-platform and multi-protocol
    mail/news software supporting POP3, SMTP, IMAP
    NNTP, UUCP, FidoNet and ZConnect. FidoNet
    protocols supported are binkP (Fido-over-ip)
    and POTS. POP3/SMTP/IMAP now support SSL/TLS.
    Online help and user interface available in
    German and English. Released under GPLv2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 7383 KBytes.

    13 new files, together 16465 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... HE has not a single redeeming defect.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, January 03, 2023 07:09:03
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 03/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2003 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230102.ZIP 488 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Radial Stress Fracture
    02 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 488 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230102.ZIP 163 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fog in the Mountains of the Balkan Peninsula
    02 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 163 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230102.ZIP 202 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 202 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230102.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.003 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3418 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... RAM = Rarely Adequate Memory

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, January 04, 2023 07:08:44
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 20 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 04/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2003 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230103.ZIP 514 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Eyebrow Clouds
    03 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 514 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230103.ZIP 213 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand
    03 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 213 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230103.ZIP 4218 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4218 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230103.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.004 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 7507 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Fifty-eight per cent of all cars coming into Britain are imported.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, January 05, 2023 07:09:02
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 05/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2004 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230104.ZIP 497 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mars, Auriga and Taurus
    04 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 497 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.ARC - GFD.APP: OS/2 Compression/Decompression progs, Shells ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCVWLNG.ZIP 92 Kb. Additional language packs (DE, ES, IT, JA, RU)
    for Archive Viewer v2.25. This ZIP archive
    contains Archive Viewer v2.25 language packages
    for German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and
    Russian, as installable WPIs.
    ARCVW225.ZIP 134 Kb. ArcView version 2.25. Simple Archive Viewer for
    OS/2 and eComStation. (C) 2004-2022 Alex Taylor.
    The Archive Viewer is a very simple GUI tool for
    viewing and extracting archive files of various
    types. It cannot create archives, nor is this
    ever planned as a feature. (This program is not
    intended to compete with commercial archive
    managers which do allow this.) Open source
    software licensed under the GPL. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 226 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230104.ZIP 474 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Haze over China
    04 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 474 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230104.ZIP 4026 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4026 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230104.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.005 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 7786 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, January 06, 2023 07:08:54
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 06/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2004 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230105.ZIP 509 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Web of the Orb Weaver Spider
    05 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 509 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z06 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-06 (006) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230105.ZIP 60 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in California
    05 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 60 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230105.ZIP 3452 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3452 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230105.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z06 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z06 52 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 52 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.006 145 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 145 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 6650 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... The true statesman is the one who is willing to take risks.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, January 07, 2023 07:08:55
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 07/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2004 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230106.ZIP 241 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone
    06 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 241 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230106.ZIP 491 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust near Lake Chad
    06 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 491 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230106.ZIP 2332 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2332 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230106.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.007 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z06 69 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 006 (06.01.2023)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 69 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z06 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 006 (06.01.2023)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 5699 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Help me, I'm a prisoner in a Fortune cookie file!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, January 08, 2023 07:09:02
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 21 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 08/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2004 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230107.ZIP 241 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone
    07 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 241 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230107.ZIP 492 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Aerosols over India
    07 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 492 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230107.ZIP 2742 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2742 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230107.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.008 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 6041 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Just a little thoughtfulness brings alot of happiness.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, January 09, 2023 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 09/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2005 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE02.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 09 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 02
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230108.ZIP 241 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Opalized Fossil of a Cycad Cone
    08 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 241 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.FILE - GFD.APP: OS/2 File & Disk Managers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FC2_250D.ZIP 700 Kb. File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot.
    Copyright (C) 1993-2022 by Brian Havard. Norton
    Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides
    powerful file management functions, program
    launch, text viewing and editing facilities,
    built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH,
    ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware. FC2_250R.ZIP 451 Kb. File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot.
    Copyright (C) 1993-2022 by Brian Havard. Norton
    Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides
    powerful file management functions, program
    launch, text viewing and editing facilities,
    built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH,
    ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    Add remote control feature. Allows FC to be run
    over an ssh connection.
    LCMD175.ZIP 910 Kb. Larsen Commander Version 1.7.5 for OS/2 released
    as GPL Open Source. Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Leif
    Erik Larsen, 2010-2017 Andreas Buchinger. Larsen
    Commander is a powerful, flexible and user
    friendly GUI file manager and command processor
    for OS/2 Warp. It has a so-called orthodox look
    and feel that is inspired by the classic Norton
    Commander. In addition to the two classic file
    panels Larsen Commander has a built in command
    line and a scrollable console monitor. This way
    you can easily combine the best of two very
    different worlds; the command line and the file
    management panels. Both are available at the
    same time, and even in parallel while one or
    more commands are running in the background! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 2061 KBytes.

    Area GFD.APP.MISC - OS/2 Misc. Apps ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONEYX12.ZIP 183 Kb. Family Economics, freeware ver.1.2. Display
    family's budget per month and totals in a year.
    Author: Kafetzidis Konstantinos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 183 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230108.ZIP 464 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Midwestern United States
    08 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 464 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230108.ZIP 509 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 509 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230108.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.009 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    12 new files, together 6036 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Ignorance is no excuse-it's the real thing.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 07:08:36
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1984 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 10/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2007 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230109.ZIP 504 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Subterranean Cathedral of Salt in Sicily
    09 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 504 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230109.ZIP 116 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding along the the Murray River, South Austr
    09 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 116 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230109.ZIP 1165 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1165 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230109.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.010 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 4353 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 07:08:55
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 11/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2006 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230110.ZIP 490 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Milky Way and Summer Triangle
    10 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 490 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230110.ZIP 192 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in Northwest Australia
    10 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 192 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230110.ZIP 1879 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1879 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230110.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.011 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 5128 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Mary had a little RAM -- only about a MEG or so.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, January 12, 2023 07:08:21
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 12/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2005 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230111.ZIP 456 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Total Lunar Eclipse and over Quebec City
    11 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 456 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230111.ZIP 109 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    11 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 109 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230111.ZIP 632 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 632 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230111.ZIP 412 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 412 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.012 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3761 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, January 13, 2023 07:08:32
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 13/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2005 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230112.ZIP 491 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Bird's Nest Ferns in Singapore
    12 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 491 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z13 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-13 (013) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230112.ZIP 361 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snowfall in the Alps
    12 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 361 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230112.ZIP 1810 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1810 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230112.ZIP 412 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 412 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z13 2 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z13 52 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 52 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.013 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 5292 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... I've got Parkinson's disease. And he's got mine.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, January 14, 2023 07:08:44
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 14/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2005 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230113.ZIP 528 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Storms Continue to Batter the West Coast of the
    13 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 528 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230113.ZIP 4854 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4854 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230113.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.014 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z13 68 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 013 (13.01.2023)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 68 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z13 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 013 (13.01.2023)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    8 new files, together 8017 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Scepticism is the beginning of faith.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, January 15, 2023 07:08:52
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 15/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2005 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230114.ZIP 489 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in New England and Canada
    14 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 489 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230114.ZIP 1137 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1137 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230114.ZIP 416 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 416 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.015 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    6 new files, together 4194 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Universal suffrage is the government of a house by its nursery.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Monday, January 16, 2023 07:08:27
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 16/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2005 KBytes.

    Area FIDONEWS - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTE03.ZIP 12 Kb. FIDONEWS 16 Jan 2023 Vol 40 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230115.ZIP 513 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Massive Dust Event in Afghanistan and Pakistan
    15 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 513 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230115.ZIP 6325 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 6325 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230115.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.016 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 9417 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Hello, he lied.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 07:08:21
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 17/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2006 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230116.ZIP 501 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Atacama Lagoon and Sagittarius Arm of the Milky
    16 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 501 KBytes.

    Area BBS-SUPPORT - BBS Support software all platforms ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETST405.ZIP 122 Kb. Netstat v4.0.5 supplied as Pascal source.
    Produces a report for any nodelist or ZnDAILY
    which provides a break down of statistics for
    Zones, Regions, Hubs and nodes, etc.
    For use with fpc (Free Pascal Compiler) on a
    range of platforms, i.e, Windows, Linux, OSX.
    A P.D, Open Source program from Justin
    Marquez, Jr. and updates from Vincent Coen
    Latest version always available from
    http://www.applewood.linkpc.net/files/NetStats -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 122 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230116.ZIP 463 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    16 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 463 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230116.ZIP 3521 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3521 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230116.ZIP 416 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 416 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.017 147 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    Area PDNLANG - PDN: Other Languages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETST405.ZIP 122 Kb. Netstat v4.0.5 supplied as Pascal source.
    Produces a report for any nodelist or ZnDAILY
    which provides a break down of statistics for
    Zones, Regions, Hubs and nodes, etc.
    For use with fpc (Free Pascal Compiler) on a
    range of platforms, i.e, Windows, Linux, OSX.
    A P.D, Open Source program from Justin
    Marquez, Jr. and updates from Vincent Coen
    Latest version always available from
    http://www.applewood.linkpc.net/files/NetStats -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 122 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 7298 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... We're free people. We belong to no one. Kirk, stardate 3259.2.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 07:08:26
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 18/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2006 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230117.ZIP 149 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    White Underwing Moth
    17 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 149 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230117.ZIP 113 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    South Florida
    17 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 113 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230117.ZIP 2642 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2642 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230117.ZIP 417 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 417 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.018 129 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 129 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 5456 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Thursday, January 19, 2023 07:08:19
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 19/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2006 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230118.ZIP 477 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mushroom Rock State Park
    18 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 477 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230118.ZIP 200 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Mexico's Sinaloan Coastal Plain
    18 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 200 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230118.ZIP 282 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 282 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230118.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.019 129 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 129 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 3509 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Monday is a hard way to spend one-seventh of your life.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Friday, January 20, 2023 07:08:40
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 20/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2006 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230119.ZIP 484 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Different Ice Patterns Inside a Hailstone
    19 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 484 KBytes.

    Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-ARGUS.Z20 12 Kb. Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2023-01-20 (020) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 12 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230119.ZIP 179 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in California's Sacramento Valley
    19 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 179 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230119.ZIP 589 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 589 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230119.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area NODEDIFZ - Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format from Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.Z20 1 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Area NODELISZ - Fido Nodelist in Zip format from 2:0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z20 53 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 53 KBytes.

    9 new files, together 3738 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Saturday, January 21, 2023 07:08:45
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFILES.ZIP 23 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 21/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2006 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230120.ZIP 154 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    3-D View of DNA
    20 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 154 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230120.ZIP 298 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Irene
    20 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 298 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230120.ZIP 2297 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2297 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230120.ZIP 415 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 415 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.020 129 Kb. Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.021 129 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 258 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT - Z2PNT point segment nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT.Z20 67 Kb. Z2 PntList (Boss) day 020 (20.01.2023)
    Magic request: Z2PNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 67 KBytes.

    Area Z2PNT_D - Points DIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2PNT_D.Z20 0 Kb. Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 020 (20.01.2023)
    Magic request: Z2PNT_D -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    10 new files, together 5495 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... Database administrators do it with their relations

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From The Filegate UK File Server@2:250/1 to All on Sunday, January 22, 2023 07:08:48
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vincent Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 276000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area ALLFILES - All & newfiles lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLFILES.ZIP 1983 Kb. All files at Air Applewood zip'd on
    This archive includes ALLFILES.TXT and
    ALLFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: FILES
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22 Kb. All new files (last 30 days) at Air
    Applewood zip'd on 22/January/2023.
    This archive includes NEWFILES.TXT and
    NEWFILES.UTF. All files available on the
    the BBS at applewoodbbs.linkpc.net via
    browser or anonymous ftp & the Fidonet
    FILEFIND service.
    Updated daily at 07:00 (local).
    Magic request: NEWFILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2005 KBytes.

    Area EPOD - Earth Science Pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP230121.ZIP 154 Kb. Earth Science Picture of the Day
    3-D View of DNA
    21 January 2023
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    (https//epod.usra.edu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 154 KBytes.

    Area MODIS - NASA: Daily images of earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD230121.ZIP 481 Kb. MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Cheneso
    21 January 2023
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 481 KBytes.

    Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP230121.ZIP 2418 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 2418 KBytes.

    Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW230121.ZIP 414 Kb. Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    www.ssec.wisc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 414 KBytes.

    Area Z2DAILY - Daily Fidonet Nodelist from Europe Z2:0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z2DAILY.022 129 Kb. Z2DAILY for today -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 129 KBytes.

    7 new files, together 5601 KBytes of fresh stuff.

    With regards; Vincent Coen.

    ... For a man of fortitude, there are no walls, only avenues.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)