I keep both DOOMs and Quake I/II around. Got any maps you'd like to recommend?
I haven't kept up much with the DOOMs recently but John Romero has released a new WAD for DOOM called Sigil. There is a link on his website at rome.ro.
For quake there are so many I could recommend. For a basic old school quake map
have a look at The Underkeep. You can grab it or just about any quake maps and mods at
https://www.quaddicted.com. Here's a link for The Underkeep.
Here's a link for Arcane Dimentions. This is a large game changing mod with new
episodes and maps. Grab the patch also from this page.
One of my favorites is Dimention of the past by J.F Gustaffson. This is a recent pack (2016) from an old time quake mapper.
There are many more at quadicted. One more brand new pack, the first of what will be a four episode pack called Dwell. Be sure to get the upgraded version in the description rather than the main download. I haven't looked this one all
over yet but it looks good.
I have more but that will keep you busy for a while I'm sure.. :)
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