• 12/18 Suckling Pig Day 2

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 10:32:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Whole Roast Suckling Pig
    Categories: Pork, Fruits, Herbs
    Yield: 11 servings

    20 lb Suckling pig
    20 cl Garlic; peeled
    1/2 c Oil
    Coarse salt
    1 sm Potato
    1 sm Apple
    1 bn (ea)(lavish) fresh rosemary,
    - sage & bay leaves; (still
    - on the branch if you can
    - manage it), as garnish

    Set oven @ 300oF/150oC.

    PREPARE THE PIG: Wash it, including the cavity, under
    cold running water, and towel-dry thoroughly, the way
    you would dry a small child after a bath - ears,
    armpits, chest cavity, face, legs, backs of knees.

    Sometimes there are imperfections remaining after the
    slaughtering and processing of the animal. Use dish
    towels or sturdy paper towels to rub away any dark spots
    on the ears, any little bit of remaining bristles around
    the mouth. Like that yellow, papery flaking skin you
    sometimes find on chickens, which can be peeled off to
    reveal tender, fresh skin underneath, a similar bit of
    crud can remain on pigs' chins and under their belly
    flaps. Clean this little cutie as if you were detailing
    your car! The purple U.S.D.A. stamp, however, is
    indelible. But not inedible.

    Piquer the pig with all 20 garlic cloves, making deep
    incisions all over with a thin filleting knife and
    shoving the cloves into each pocket; include the cheeks
    and the neck and the rump and the thighs and the loin
    down the back and the front shoulders, all areas of the
    small creature that have enough flesh to be able to
    receive a clove of garlic. (Sometimes I find I have to
    slice the larger cloves of garlic in half to get them to
    slide into the incision.)

    Rub the entire pig in oil exactly as you would apply
    suntan oil to a sunbathing goddess of another era, when
    people still were ignorant of the harmful effects of the
    sun. Massage and rub and get the whole creature slick
    and glistening. I do this directly in a very large
    roasting pan.

    Wash and dry your hands. Take large pinches of kosher
    salt, and raising your arm high above the pig, rain down
    the salt in an even, light dusting all over. You can
    start with the pig on its back and get the cavity and
    the crotch, and then turn it over and get the back and
    the head and flanks. Or vice versa. But in the end, the
    whole animal is salted evenly and lightly, snout to

    Arrange the pig in the roasting pan, spine up, rear legs
    tucked under, with feet pointing toward its ears and its
    two front legs out ahead in front. Sometimes the pig
    needs a sharp, sturdy, confident chiropractic crack on
    its arching spine, just to settle it in comfortably to
    the roasting pan, so it won't list to one side or topple

    Put the potato deep into its mouth, and place in the
    oven, on the bottom rack, and roast slowly for about 4
    to 5 hours, depending on the size of your pig. (Plan 15
    minutes of roasting time per pound of pig; for a
    20-pounder, you'll need about 5 hours total cooking
    time.) Add a little water to the roasting pan along the
    way if you see the juices are in danger of scorching,
    and loosely tent the animal with aluminum foil in
    vulnerable spots - ears, snout, arc of back - if you see
    them burning. For the last half-hour, raise the oven
    temperature to 450oF/232oC, and cook until the skin gets
    crisp and even blistered, checking every 10 minutes.

    Tap on it with your knuckle to hear a kind of hollow
    sound, letting you know the skin has inflated and
    separated from the interior flesh; observe splitting of
    the skin at knuckles - all good signs the pig is done.
    Or use a meat thermometer inserted deep in the neck; the
    pig is ready at 160oF/71oC. Let rest 45 minutes before

    Remove the potato, and replace it with the apple.

    Transfer the pig to a large platter; nestle big bouquets
    of herbs around the pig as garnish. Save pan juices, and
    use for napping over the pulled meat when serving.

    By Gabrielle Hamilton

    Yield: 10 to 12 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://cooking.nytimes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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