• Commodore BBS

    From lu8fjh@21:1/209 to All on Thursday, June 10, 2021 21:35:38
    Hi all from Argentina.
    I have running a bbs in petscii formato for Commodore terminal/
    The address is lu8fjh-c64.ddns.net port 6400
    lu8fjh-c64.ddns.net port 6401 Image BBS petscii Ansi
    lu8fjh-c64.ddns.net port 6402 Turbo56k Multimedia BBS only access with retroterm 0.12 terminal .
    I am writing this post with my Commodore 128 + Wifi Modem + Desterm rgbi Greetings to all


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: LU8FJH BBS * lu8fjh.dyndns.org:23 (21:1/209)