• InterBBS and Events

    From Gryphon@1:1/0 to Pequito on Tuesday, June 07, 2016 08:34:00
    On 06/06/16, Pequito said the following...

    I have been working on this for some time and getting crazy stumpped and know prob 90% of you do not even bother with games but gonna ask anyhow. :P

    OK here it is and its been frustrating to say the least:

    - Running Debian Linux x32
    - DOSEMU

    The games themselves work, its getting a cron or mystic even that will
    not work really well unless I run it by hand. So if I attempt to run
    the script to do all this, it runs and creates the batch file needed. Then its to run so can grab and do all the files in the echomail/in
    folder that one has gotten.

    Issue here is that part never runs, several commands attempted and they all work when I do them myself but they never work when attempting via cron or even the mystic events built into mystic. I was told to clear away from using the events in mystic all together by many but have to explore all routes.

    the command is basic:
    stty cols 80 rows 25 && /usr/bin/dosemu maint.bat

    This works if I do: sudo stty cols 80 rows 25 && /usr/bin/dosemu
    maint.bat but will not if sudo is omitted. MIS is started as root so
    this kind of makes sense since I do start ./mis -d in the /etc/rc.local file.

    Now if I let this be an event it will work only if the window is open, that being MIS run without the -d. I had attempted to use the -t which
    is the termnal mode same switch I used to get the doors to work properly.

    Any suggestions on getting this to work inside a cron and or the mystic events?


    Feel free to send me your scripts and crontab output (crontab -l > file.txt) and I'll take a look at what you've got going on. Send to

    "No matter where you go, there you are!" - Buckaroo Bonzai

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A16 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | Cyberia.Darktech.Org | Kingwood, TX
  • From Gryphon@1:1/0 to Pequito on Tuesday, June 07, 2016 08:38:00
    On 06/07/16, Pequito said the following...

    On 06/06/16, Al said the following...

    I don't think I follow what's happening there, so no, not really.. :)

    I wonder though if you ran it from roots crontab instead of a user crontab with sudo.

    I have found here that running sudo is usually enough but it is not t same as root. The environment seems to be a bit different for reasons unknown to me.

    Possible to do a sudo without being prompted for a password in a cron?

    In your /etc/sudoers file:

    In your /etc/group file:

    "No matter where you go, there you are!" - Buckaroo Bonzai

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A16 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | Cyberia.Darktech.Org | Kingwood, TX