• Cool C=64 program...

    From paulie420@21:2/150 to All on Friday, September 22, 2023 21:16:14
    So I've been backing up my Commodore floppy diskettes recently - a painstaking event since I *don't* have a great copy/backup solution like the ZUM/ZOOM card that allows you to backup diskettes to modern hardware - I'm using the real mccoy C=64/128 hardware to doso... :P

    At any rate, one of the floppies I have is pretty awesome. Its a C=64 Demonstration Program by Technicom Marketing - a program that computer stores would run in the 80s that demonstrated the hardware (and software) capabilities of C=64 computers... at any rate, I've backed it up to a .d64 - if you want to run it on an emulator, or real hardware, go grab it... I uploaded to archive.org:



    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Roon@21:4/148 to paulie420 on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 08:22:54
    Hello paulie420,

    22 Sep 23 21:16, you wrote to All:

    So I've been backing up my Commodore floppy diskettes recently - a painstaking event since I *don't* have a great copy/backup solution
    like the ZUM/ZOOM card that allows you to backup diskettes to modern hardware - I'm using the real mccoy C=64/128 hardware to doso... :P

    At any rate, one of the floppies I have is pretty awesome. Its a C=64 Demonstration Program by Technicom Marketing - a program that computer stores would run in the 80s that demonstrated the hardware (and
    software) capabilities of C=64 computers... at any rate, I've backed
    it up to a .d64 - if you want to run it on an emulator, or real
    hardware, go grab it... I uploaded to archive.org:


    great, i was looking sg. similar to c64 xmas demo to run on one of my c64s
    in the background when its ehm... not december :)


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 22d 21h 14m 21s
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (21:4/148)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to Roon on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 21:45:36

    great, i was looking sg. similar to c64 xmas demo to run on one of my
    c64s in the background when its ehm... not december :)

    For any others who don't wanna download but wanna take a peak, I have a YT video covering the softwarez:




    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Bob Worm@21:1/205 to paulie420 on Thursday, September 28, 2023 07:48:36
    Re: Re: Cool C=64 program...
    By: paulie420 to Roon on Wed Sep 27 2023 21:45:36

    For any others who don't wanna download but wanna take a peak, I have a YT video covering the softwarez:


    Thanks for producing a video as well - I clicked the original image download link then got distracted so it's good to have another option that caters to my level of attentiveness!

    I think we can conclude that Fairlight probably weren't involved in the production of that demo :)

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: >>> Magnum BBS <<< - bbs.magnum.uk.net (21:1/205)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to Bob Worm on Thursday, September 28, 2023 18:37:04

    Thanks for producing a video as well - I clicked the original image download link then got distracted so it's good to have another option
    that caters to my level of attentiveness!

    I think we can conclude that Fairlight probably weren't involved in the production of that demo :)

    100% - I enj0y making content and wanted to share with the community. Yea, I was already thinking that it would make a great C=64 demoscene production to CREATE a pseudo-demo that pretends to sell Commodores in stores like this software did in 1982... with all that we've learned over the years - I think it would be a cool demo.

    Thanks for watching, and give it a LOAD"*",8 if you like!


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Fissile Syntax@21:1/227 to paulie420 on Friday, September 29, 2023 05:21:32
    Yea, I was already thinking that it would make a great C=64 demoscene production to CREATE a pseudo-demo that pretends to sell Commodores in stores like this software did in 1982... with all that we've learned
    over the years - I think it would be a cool demo.

    That would be a good contest: Create an in-store demo for the Commodore 64 that would have appealed to your young self...in BASIC.

    I know that in my demo, NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST would probably be the theme - blinking red WARNING signs, klaxons, maps, missiles flying - Wargames stuff, basically. You can remember those nuclear strategies in the movie; my demo would feature NEW JERSEY SCREWJOB in which some kind of airborne decoys launched from Bayonne would attract/pull all incoming missiles down onto Long Island.

    It's gonna be warm in the Hamptons this summer!

    Exactly why frying the entire surface of the planet earth was so exciting to me at 11, I do not know.

    These days I like kitties, warm blankets, and soft-spoken Quakers. I have reformed.

    At 11 though, it was like: give me some kerosene, some matches, one of those hollow-handle Rambo knives (I would capture wasps in the handle because, I mean, that is what *one does*), a few flea market throwing stars, 50 Pixy Sticks to get ripped on, and a nudie magazine, and I'm good.

    I am surprised I survived, but not as surprised as I am that *everyone in my immediate vicinity* survived.

    So yeah, Commodore 64 in-store demo: the prospect of causing human extinction in a flamboyant (flame-boyant) and cinematically pleasing way, possibly ending with the "Have You Played Atari Today?" jingle, just because that was my idea of anarchy in the early 1980s: a Commodore 64 playing the Atari theme. Then open the handle of the Rambo knife and release the infuriated wasps.

    I have to say, where it would all fall flat is the 40 column problem. 40 column displays are many things but one thing they are not is menacing.

    But they are more menacing than a TI-99/4a would be.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Shipwrecks & Shibboleths [San Francisco, CA - USA] (21:1/227)
  • From Bob Worm@21:1/205 to Fissile Syntax on Saturday, September 30, 2023 09:15:26
    Re: Re: Cool C=64 program...
    By: Fissile Syntax to paulie420 on Fri Sep 29 2023 05:21:33

    blinking red WARNING signs, klaxons, maps, missiles flying - Wargames stuff,

    attract/pull all incoming missiles down onto Long Island.
    frying the entire surface of the planet earth
    With you...

    kerosene, some matches
    flea market throwing stars
    a nudie magazine

    a Commodore 64 playing the Atari theme.
    Scary stuff.

    Then open the handle of the Rambo knife and release the infuriated wasps.
    I see.

    That was quite the journey, thanks. I read this in the tone of the "We're never gonna score" speech from Beavis and Butthead Do America. Is that about right?

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: >>> Magnum BBS <<< - bbs.magnum.uk.net (21:1/205)
  • From Fissile Syntax@21:1/227 to Bob Worm on Saturday, September 30, 2023 09:23:58
    Then open the handle of the Rambo knife and release the infuriated wasp
    I see.

    That was quite the journey, thanks. I read this in the tone of the
    "We're never gonna score" speech from Beavis and Butthead Do America. Is that about right?

    Well, no, because ultimately at the end of this odyssey of mayhem is BASIC PROGRAMMING, which really derails the whole Beavis and Butthead thing.

    A little.


    A smidge.

    I think one of the things I've always had trouble communicating is the sheer crushing boredom of suburban life.

    There is, so far as I can tell, only one song about this, which is Bleach Boys by The Dead Milkmen which I think really covers the matter in a satisfying way.

    When we get to the "I'm so bored, I'm drinking bleach" bit, and I'm singing along, I'm enjoying doing so.

    But I'm not happy.

    I'm angry, Bob.


    This is catharsis.

    Kind of when the wasps get released. It's not, "hhuh. huh. cool!"


    It's not really a delusion of grandeur either, because inasmuch as I can be King of the Wasps for five minutes, ultimately, I know that my behavior is governed by the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of whatever miserable development I live in.

    Like sure I am the WASP KING OF THE CUL-DE-SAC but I don't mess with the HOA.

    I could ride for hours, and never leave the interminable interlocking maze of those developments.

    But a good in-store demo about a Commodore 64 At The End Of The World As We Know It, that is something I would consider writing.

    You know, apropos of nothing...

    I don't think I ever played any species other than the Mechtron in M.U.L.E. I don't know why I just thought of that.

    Little boxes, on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky-tacky...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Shipwrecks & Shibboleths [San Francisco, CA - USA] (21:1/227)
  • From Bob Worm@21:1/205 to Fissile Syntax on Saturday, September 30, 2023 12:59:24
    Re: Re: Cool C=64 program...
    By: Fissile Syntax to Bob Worm on Sat Sep 30 2023 09:23:58

    But a good in-store demo about a Commodore 64 At The End Of The World As We Know It, that is something I would consider writing.

    You clearly have a very active mind - if you code like you talk then I would very much like to see that demo :)

    I sincerely hope the boredom doesn't get the better of you.

    Take care,

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: >>> Magnum BBS <<< - bbs.magnum.uk.net (21:1/205)
  • From Roon@21:4/148 to paulie420 on Sunday, October 01, 2023 09:55:40
    Hello paulie420,

    28 Sep 23 18:37, you wrote to Bob Worm:


    Thanks for producing a video as well - I clicked the original
    image download link then got distracted so it's good to have
    another option that caters to my level of attentiveness!

    I think we can conclude that Fairlight probably weren't involved
    in the production of that demo :)

    100% - I enj0y making content and wanted to share with the community.
    Yea, I was already thinking that it would make a great C=64 demoscene production to CREATE a pseudo-demo that pretends to sell Commodores in stores like this software did in 1982... with all that we've learned
    over the years - I think it would be a cool demo.

    when i watched this demo, the same exact thing popped into my mind.
    winter is coming so why not :)


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 26d 22h 41m 56s
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (21:4/148)
  • From phigan@21:4/137 to paulie420 on Monday, October 02, 2023 02:50:06
    So I've been backing up my Commodore floppy diskettes recently - a painstaking event since I *don't* have a great copy/backup solution like

    What program are you using to make your copies? I have to do something
    similar soon :).

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 8-Bit Boyz BBS! -=[ bbs.8bitboyz.com port:6502 ]=- (21:4/137)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to phigan on Monday, October 02, 2023 18:45:56
    So I've been backing up my Commodore floppy diskettes recently - a painstaking event since I *don't* have a great copy/backup solution l

    What program are you using to make your copies? I have to do something similar soon :).

    I've been using CBM filebrowser (just for quickness of seeing filesystems..) and DraCopy - its totally up to the task. There are other good copy proggies, but DraCut w0rks great and no issues so far - even gets by SOME copy protectionz...

    Video detailing how I get on, if you like; https://youtu.be/qTcrYngxZAM?si=Xr1poIl3D-ST8PPm


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From phigan@21:4/137 to paulie420 on Friday, October 06, 2023 05:34:40
    filesystems..) and DraCopy - its totally up to the task. There are other

    Awesome! I will grab those and try em.


    ... Enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 8-Bit Boyz BBS! -=[ bbs.8bitboyz.com port:6502 ]=- (21:4/137)