• I Have A Question

    From MIKE POWELL@21:1/175 to MARY4 on Saturday, May 04, 2024 15:27:00
    ³i need a parallell to ethernet adapter for my XT laptops (8088 book and amstrad
    ³ppc640) the xircom one is just too expensive
    ³i wondering about diy or opensource solutions for it?
    ³i need dos packet drivers for it too

    You might try searching for pi zero or aurduino projects to create a DIY adapter. I have never tried one, and don't know that this particular combo
    is one I have ever seen, but I do know there are some projects out there
    that use a pi or an aurduino to make adapters.

    ##Mmr 2.61á. !link M 5-05-24 0:15
    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ moe's tavern * 1-502-875-8938 * moetiki.ddns.net:27
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  • From mary4@21:1/166 to MIKE POWELL on Sunday, May 12, 2024 03:00:20
    You might try searching for pi zero or aurduino projects to create a DIY adapter. I have never tried one, and don't know that this particular combo is one I have ever seen, but I do know there are some projects out there that use a pi or an aurduino to make adapters.

    i actually got one but i got no idea how to get it to work on PC i ordered an Amiga PLIP thing. it has an aurdino so imma mess with it when i get time~

    --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast

    ... It said "insert disk #3", but only two will fit...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
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