On 18 Feb 23 19:07:58 Commodore Clifford wrote...
On 18 Feb 23 20:44:44 dozo wrote...
Hi all,
I revived my 386 this week and got it to talk TCP/IP :) Dusted
off the 3COM 3c509 and I telnet'ed to my bbs. The telnet client
is a bit weird, backspace is not working and the first char after <enter> is not typed. Anyway, I'm having a REALLY great time
bbs'ing on my old 386DX40 :D
Hope you're all having a great weekend too!
To which Commodore Clifford replies...
That's cute..... (From an Atari Falcon030 calling a BBS run
on an Atari ST)
But seriously... Glad you're having fun with it. That's what it's
all about!
To which Darklord replies...
And I BBS regularly with my Atari Mega STe and Atari STacy, both circa 1989/1990 and using the WiModem232 device for connectivity. I also run
The DarkForce! BBS on a 1987 Atari Mega ST4. Rock on! :)
--- RATSoft/FIDO v09.14.95 [JetMail 1.01]
* Origin: STar Fleet HQ - Real Atari! bbs.sfhqbbs.org:5983 (21:3/171.0)