• Stargazing News - December 30th, 2024

    From CJ@21:2/156 to All on Sunday, December 29, 2024 08:41:36
    Monday December 30, 2024

    Second New Moon of December

    The moon cycles through its phases every 29.5 days, allowing a phase to repeat if it first occurs early in a calendar month. For the second time in December, the moon will reach its new moon phase on Monday, December 30 at 5:27 p.m.
    EST, 2:27 p.m. PST, and 22:27 UT. At that time our natural satellite will be located within Sagittarius and 5.5 degrees south of the sun. Since sunlight is only reaching the far side of the moon, and the moon is in the same region of the sky as the sun, the moon becomes completely hidden from view. On the evenings following the new moon phase, Earth's planetary partner will return
    to shine in the western sky after sunset.

    (Data courtesy of Starry Night
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: CJ's Place, Orange City FL > cjsplace.thruhere.net (21:2/156)