• Daily Horoscope

    From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Wednesday, May 05, 2021 08:05:02
    Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, May 05, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    Make sure it is you who is pulling the strings rather than dancing at the end of them over the coming year. You have what it takes to be a genuine mover and shaker, the kind of person others admire and look up to. You're more powerful than you know!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Creative matters will go well for you today but it's unlikely you will get much help from other people. That's okay. The less willing they are to share the workload the less you will have to share the glory, which won't be long in coming.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may need to let off steam over the next 24 hours and if the desire to make a scene gets too much to be contained by all means scream and shout. Don't scream and shout at people though. Take out your frustrations on inanimate objects instead.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You will have a lot to say for yourself today but you must make sure your words are positive or you could turn people against you. Yes, of course, being plain- spoken is good - in a way - but few people appreciate being told how stupid they are!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It may be the case that some of your recent decisions have been called into question but there is no reason to change anything just to please other people. You still have faith in your own abilities and, ultimately, that's the only thing that matters.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are so many positive things going on in your life at the moment and by the end of the week you'll be convinced that the cosmic powers that be are watching over and protecting you. Don't take risks where you don't have to though.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you find yourself jumping at your own shadow you must get out into the world and mix with other people. The less time you spend on your own over the next 24 hours the less likely it is your wayward thoughts will confuse you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Self-doubt may be foreign to your emotional make-up but today nothing will seem to add up and you will wonder if you have made a wrong move. Maybe you have but you don't need to change. Tomorrow your ego will be in charge again.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You won't lack for opportunities to impress other people today but for best results you should focus on the one person who can help you make the biggest changes. Let them know you are ready to not just change your life but to finally transform it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You need to be more adventurous, physically, mentally and maybe emotionally too. Others will say you have duties close to home that need to be dealt with but just this once it could pay you to be a touch irresponsible. When did you last do something purely for fun?

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't cut back on your spending too much - you can go to extremes at times - but certainly stop paying out for luxuries you know you don't need. There are plenty of ways you can have fun that don't cost an arm or a leg.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Friends and family members seem exceptionally helpful at the moment. So what are they up to? Most likely they are not up to anything, but your own mind is finding it hard to accept that they can do things for you without some kind of motive.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You must deliver on a promise you made. You have a reputation as someone who can be trusted, both in big things and small, and if, for whatever reason. you fail to meet your obligations it may be a long time before that reputation is restored.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    * Origin: Northern Realms | 289-424-5180 | bbs.nrbbs.net (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Thursday, May 06, 2021 08:05:02
    Daily Horoscope for Thursday, May 06, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    A Venus-Pluto link on your birthday means you won't hide your feelings over the coming year. Be open with other people and invite them to be open with you - and try not to be shocked when they tell you things you might wish they had kept to themselves!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The most important thing over the next few days is that you treat other people the way you would like to be treated by them. That does not guarantee they will return the favor, of course, but what matters is that you keep your own standards high.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone you have feelings for - a friend or family member - is playing with fire and you just know it is going to end in tears. It's unlikely they will listen to your warnings, so all you can do is be ready to help them when the inevitable occurs.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The planets warn you may not be as rich as you think you are, so resist the urge to spend, spend, spend. There could also be an invoice, or two, you have forgotten to pay, so don't waste your money on things you know you don't need.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your work may be important but relationships count for more, so make time to see to the needs of friends and loves ones today. Don't be annoyed if their demands take you away from what you are doing - be pleased it's you they came to for help.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be too much of a free spirit to get bogged down in details but the planets indicate there is something of a minor nature that must be taken care of today. Looking back a few days hence you may realize it wasn't so minor after all.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may be full of energy, confidence and ambition, thanks to Mars in your sign, but don't push others too hard, especially on the work front where your colleagues won't appreciate being told what to do. Treat them as equals, even if you do feel superior.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Employers and other authority figures will look favorably on you over the next few days and if you live up to their expectations you can expect both applause and rewards. Remember, though, that while you work for them you also work for yourself.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you want to get away from all the fussing and fighting that is taking place around you then just get up and go. Who is going to stop you? Once you are clear of people who vex your spirit you'll find new friendships that delight you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A clash of egos is likely over the next 24 hours but it doesn't have to develop into an all-or-nothing battle. Stand your ground, by all means, but recognize that other people, even your friends, may see things from a very different point of view.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Reach out and let people know that you care. You have been so caught up in your work of late that you may have been a bit neglectful of those whose love and support you depend on. Show some genuine gratitude and they will love you even more.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There is no point getting worked up about the state of the world. No matter how messed up things may appear to be, if you act as if everything is wonderful and going according to a cosmic plan your positive thoughts will help make it a fact.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is one of those times when you will get whatever it is that you ask for. So be careful. Some of the things you think you desire may not do you a great deal of good, so make sure you can handle them without getting hurt.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    * Origin: Northern Realms | 289-424-5180 | bbs.nrbbs.net (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Friday, May 07, 2021 08:05:02
    Daily Horoscope for Friday, May 07, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    Your birthday chart suggests you may need to be a touch more ruthless in pursuit of your material goals this year. The fact that you have lagged behind in getting the best from life is entirely down to your reluctance to fight for it. Time to get tough!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Either everything will go right for you today or nothing will go right - there will be no in-between. That might be annoying but in a strange way it mirrors your own fixed attitude to life. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here. Or maybe not.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The situation you are now faced with may be challenging but it's also the kind of situation you have dealt with a dozen or more times in the past. You came through all those other times unscathed, sometimes even with a smile on your face, so why worry?

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    People at work will rub you up the wrong way today but if you are smart - and in control of yourself - you won't lose your cool. Act as if you find their words and actions a bit of a joke - then they'll be the ones who get angry.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An artistic endeavor of some sort has come to a premature halt and you can sense if you don't get it going again soon it may have to be abandoned. Get past your creative block by doing something big and brash - anything so long as it gets you moving.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Delays are inevitable today, so you might as well accept that fact and not let it get to you. Geminis like to be constantly on the move, physically and mentally, but it won't hurt to slow down a bit and just admire the scenery for a while.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A friend or family member will tell you a hugely entertaining story today - and you must not believe a word of it. Either they are having fun at your expense or they have been led to believe it is true by someone who's been having fun at their expense!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may not be much in the mood for socializing today but don't be so unresponsive that you choose to ignore someone who clearly needs to talk to you. If you get the chance to help them, and you take it, your own mood will improve considerably.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There is no point worrying yourself sick about things over which you have no control. That applies to all areas but especially to matters to do with your career. What will be will be, and once it's been and gone you'll realize it wasn't such a big deal.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You like a good debate about the issues of the day but the planets warn if a conversation starts to get heated you can and you must walk away. Why risk spoiling a long-term friendship over something you have no way of changing? It's not worth it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you find yourself at odds today with someone whose attitude and actions you find negative or nasty you must not back down. Others will be watching and they will be mightily impressed if you stand up for decency and reasoned debate.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You don't have to oppose the majority view, but you probably will. You don't have to play devil's advocate, but you do enjoy annoying those whose opinions and beliefs are set in stone. You'll have a lot of fun arguing with just about everyone today.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You could find yourself under a considerable amount of pressure today, especially on the work front where the powers that be expect you to live up to the highest of standards. But why should that be a problem when you set most of those standards yourself?

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    * Origin: Northern Realms | 289-424-5180 | bbs.nrbbs.net (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Wednesday, June 09, 2021 08:00:48
    Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, June 09, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    You cannot turn around and go back the way you came, so accept that you are where you are and make the most of it. Push fear away from you and push ahead with your plans. And don't stop pushing until you reach your very own promised land.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You don't always seem to know when enough is enough and the planets warn you could easily go to extremes over the next 24 hours. If you do, someone who is even more extreme in their views than you could give you a hard time. Lighten up.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This could be a profitable day for you, especially if you are confident enough to follow what your intuition tells you. If the so-called experts say one thing but your inner voice says another, listen only to yourself - you already know what needs to be done.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Relationships, both personal and professional, will get a boost over the next few days. If harsh words have been exchanged with loved ones and colleagues, now is the time to put it behind you and move on together. Others are in a forgiving mood too.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You will be full of energy and enthusiasm today, so much so that you may end up doing half-a-dozen things at once instead of just one or two. But don't forget that quality always counts more than quantity. Too many commitments could dilute your success.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Aim to be the biggest and the best at what you are working on, no matter how insignificant it may be in the greater scheme of things. Important people will take note of your commitment and pencil you into their plans for the very near future.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some things matter and some things don't and it is of the utmost importance that you know how to tell one from the other. Don't waste your time on situations that, even if they go well for you, won't change very much. Focus on what is truly important.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You've been on the move of late and that's good as the more you see of the world the more your outlook on life will change for the better. Not that it was poor to begin with, but there are times when you can be a bit too cynical.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Something that only a week or two back looked like a minor disappointment will look like a major triumph today, and there will be more good news coming your way before the end of the week. You will find yourself richer in ways that matter more than money.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You've had a lot of fun in recent weeks and the good times are not over by a long way. The approaching eclipse suggests that the next few days could be memorable, especially if you are the sort of Libra who enjoys meeting new people.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A good deed you did for someone in the dim and distant past will come back to you today and you may be surprised at the level of respect and affection you receive. Causes always have consequences and the universe always pays debts in kind.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You are a person of strong likes and dislikes, but the planets indicate it will pay you to take a more neutral attitude to what is going on in the world around you. Does it affect you directly? If not, ignore it and focus on more personal issues.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There is a very real chance you will be moving up the ladder of success over the next few days, but you must stay alert for new opportunities and you must not let a rival beat you to a promotion that should have been yours. Stay sharp!

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Thursday, June 10, 2021 08:00:24
    Daily Horoscope for Thursday, June 10, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    Because there is a solar eclipse on your birthday the universe has earmarked you to do something special over the coming 12 months. Keep your eyes and ears open over the next few days because there will be clues as to what that something might be.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A solar eclipse in the most dynamic area of your chart makes this the sort of day when you can turn your hand to anything and make a success of it. But you must be selective. Being able to do anything does not mean you should do everything.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The time has come to accept that a loved one's point of view is not going to change and you must find ways to live with it. Start by accepting that different people have different personalities and that there is no "right" or "wrong" attached to it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You really don't care if other people agree with what you believe, the only thing that matters to you is that you know you are right. Today's eclipse in the mind area of your chart will do wonders for your self-belief - not that it's ever that low!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If someone stops you from following your chosen course today you will have to accept they have the right to do so. Find a new way to reach your goal. The solar eclipse in the money area of your chart suggests the effort will be worth it.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today's solar eclipse in your sign will bring massive changes in its wake and your first priority must be to stay focused so you are ready to make the most of them. Be logical in your outlook at all times - only losers get emotional.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You must not let your fears get the better of you today. Because you have such a strong and vivid imagination that won't be easy but you have the power to redirect your thoughts in more positive directions - so use it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The more someone bombards you with facts and figures to support their point of view the more certain you can be that their point of view is way off the mark. The truth is right there in front of you - open your eyes and recognize what it is.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Because there is so much upheaval taking place at the moment you may think you have done something wrong, but that isn't the case. Today's eclipse will in some way make it clear that you are being far too negative in your thinking. Don't think so much!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You need to tell a few home truths to a friend or colleague who seems to have their head stuck in the clouds. Your words may hurt their feelings, but it's better they get real now rather than later when the truth could hurt even more.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today's eclipse in the wealth area of your chart warns that pushing yourself to the limits of endurance could count against you financially as well as physically. Yes, of course, you are determined to do a truly excellent job, but think quality rather than quantity.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You seem to be in one of those typically Sagittarian moods when you can't see the point in making much of an effort. However, your laid-back attitude does not mean you can just abandon your responsibilities to loved ones and others who rely on you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If there is something that needs to be said you must not hold back - give it everything you've got and don't worry about the consequences. If what you say is true, and well-intentioned, others will thank you for it further down the line.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Friday, June 11, 2021 08:00:34
    Daily Horoscope for Friday, June 11, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    It's okay to want to be financially secure. It's even okay to be rich. The message of your birthday chart is that if material success is what attracts you over the coming year then you must go after it with all your mind and all your might.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If an offer of some kind seems too good to be true it's most likely because it is, so keep your distance. Chances are it is designed to benefit the person doing the offering more than it will benefit you, so maybe it's best just to walk away.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your capacity for hard work will increase substantially now that Mars is changing signs, but you still need to be aware of your limits. Don't take on such a ridiculous load that taking the next step becomes next to impossible. Why damage yourself like that?

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    As Mars, your ruling planet, moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today your self-belief will soar, as will your desire to command. Others will happily fall in step behind you but don't forget that leadership brings with it serious responsibilities.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    So much has happened in recent weeks that your head is in a bit of a spin, but the good news is you'll come back to your senses today. Be on the lookout for new opportunities, both at work and in your personal life. You can prosper from them.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The fact that a friend or family member has been stringing you along with half- truths is now plain to see. What occurs today will make it obvious that what they say falls a long way short of what they mean. Find out what they are up to.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The Sun's link with retrograde Mercury today could give a negative tint to your view of the world. Keep telling yourself that no matter what occurs it is always part of the grand cosmic plan. Say it enough and you may even believe it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Anyone who tries to take you on is going to learn the hard way that no one - but no one - is on the same level as Leo when it comes to confrontation. Mars in your sign makes it a foregone conclusion you will win each and every fight.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    What genuinely needs to be done will get finished in the fullness of time, so quit worrying about it so much. The planets urge you to carry on as you are and be confident that you can handle the many challenges life sends your way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    According to the planets the next few weeks are going to be hugely important for your social and professional reputation, so make sure you act from the purest of motives and don't lower yourself to the level some of your rivals seem to prefer.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    At some stage today you will realize that the more someone talks the less they actually know what's going on. If they were truly in the loop they wouldn't have to shout about it, so take that as a sign you can safely ignore what they say.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You can tell by someone's body language that they want you to step in and take control. Don't waste time trying to explain to them what they did wrong - it will go in one ear and out the other - just do what needs doing and then move on.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    As Mars spends the next few weeks moving through the wealth area of your chart you will find new ways to make money with ease. Don't hesitate to form a partnership with someone whose go-getting attitude mirrors your own - together you'll make a perfect pair.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Tuesday, August 17, 2021 08:01:04
    Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 17, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    Stop searching for the meaning of life and just enjoy the many good things that each day brings to you. The message of your birthday chart is that you don't need a grand plan by which to order your life, you just need to love and laugh more.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Having made a big decision you now have to live with the consequences. It may be that your actions have driven a wedge between you and a friend or loved one but it's not the end of the world so don't let it upset you. They'll "get it" eventually.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The best way to get back into a loved one's good books is by giving them something they will appreciate. It doesn't have to be a costly gift or anything like that but it does need to be something that shows you've given it some serious thought.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may need to persuade a friend to open up emotionally today. The only reason they have been struggling of late is because they have allowed negative ideas to take hold in their mind - so make it your business to point out better ways of thinking.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Cosmic activity in the most dynamic area of your chart means there is every chance your plans will succeed, so don't hesitate to act. What you have been focused on in recent months is about to reach a new level of creativity, and it's all your own work.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Don't get taken in by the promises that other people make to you. They may claim to be able to deliver what it is you crave most but they are misleading you. The only way to reach your goals is to put in the hard yards yourself.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may be tempted to put pressure on a colleague or a friend to get them to do what you think is right but that would be a mistake. Even if you succeed in the short-term it will create bad feeling that comes back at you later on.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A problem you have been trying to get to grips with is not as difficult to resolve as you imagine and once you change the way you look at it the solution should be obvious. To start with, stop treating it as a life or death matter - it isn't.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Do something outrageous today, something that reminds the world that you are not the dull, play-it-safe Virgo so many people seem to think you are. The bold approach may not come naturally to you but once you've tried it a few times it will get easier.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A friend or co-worker may be committed to a certain course of action but that does not mean you have to be committed to it too. In fact, the planets suggest it might be in your interests to distance yourself from what they are up to.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A little bit of wishful thinking is not necessarily a bad thing but you must make sure it is only a little bit. The planets warn if you let your imagination run away with you today you may end up some place you can't get back from!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It is a simple fact of human nature that different people see things in different ways and once you accept that fact you won't get into so many arguments. Try being less judgmental of the people you meet - no matter what they might think about you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The intensity of your feelings could take you by surprise today and others will be amazed that you could be so passionate about something when previously you did not seem to care at all. The fact is you did care all along, you just didn't let it show.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 08:01:02
    Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 18, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    You may be dynamic and creative by nature but over the past few months you've lost a bit of momentum. Make a birthday vow that you WILL reach the goals that mean most to you and you WILL go after them with all your heart and all your mind.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may be a deep thinker by nature but sometimes you need to lighten up and forget about all the serious things that are going on in the world. Focus on having fun today. Travel if you get the chance. Broaden your horizons and, above all, smile more!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be a creature of habit but the old ways are not always the best ways and you need to keep that in mind today. The planets warn if you continue to play safe you could miss out on an opportunity that, once gone, may never return.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If a close friend or loved one wants to make a decision for you today then let them. With Venus moving through your opposite sign you can be pretty sure they have your best interests at heart, so let them make a good deal for you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A relationship has been a bit stressful of late but now there are signs it's starting to lighten up, so give it a chance and don't be too quick to criticize if things don't go quite the way you wanted them to. It will come good in the end.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may care deeply for someone but that must not stop you from giving them advice they probably won't like. The fact that you care so much for them means you should not hesitate to reveal the truth - it's for their own good after all.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may find it hard to be objective about an issue you have a personal stake in but you must stand back and view the situation from a bit further away. Sometimes you can be too close to what's going on to find solutions that work.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Something out of the ordinary will occur today and you probably won't be pleased that your routine has been disturbed. After a while though you should realize that it has thrown up new and exciting opportunities - that you can easily profit from.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Try not to spend all your time and energy on things of a routine nature today. Yes, of course, they're important and need to get done but are they really so special that you have to push yourself hard when you're not in the mood?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Sometimes it can be hard to work out what people are trying to tell you, simply because their communication skills are not up to scratch. If a friend seems tongue-tied today don't get impatient - encourage them to take their time and say it right.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The first step to solving a problem is to recognize that a problem exists and that is where you have gone wrong of late. The time has come to accept that you made a mistake and must now go back and set it right. Only you can do that.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is a hugely positive time of year for you, so why do you seem to believe that your world is about to fall apart? Push past the negativity that has taken over your mind and focus on all the wonderful things you have to look forward to.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Don't follow the same path that others before you have taken - blaze your own trail today and show the world what a courageous and creative Capricorn you can be. If it's old, forget about it. If it's new, go for it with everything you've got.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Thursday, August 19, 2021 08:00:42
    Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 19, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    A more dynamic attitude to material matters is a must over the coming 12 months. What you own and earn is important and you won't lack for opportunities to get richer than you are now. It's not wrong to want more of the good things in life.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It's good that you have such high standards for yourself but don't fall into the trap of thinking that lesser mortals will be able to match your efforts. Everyone has a different range of abilities, so make allowances for those who can't keep up.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You need to resolve a dispute with a friend or colleague and today's Mars- Mercury link will help you find the words to make that happen. It's one of those situations where you either kiss and make up or you disengage completely - there is no middle ground.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The final piece in a puzzle will fall into place today and you will most likely kick yourself mentally when you realize how simple it is. Next time, try not to make things more complicated than they need to be, especially on the work front.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    What happens today will remind you that there are no easy answers and that even in areas where you know what you are doing unexpected events can throw your plans into doubt. So long as you keep believing in yourself you'll come through just fine.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Something you wanted to keep secret will become public knowledge today, but although you may not be happy about it there's no need to act as if it's the end of the world. As secrets go it's hardly the sort of thing that makes you look bad.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your instincts may have let you down a few times in recent weeks but today you will be spot on in your assessment of what other people are up to - and what that means for you. Make sure both friends and rivals know what you expect of them.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You've felt in your bones for quite some time that something is wrong but up until now you have not been able to put your finger on the problem. Today's events will make it crystal clear what's been going on, and who you can and cannot trust.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Mercury, your ruler, is linked to Mars in your birth sign today, which among other things suggests you won't be shy about expressing your opinions. It's okay to be blunt but it's not okay to use harsh language when you don't have to.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There have been times of late when you have been super-critical of yourself, but now you must leave that behind and believe that you are as good as anyone and better than most. Be positive in word and deed but, above all, be positive in your thinking.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You should be optimistic about a creative project you've been working on and there will be signs today that a breakthrough is not far away. If possible, get friends and workmates to help with what you are doing - because it's not all about you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You must not hesitate to take advantage of an opportunity on the work front today, even if it looks quite daunting. If you don't do something with it you can be sure your rivals will, so get at it and don't doubt your abilities for even a moment.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There have been times of late when it felt as if you were moving along a step behind everyone else, but today you will get the chance to take the lead and have others follow you. Make sure you know what your destination is going to be.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Friday, August 20, 2021 08:01:14
    Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 20, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    You must expect some opposition to your plans over the coming year, mainly because rivals feel threatened by them. Do you need their support to be a success? No you do not, so push ahead on your own and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Try not to get uptight about things over which you have no control. Common sense should tell you that others are not going to change their minds, no matter how hard you try to convince them. It's really not that important, so let it go.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be annoyed that you can't do some of the social activities you wanted to today but as Uranus is beginning one of its retrograde phases it's probably just as well. Steer clear of people and places you don't know much about - they could be dangerous.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The question you must ask yourself today is: are your material goals so important? Cosmic activity in the money area of your chart will shake things up a bit and it may seem as if you've made a loss. But have you, really? And does it matter?

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    With Uranus beginning one of its retrograde phases in your sign today you would be wise to do things strictly by the book. That applies to both your personal life and to your work. Don't give others a reason to force changes on you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Find a quiet place where you can sit down and analyze what is going right and what is going wrong in your life. It won't do you much good though unless you are 100 per cent honest with yourself. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose - that's life!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Make an extra special effort to let others know how you feel today, even if you believe they know already. There is so much going on at the moment that even loved ones may have forgotten what you recently told them. It's up to you to remind them.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Look beneath the surface of events and find out what is really going on. That applies to all areas of your life but especially to your work and career as it seems someone you thought you could trust is now turning against you. Watch your back Leo!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You won't finish what you are working on any quicker by cutting corners - and even if you did the planets would punish you for not doing it correctly. Take your time and get it right, even if some people accuse you of dragging your feet.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Do you stick or do you twist? That is the question you will need to answer today and as changes planet Uranus is beginning one of its retrograde phases it may be better to play safe and leave things as they are. Why throw away a winning hand?

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If a partner, friend or work colleague makes claims that don't add up today it's probably just a reflection of their own muddled thinking, so don't start believing they are trying to trick you. Not everyone can be as clear-headed and logical as you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You have been letting certain people take liberties of late and now they've got the idea they can do as they please those liberties will get even greater. Choose your moment carefully, then show your disapproval. Change their way of thinking.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You need to stand back from a creative activity and see how it has been progressing up until now. Chances are it's looking good, but if you do think changes are needed be very careful how you go about them. Err on the side of caution.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Saturday, August 21, 2021 08:00:56
    Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 21, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    You have a tendency to get carried away by your own enthusiasm and that could be a problem this year if you agree to help those whose actions can sometimes be questionable. Don't tie yourself down to people or groups you struggle to say "no" to.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    How committed are you to keeping a relationship going? That is the question the current full moon is asking and if you are as smart as you think you are you won't end it on a whim. What you give up today you may need again tomorrow.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may look calm on the surface but deep down you are a raging inferno of conflicting emotions. For that reason alone you are advised not to get involved in any sort of situation that could get out of hand. You won't be able to control yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You've enjoyed some good times of late and friends and family members have shared in the laughs, but one rather bitter person seems to be doing everything in their power to burst your bubble. Close your ears to their complaints and carry on having fun.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You will have to deal with someone today who is so caught up in their emotions that it's hard to get through to them with common sense. Make the effort but, if they clearly don't want to listen to what you are saying, put some distance between you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Before you confront a friend or family member with evidence of what they have been up to try to envisage what it might mean for your long-term relationship. It may be better, on this occasion, to keep what you know to yourself.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you have been living beyond your means this weekend's full moon will make that fact very plain indeed. Like it or not you are going to have to cut back on your spending, maybe drastically so. Limit yourself to essentials and learn to live on less.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A full moon in a your opposite sign suggests that one-to-one situations may be a bit chaotic. With that knowledge in mind steer clear of making plans with people who can be a bit emotionally erratic at times. You don't need the hassle.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Just because you find it hard to explain why certain things have happened does not mean they can't be explained, and if you keep digging it won't be long before you discover what is behind recent events. Don't expect it to be a pretty picture.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The most important thing now is that you don't try to force-fit events into your worldview. If you make an effort to see things as they are, as opposed to how you would like them to be, it will make it easier to get through the weekend.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be under pressure from people who have more power and influence than you but you won't give in. You are in one of those typically Scorpio moods where nothing - but nothing - will be allowed to stand in your way. Watch out world.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    By all means think about exploring a bit further afield than usual but don't forget that you are not the only one who is making plans. If your current aims don't match up with what loved ones want to do there could be some friction.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Having splashed out on a lot of shiny new things of late you may now find that your cash reserves are low. If that is the case you will need to cut back on your commitments, at least for a while. Don't even think about borrowing more money.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Tuesday, August 03, 2021 08:01:16
    Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 03, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    A Venus-Uranus union on your birthday means you will do best over the coming year if you work at helping other people, both people you know well and people who are strangers to you but need some sort of assistance. The universe will reward you in wonderful ways.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Why make a big fuss over something that most people will quickly forget about? So someone said something you disagree with, or even found insulting. So what? You've said plenty of things like that yourself in the past and the world did not come to an end.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone seems determined to criticize every word you say and, to say the least, it's getting a bit irritating. The fact that they seem so concerned with your plans suggests you are doing something right - so keep on doing it and ignore their complaints.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today should be a good day if you are involved in some sort of creative activity. It will be an even better day if you give up a bit of your independence and work with people whose artistic outlook mirrors your own. Share the love and share the load.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It might be easy to ignore what a friend is trying to tell you but it could also be disastrous. The fact is they can see something that you have missed, so take their words to heart and adapt your plans so they are more likely to work.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be full of energy and enthusiasm but don't get carried away to the extent that you agree to take on tasks you have no way of knowing you will be able to handle. The planets warn you could easily lose touch with reality today.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There are so many good things going on in your life now, in the social sphere especially, that you could lose sight of the fact that not everyone is as fortunate as you. Look around you. Are there friends or family members you can help? Then do so.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Although you want to focus on your number one aim, other people's needs keep getting in the way and holding you back. It may be frustrating but the good news is if you take time out to assist them today you'll accomplish twice as much tomorrow.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may look calm and collected on the outside but with both the Sun and Mercury moving through the most sensitive area of your chart you're a bit fearful on the inside. Fix your mind on a long-term goal that inspires you - and watch your worries disappear.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Minor setbacks are to be expected today and the most important thing is that you recognize they are minor and don't let them get to you. By all means fight for what you believe in, but fighting because you feel frustrated is a complete waste of time.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You are not the sort to compromise on a point of principle and anyone who expects you to shift your position and move closer to their point of view is going to be disappointed. Even people in positions of authority won't be able to change your mind.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're not exactly the timid sort but it might be wise not to take too many chances today. It's unlikely that anything major will go wrong but why gamble when you don't have to? Save yourself for the risks more likely to bring the biggest rewards.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There are two ways to get more money in your pocket: you can earn more or you can spend less. Even better, you can do both. Cosmic activity in the wealth area of your chart urges you to get serious about your long-term financial outlook.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Wednesday, August 04, 2021 08:00:40
    Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 04, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    Be careful what you say over the coming 12 months, especially when dealing with employers and other important people. You may be convinced that you are right and they are wrong but they won't thank you for pointing it out. It could even cost you a promotion.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If someone praises you to the skies today it will pay you to be suspicious. Why are they being so generous all of a sudden when they were so critical before? Almost certainly it's because they want something from you, something they know you won't want to give.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It will be ridiculously easy to get things done today, to the extent that you may start wondering if there is some sort of cosmic catch. Actually, it's quite likely there is. Others will do things for you only because they want you to do things for them.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Life is looking good now but there are still a few issues that need to be sorted, one of which is how you can make your money go further. To start with, try spending less on things you don't really need. You'll be amazed how much you save.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may not be thinking straight over the next 24 hours, so be careful what you agree to both at home and at work. Once you have made a promise, even if it's half-hearted, others will insist that you stick to it, and it could cost you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You must not let anything distract you from doing what needs to be done. Your social life may be rocking at the moment but there will be plenty of time to have fun with your friends later on - for now make sure your focus is on your work.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Someone you trust will make what sounds like a very good offer today but you are advised to be cautious. Make sure you do your homework on what it might mean to you both personally and professionally, and make sure it is worth it financially too.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    There will be times today when you don't know whether to laugh or cry, and you will probably end up doing both! With Mercury in your sign at odds with Uranus, planet of the unexpected, you'll have to adapt as best you can to rapidly changing situations.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your dreams may be taking a bit of a battering but don't give up on them. At this time of year, with the Sun moving through the most sensitive area of your chart, you tend to look on the dark side too much. Better days are coming, and soon.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You must maintain a positive frame of mind. The more you dwell on what went wrong in the past the more likely it is things of a similar nature will go wrong in the future, so focus only on those big plans you've got for the rest of the year.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There is no point worrying about things you cannot change. If you allow yourself to get anxious about minor setbacks they could very quickly grow in your mind until they seem huge, so get your head together, then get your act together too.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    All sorts of weird and wonderful things may be taking place in the world outside your door, but you should ignore them all and keep following the path that works best for you. That may sound selfish but you must be happy with yourself first and foremost.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If a friend or family member comes to you for assistance today you won't turn them down, but you will need to be straight with them when it comes to giving advice. The fact is most of their problems are self-made, and only they can unmake them.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Thursday, August 05, 2021 08:00:52
    Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 05, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    Some major lifestyle changes will be required of you over the coming 12 months but you are perfectly placed to make them and profit from them. Leo may be one of the "fixed" signs of the zodiac but even you know nothing stays the same for long.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The new moon at the weekend will make it easy for you to interact with people on a one-to-one level, but before then you will clash with someone whose outlook on life is at odds with your own. Don't compromise - you must win and they must lose.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your enthusiasm for people and places that used to inspire you has faded of late but it's no cause for concern. The simple fact is you have grown up a bit over the past year or so and now no longer find those people and places a challenge.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If someone is dragging their feet and making it difficult to get things done you may have no option but to confront them and demand they shape up or ship out. Just be careful you don't end up taking on their workload as well as your own.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The last few weeks have been hectic to say the least, so it might be wise to slow down a bit between now and the weekend. You may have a cast-iron constitution and stamina to spare but even a Taurus has limits, so be kind to yourself.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    No matter how much you may dislike a certain person the planets warn you are going to be spending quite a bit of time with them, so promise yourself that you will do whatever it takes to keep things civil between you. Both of you will benefit.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You are closer to a breakthrough than you appear to believe, so keep plugging away at what you are doing and expect to see signs of success before the weekend arrives. As a cardinal sign you are not the sort to give up too soon, so keep at it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your confidence is up there in the stratosphere and those feelings of dread that plagued you a month or so back are now just a distant memory. Make the most of your talents and make sure you get recognized for all the good things you do in the world.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may choose to keep a worry to yourself rather than share it with friends and relatives, but is that really the best course of action? The planets indicate others are only too willing to help you out if they can, but you have to ask them first.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You should find it easier to deal with friends and loved ones and colleagues when the moon is new at the weekend, so wait until then before approaching them about joint ventures of various kinds. What's the rush? Everything is ticking along just fine.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You need to get busy and start doing some of those things you've been saying you would do but kept putting off. There can be no more excuses - focus on what needs to be done to improve your lifestyle and give it your all both physically and mentally.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The Sun in Leo at this time of year highlights fun and games and things that bring a smile to your face. Yes, there's still work to be done, but you don't have to do it all now. The only effort you should make is to enjoy yourself.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You have been taking certain situations more seriously than they need to be taken and it's costing you time and money you cannot afford to waste. Lighten up a bit today and recognize that there are actually precious few things in life worth getting uptight about.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)
  • From Northern Realms@21:3/110 to All on Friday, August 06, 2021 08:00:56
    Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 06, 2021

    ***** Today's Birthday *****
    You won't lack for drive this year but you need to couple it with a clear vision of what it is you are trying to achieve. Make sure it's a lofty vision too, one that you can be proud of and that other people can respond to in positive ways.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A relationship has gone through some tough times of late and today's link between the Sun in the partnership area of your chart and Uranus, your ruler, could stir things up again. Stay calm and refuse to get emotional about it. Look for logical solutions.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Clearly, a problem you have been struggling with for weeks is not going to go away of its own accord, so what can you do to get past it? For starters, stop worrying about it. If you take the whole situation less seriously it might even resolve itself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You have plenty to smile about now and the upcoming new moon will bring even more benefits your way, but first you must deal with the sort of challenging situation you might prefer to avoid. Get it done and dusted and then move on.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    What happens today will most likely take you by surprise but looking back on the event a few days hence you'll admit that you should have seen it coming. But all experience is good experience and next time you won't be so easily caught out.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you expect the unexpected over the next 24 hours you won't be disappointed. A powerful Sun-Uranus link warns that even your best-laid plans are likely to stray off course, so be flexible and react to events as and when they come your way.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You need to get past the idea that for one person to win another person must lose. It's not true and if you allow yourself to think that way it could cause all sorts of problems. Look for solutions that everyone can agree on - yes, they do exist.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The Sun's link to Uranus will make you a bit too impulsive, which in turn could cost you some big bucks when you have to buy back what you gave away on a whim. Also, be careful what you ask for. Make absolutely sure you really want it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You will find it hard to resist temptation today but is that such a bad thing? The thrill of doing something naughty will most likely make you feel good, at least for an hour or two, but there could be a price to pay later on.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If a friend or work colleague draws your attention to new ways of looking at the world that's a good thing. But if they start coming out with conspiracy theories it might be best to make your excuses and leave. Avoid extremes at all costs.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You will be in one of those moods where you don't care in the slightest what the consequences of your actions might be. That's fine for you but think what it could mean for friends and loved ones. They might not handle the backlash so easily.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    By all means express your opinions in a forceful manner but don't expect the world and its dog to agree with you. Sometimes Sag you can go a long way over the top when it comes to persuading others that your worldview is the right view.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If your money situation is causing you concern then obviously you need to do something about it. But don't do that something now. Wait until Sunday when the moon is new in the wealth area of your chart. Only then will you know the correct course to take.

    (C) 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)