• Not so super serial

    From Spectre@21:3/105 to Vk3jed on Friday, August 02, 2019 16:45:00
    Oh, OK. :) So it doesn't do normal RTS-DTR handshaking?

    What is normal about RTS/DTR handshaking? Its the weirdest combo I've ever had to work with. In order to do loopback you have to tie RTS and DTR high, so far
    so good, and it works quite nicely. So I took that same approach and bunged it into the wifimodem, nothing. If I plug them into a PC to try and see whats happening it start spewing rubbish on TX.

    Leaves me at a bit of a loss. The WifiModem doesn't support any handshaking so
    if the card can't keep itself happy, it'll never work. On something like a PC, I s'pose I could hook RTS/CTS up to RTS/DTR.

    I'm sleeping on it for the moment waiting for inspiration.

    * Origin: Default origin line (21:3/105)
  • From Spectre@21:3/105 to Vk3jed on Sunday, August 04, 2019 21:21:00
    It's been a while since I've looked up null modem wiring. :)

    Its quite easy really, at least from a PC point of view its always pins 2-3 tx/rx just cross them over. After that usually unless both sides to the same handshaking, hold up CD, DTR and away you go, you might need to tie RTS/CTS as well, for pretend hardware handshake.

    * Origin: Default origin line (21:3/105)
  • From Spectre@21:3/105 to Vk3jed on Tuesday, August 06, 2019 15:18:00
    I have seen one configuration where there were 3 pins tied together.

    Thats usually 20, 4 and 6 or 8, its a combo that holds DTR and RTS high together, if you're working with sperate pins on the card its easier to use seperate pins :)

    Usually they fool either end into thinking that handshaking is being provided when in fact each side is usually talking to itself for handshaking.


    * Origin: Default origin line (21:3/105)
  • From Spectre@21:3/105 to Vk3jed on Thursday, August 01, 2019 23:01:00
    Depends what I try to do. If I transfer any disks to images (or vice versa), then "as fast as possible". :) For BBS type stuff, 2400-9600
    would be sufficient. At some stage, I'd like to see if I can rescue
    some disks. Copying them to image files on the PC will allow me to
    use them in an emulator, and have them on hand to re-write disks.

    It should actually do whats the manual say 115k or something, but you'll never get the II to do that. 19.2k should be achieveable at a pinch. I was thinking in particular if you were going to hang it off your radio gear. 9600 shouldn't be an issue.

    Had some slight improvement, I got loopback tests happening. But its still not wanting to talk to the world. I hate it when that happens. Its got weirdo handshaking, RTS and DTR, what a combo.


    * Origin: Default origin line (21:3/105)