before as well. I've always been a little worries about too much
current going through the UPS - not sure if that's actually a problem
It's not that you can change the current going through the UPS. Whatever its rated for is whats its rated for, it won't pull any more current than that within tolerances. What we don't know is how long the inverter will be able to
keep it up for. So you keep an eye out for distress, usually heat, and keep your stopwatch handy to time how long its lasting :) See if anything needs bigger heatsinks on it. If all the cooling is passive see about popping a fan on it.
I don't recall we ever blew anything up. But I also don't know how long they lasted after they were setup. :)
--- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval)
* Origin: <Shoot'n the breeze on The Lower Planes> (21:3/101)