I can't remember what BBBS was like back in the day, what's the addy/port for that server? I'd like to check it out. What OS's can run it... or what OS's has it been made for?
It's at trmb.ca port 2030. As far as I know mail/files come and go but the rest
of it 50/50. It's needs work.
Only option 5 on the OPen a door menu works.. I don't have the other scripts but your welcome to have a look.
There are quite a few zips and tar.gzs available at www.bbbs.net. Even for the Amiga. Some are older versions.. there are recent updates for Windows, OS/2 and
Thanks for the lessons!
Not sure what you mean but you are welcome.. ;)
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox ][ - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106.2)