From Spectre@21:3/101 to Nobody on Monday, April 27, 2020 15:46:00
As they say "you lives and you learns" eh. Some time back, I borrowed a
serial port tester, all the usual lines hooked up to LED's so you can see
whats being asserted by who across the interface.
Well I've had a couple of leads that I hadn't managed to get anything
useful out of so while I was all ready to go, I tried them all out, and to
my surprise what I thought to be a 9-25 lead is in fact a piece of rubbish.
It holds up the TX line at the 25 end and it produces noise. At least when
its otherwise unloaded. It might be when its plugged into a real port the RS232 signalling is enough to overcome the noise, but it's sent me back to
the drawing board and soldering iron to come up with a freshy that I know
will work.
It could also be marginal I s'pose because in the past it has over a long period of time behaved well so far as I've been able to tell. It's never
just popped up like you'd expect a dud to show itself.
... AD&D Famous Last Words: "What do you mean I hit with negative damage?
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