From Ed Vance@21:1/175 to whitepaperkat on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 20:10:14
Once when I was at work, I called home to have my C=64 with a Super Snapshot cartridge (V5) in it to answer my phone call so I could send a .TXT file on a 5.25" floppy (IBM) from the XT Clone at work, to my Commodore 64 PC.
The file was several pages long and thought it will be easier reading it while at home .
The file was Instructions for The Online Bible V2.11 program when I was thinking of getting a 486 PC built and wanted the Bible on that new PC.
SNAPTERM was the name of the Terminal prg in the SS V5 CARTRIDGE.
(I Had to peek in the book to be sure I wasn't imagining something that wasn't so)
Yes, I do get long winded, ask the others here about that.