Re: Fell down a C64 rabbit hole...
By: JoE DooM to Mewcenary on Mon Feb 14 2022 10:43 am
For 'TheC64', check out Project Carousel USB: An alternative carousel
implementation which is much more powerful.
Just had a look.. I have to confess I don't really use the carousel mode and just go straight into c64 mode.
I can understand this view - The website does a really bad job of 'selling' exactly what the project is and what it adds beyond the usual Carousel.
Firstly, if you mostly enjoy the C64 mode anyway, it probably won't add much value for you.
Above and beyond the normal Carousel, the sorts of things which I've found usful are:
1. You can have more games installed. The normal Carousel has a limit. PCU lets you go beyond this, and have game categories and so on.
2. The project has available some pre-baked USB images which lots of games on them, all set to go with PCU. Again, the website doesn't help here - You really have to dig quite deep to find them!
3. There are also modes to spin up different types of emulators - not just C64. Obviously, the Amiga ones push the hardware a bit.
The PCU threads on the C64 forum help a bit with explaining. Unfortunately, to detangle it you need to read a combo of the web site and the different bits of information on the forum.
Hopefully this has helped explain it at least a little bit!
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