They can never explain their positions. That why they push them through gov't. Those positions would never stand up to any scrutiny.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
You can't have motives when a third party is telling you how/what to think.
I only speculate that people vote Democrat because they're brainwashed, but there's also a very good chance that they do it because they are
Johns in the sex trafficking industry.
But, ya, it's pretty obvious that there is a process in gov't where
anyone new coming in gets blackmailed somehow - both Democrat and Republican.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
But the Democrat voters, there's not such an easy answer to why they do it. They're not being blackmailed or bribed. So what gives? They are really that gullible? It's hard to diagnose it. Each case is different. What does Thomas Sowell say about those who vote Democrat?
But the Democrat voters, there's not such an easy answer to why they do it. They're not being blackmailed or bribed. So what gives? They are really that gullible? It's hard to diagnose it. Each case is different. What does Thomas Sowell say about those who vote Democrat?
What does Thomas Sowell say about those who vote Democrat?
I don't think he has something about Democrat voters.
From my experience with Democrat voters, they tend to be people who
didn't earn their wealth. They got it through some other means. So
Daddy paid for college - they didn't have to work the rears off every summer to scrape enough to pay what their student loans didn't cover.
So they have no concept of economic reality.
They've also been conditioned to look to "experts" to tell them what to think on certain topics. But they never vet those "experts".
From my experience with Democrat voters, they tend to be people who didn't earn their wealth. They got it through some other means. So Daddy paid for college - they didn't have to work the rears off every summer to scrape enough to pay what their student loans didn't cover. So they have no concept of economic reality.
But the Democrat voters, there's not such an easy answer to why they do They're not being blackmailed or bribed. So what gives? They are really gullible? It's hard to diagnose it. Each case is different. What does T Sowell say about those who vote Democrat?
Some are being bribed, though, via social program handouts, misinformation, or other means. They are not alone. Republicans are
also being bribed by misinformation.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Looking back, I see these characteristics in some of them too, and that answers my question. They're people who fall for gimmicks that have big price tags. Anyone financing an EV probably falls into this category.
I suspect that this phenomenon has something to do with renewed efforts for the government to subsidize internet access (they're referring to broadband internet as "a necessity.")
It may also have something to do
with the recent slashing of prices on television sets. Somebody really wants people to hear what "experts" have to say about stuff, especially while Trump is running for president. The real "experts" are the masterminds who figured out that more internet and more TVs can bring
more propagation.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Mike Powell <=-
In NY the Democrats are banning gas vehicles by 2035 which technically means that Democrats will be banning poor people from owning cars. But somehow, the poor people will walk or crawl to the polls to vote for
more Democrat policy. There's no logical explanation for it.
In NY the Democrats are banning gas vehicles by 2035 which technically means that Democrats will be banning poor people from owning cars. But somehow, the poor people will walk or crawl to the polls to vote for more Democrat policy. There's no logical explanation for it.
The Elitists want to subvert that now. They'll start by conditioning everyone to get their news from Internet sources. Then quietly, they
will do what they can to suppress or infiltrate those sources and feed
you propaganda under the old trust that they had. In other words, just like they did with traditional media.
In NY the Democrats are banning gas vehicles by 2035 which technically m that Democrats will be banning poor people from owning cars. But somehow poor people will walk or crawl to the polls to vote for more Democrat po There's no logical explanation for it.
The national ban has supposedly been tossed by the courts. I suspect New York's should follow the same route.
In NY the Democrats are banning gas vehicles by 2035 which technically that Democrats will be banning poor people from owning cars. But someho
poor people will walk or crawl to the polls to vote for more Democrat p
There's no logical explanation for it.
The national ban has supposedly been tossed by the courts. I suspect New
York's should follow the same route.
I didn't hear about that. The NY ban doesn't really ban them, but it prohibits
new ones from being sold in the state. This is the first I've heard about it being reversed.
I can see this coming. For now, the internet is open and free, and people can get on there, make a website, and trash Democrats all they want, but that will
change after they get everyone dependent on the internet. That's why they're pushing that stupid narrative that "the internet is a necessity."
I didn't hear about that. The NY ban doesn't really ban them, but it prohibits
new ones from being sold in the state. This is the first I've heard abou being reversed.
IIRC, that is also how the national ban was going to work. No new ones but old ones could still be owned. Of course, the "other shoe" that
would have dropped would be scarce or rediculously expensive fuel for those older vehicles, made so by the federal government.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
The UN was a good idea during WWII. But now it's not a good idea
anymore. We don't need the world telling us what to do while they dick
us around on migration and Ukraine aid.
IIRC, that is also how the national ban was going to work. No new ones but old ones could still be owned. Of course, the "other shoe" that would have dropped would be scarce or rediculously expensive fuel for those older vehicles, made so by the federal government.
So there was a national ban on gas car production proposed, but it's been scrapped? Maybe the state ban still stands?
Where is your proof he was on a yacht? All the footage I saw of him during this period showed him in an office setting.
Reporters can be heard asking him why he won't vote for the Build Back Better >Act, and the obvious answer is that it's because he hadn't yet been offered >enough money.
The UN was a good idea during WWII. But now it's not a good idea anymore. We don't need the world telling us what to do while they dic us around on migration and Ukraine aid.
The UN was never intended to be a ruling body. Rather a group that could represent "the world" and prevent problems before they become a world
war. But like all instutitions, the Elitists infiltrate, corrupt and
ruin it.
The public schools teach kids that it's cool to learn about other cultures, to eat food from foreign recipes, or even to learn a foreign language. All that crap does is preps us for globalism.
Then when they go to college, the colleges teach students that "we're stronger with a world government." It sounds logical, true, and believable, until we end up footing the bill for someone else's war.
It is cool, though, to learn about other cultures, and some of the food
is amazing. Learning about other cultures can help you see things differently and realize there might be other ways to do things, but...
... it also makes you realize that cultural differences and beliefs
would make it difficult, and even undesirable, to have a "world government." That could lead away from multiculturalism and to the
unique cultures becoming extinct.
I see no connection between learning about other cultures and a desire
to get involved in other people's wars. The problem with Ukraine is
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The public schools teach kids that it's cool to learn about other cultures, to eat food from foreign recipes, or even to learn a foreign language.
All that crap does is preps us for globalism.
Then when they go to college, the colleges teach students that "we're stronger with a world government." It sounds logical, true, and believable, until we end up footing the bill for someone else's war.
It is cool, though, to learn about other cultures, and some of the food is amazing. Learning about other cultures can help you see things differently and realize there might be other ways to do things, but...
It seems innocent and fun, but it's causing a problem.
... it also makes you realize that cultural differences and beliefs would make it difficult, and even undesirable, to have a "world government." That could lead away from multiculturalism and to the unique cultures becoming extinct.
I think you're right about that, but what you just described is the mission of
the world elite. They want us to have a universal culture because that simplifies the tasks of propagating and manipulating the masses, and the task of taking money away from the American taxpayers.
I see no connection between learning about other cultures and a desire to get involved in other people's wars. The problem with Ukraine is
I haven't heard any lefties complaining about it, and I think that's because they've been conditioned to believe that we owe something to foreigners. I think it's got something to do with education because I felt that way too back
when I was a brainwashed leftie (but of course not everyone comes to the same conclusions as I do.)
Then when they go to college, the colleges teach students that "we're stronger with a world government." It sounds logical, true, and believable, until we end up footing the bill for someone else's war.
That's because the "world gov't" that they espouse is one where the Elitists rule without oversight. Sort of like the EU today.
the world elite. They want us to have a universal culture because that simplifies the tasks of propagating and manipulating the masses, and the of taking money away from the American taxpayers.
I don't disagree with it making things easier by a universal culture, but that actually contradicts what you said about learning other cultures being the gateway. What's the point of learning them if they want to
make it a universal culture? They'd not want to introduce you to things you'd notice were later missing. They would just start by exposing everyone to the cultural traits that they want kept in the universal culture.
Owing "things to foreigners" and being exposed to other cultures are two different things. One involves globalism (and probably trying to get these other cultures to practice what the elite want) and the other one
is just learning about other cultures.
Then when they go to college, the colleges teach students that " stronger with a world government." It sounds logical, true, and believable, until we end up footing the bill for someone else's
That's because the "world gov't" that they espouse is one where the Elitists rule without oversight. Sort of like the EU today.
The world's elite need a world government to give them power in the USA wh the country is being led by someone like Trump. The really hated 2016-2020 because that's when the USA was autonomous, and they don't want a repeat.
the world elite. They want us to have a universal culture because that simplifies the tasks of propagating and manipulating the masses, and th
of taking money away from the American taxpayers.
I don't disagree with it making things easier by a universal culture, but
that actually contradicts what you said about learning other cultures being the gateway. What's the point of learning them if they want to make it a universal culture? They'd not want to introduce you to things you'd notice were later missing. They would just start by exposing everyone to the cultural traits that they want kept in the universal culture.
I have a more pessimistic imagination that you do. I think they're propagating
us now, so that they can maximize their control over us. Once they have us under their boot, they can dictate what our new culture shall consist of.
Owing "things to foreigners" and being exposed to other cultures are two different things. One involves globalism (and probably trying to get these other cultures to practice what the elite want) and the other one is just learning about other cultures.
Imagine a student learning all about Ukrainian culture. The student knows the language, the food, the music, and all about the fancy Easter eggs. And all this student knows about Russia is Ivan the Terrible. Which side will that student choose in the Russia-Ukraine war?
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The world's elite need a world government to give them power in the USA while the country is being led by someone like Trump. The really hated 2016-2020 because that's when the USA was autonomous, and they don't
want a repeat.
Imagine a student learning all about Ukrainian culture. The student know language, the food, the music, and all about the fancy Easter eggs. And this student knows about Russia is Ivan the Terrible. Which side will th student choose in the Russia-Ukraine war?
Russia was the aggressor in this case. Russia has not really been able
to produce any reasoning behind this that isn't pot-kettle-black. I
would expect that most reasonable non-Russians would believe that the aggressor in this case is not in the right.
The world's elite need a world government to give them power in the U while the country is being led by someone like Trump. The really hate 2016-2020 because that's when the USA was autonomous, and they don't want a repeat.
No, they don't want a repeat - or worse - held accountable.
Because as long as life in America is far better than other places, the people in those other places will keep the pressure on the Elites to
make those other places more like America.
Russia was the aggressor in this case. Russia has not really been able to produce any reasoning behind this that isn't pot-kettle-black. I would expect that most reasonable non-Russians would believe that the aggressor in this case is not in the right.
But if the students are trained to adore Ukraine, then even if Ukraine was the
aggressor, our students would stand with Ukraine, and they'd listen to whateve
the Ukrainian narrative is.
Because as long as life in America is far better than other places, the people >in those other places will keep the pressure on the Elites to make those other >places more like America.
Russia was the aggressor in this case. Russia has not really been to produce any reasoning behind this that isn't pot-kettle-black. would expect that most reasonable non-Russians would believe that t aggressor in this case is not in the right.
But if the students are trained to adore Ukraine, then even if Ukraine w the
aggressor, our students would stand with Ukraine, and they'd listen to whateve
the Ukrainian narrative is.
They are not being taught to adore Ukraine. I will guarantee you that most students had no idea what or where Ukraine was until Russia invaded them.
Mike Powell wrote to Dr. What <=-
Because as long as life in America is far better than other places, the people
in those other places will keep the pressure on the Elites to make those other
places more like America.
Which, in turn, makes them want to achieve equality by bringing America down instead.
They are not being taught to adore Ukraine. I will guarantee you that most students had no idea what or where Ukraine was until Russia invaded them.
This thread sorta lost focus, but we weren't necessarily talking about students. People in general are being conditioned to adore Ukraine. The media'
doing it, congress is doing it, Biden was doing it. There is definitely a "support Ukraine" campaign in progress, and people are falling for it bigtime.
There was no "Pray for Iraq" tagline on Pepsi bottles during any of the Iraq wars. That's because there's no money for the Democrats in Iraq.
The ones who aren't falling for it either understand that Russia invaded Ukraine but don't care, or are the ones who don't even seem to understand that *Russia invaded Ukraine*. Some in the latter group even somehow
seem to believe that it is Ukraine's fault that they got invaded and/or
it is Ukraine's fault for resisting, neither of which are correct.
Russia was the aggressor in this case. Russia has not really been able to produce any reasoning behind this that isn't pot-kettle-black.
I would expect that most reasonable non-Russians would believe that the aggressor in this case is not in the right.
There's got to be people in my category too; people who think that it's Biden's fault because he failed to protect one of our assets (Ukraine.)
Trump wasn't really protecting it, either, though. What his presence did do, for whatever reason, was to cause Putin to hold off on escalating the conflict until Trump left office.
Trump had no policy in place, that Joe undid, that would have caused
Putin to cease aggressions there.
Trump wasn't really protecting it, either, though. What his presence did
do, for whatever reason, was to cause Putin to hold off on escalating the
conflict until Trump left office.
Trump had no policy in place, that Joe undid, that would have caused Putin to cease aggressions there.
Maybe it was unlucky timing for Biden, but his response to the Russian troop build-up along the Ukraine border was weak. He did absolutely nothing about it
as our asset became endangered. And then after our asset was under water, he threw money at it. And when that failed, he threw more money at it, only for that to fail also.
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