From Spectre@21:3/101 to Anyone on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 22:37:00
Well a few things have happened to sabretooth recently... in the not to dim and
distant past you might recall I had to build a fan to fit in the beast as the one on the heatsink mount was a weird size....
More recently its been handling a DNETC client also. Which I gave allowance for a bit of degradation in the BBS performance, as it pushes all cores as hard
as it can.
This morning it was looking a bit slloooow though, and I was thinking I'll have to ssh in and have a look about. Tonight I try to log in, and its not answering... ahhh its offline..... ooooh no, it won't restart.... after a few tries I decided it looked thermal and pulled her apart...
Yup, the replacement fan has decided enough is enough and the bearing/sleeve is cactus in it. So strip it down, tape another one on. ;) Sounds technical doesn't it... BBS with gaffer tape... and away we go, performance seems to be back to 100% so its been getting slow and thermalling for a bit prior to failure.