• Today

    From Spectre@21:3/101 to All on Monday, June 01, 2020 11:59:00
    No, I have no idea whathere the date came from. Thunderbird or jamnntp? Thats another oddity to look into

    * Forwarded by Spectre using SuperBBS 1.17-3
    * Original message :
    Date: 01-Feb-80 00:00
    From: Spectre
    To : All
    Subj: Today

    Well been an interesting day yesterday.. bin day tomorrow, so I got
    out with the handsaw and took to the "tree/shrub" and filled the
    bin. Doesn't look much different really... the garden such as it
    is, is like that here. Nobody's looked at it in years, the
    maintenance barely mows the lawn. Sooo it'll be slow going, and
    waiting for another round-tuit to arrive for another go.

    Not much change in the webring, took out the buggered if I know
    comment for Macs on the App page and put in a mail sysop if you
    have a good terminal/client. Added Prison BBS in, that makes us 10
    at the moment.

    Over on the jamnntp side of things, I still can't figure out what
    in the flying fortescue its doing with genuine newsgroups
    attempting to be posted via nntp. It rejects everything outright
    from SUCK, even having tried suck in configs for all types of news
    servers. I seem to have a problem with one jam base too... not
    sure if whether to worry about it or ignore it. FMAIL complains it
    can't read the header file, but goes ahead and tosses mail anyways,
    and its all readable. I don't recall seeing any jam repair utils
    around though.

    And I'm posting this just so I can play around with Thunderbird
    which can NNTP post to jamnntp (boggle). Thunderbird does some
    REALLY weird things trying to thread conversations. Completed
    unrelated items get joined together, occasionally it gets it right.
    For example, I see The Godfather, RE: Lawn and landscape the next
    two messages in the thread are Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit). Quite
    strange, it also likes to bury new messages in threads too, not
    sure if there's a way to disable threading.


    --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
    * Origin: Scrawled in haste at The Lower Planes (21:3/101)
  • From Spectre@21:3/101 to Rick Smith on Sunday, May 24, 2020 20:19:00
    It's kind of silly having several BBSes I guess, but fun things are often silly :)

    Im in the process of putting up another one as well, silliness all
    around I guess...

    I've chewed over using "Silicon Sarcophagus" a few times... it actually
    appears in the old "You want to be a sysop" text file thats still kicking around out there. But aside from having a name and a theme in mind, I didn't have any other purpose for it...


    **** [The Reader ] ****

    --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
    * Origin: Scrawled in haste at The Lower Planes (21:3/101)
  • From Spectre@21:3/101 to Vk3jed on Monday, May 25, 2020 19:23:00
    There's always virtualbox :)

    Yeah true.

    If you want to try it, I can hit you up with a basic DOS VM... saves having to try and install from floppy images. :)


    --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
    * Origin: (21:3/101)