• Synchronet BBS is Up

    From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to All on Saturday, January 11, 2025 21:46:00
    It took several days and watching a couple of Digital Man's videos to accomplish, nut it
    looks like I finally got is running.

    I am using two home computers to run each system: Mystic on one, SBBS on the other.
    My goal is to eventually use a leased server for the new one, but I can't even get it

    The server is running Windows Server 2022. I am missing some necessary .DLL files. I
    have a request in to find a solution, so for now I am running it on a Windows 11 machine.

    Anyway, it looks like all is working. Yay!

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Rixter@954:895/76 to Mike Dippel on Sunday, January 19, 2025 05:52:22

    It took several days and watching a couple of Digital Man's videos to accomplish, nut it
    looks like I finally got is running.

    I am using two home computers to run each system: Mystic on one, SBBS on the other.
    My goal is to eventually use a leased server for the new one, but I can't even get it

    The server is running Windows Server 2022. I am missing some necessary .DLL files. I
    have a request in to find a solution, so for now I am running it on a Windows 11 machine.

    Anyway, it looks like all is working. Yay!

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)

    That is good news.

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rick's BBS - telnet://ricksbbs.synchro.net:23 (954:895/76)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to Rixter on Sunday, January 19, 2025 09:42:12
    On 1/19/2025 5:57 AM, Rixter wrote to Mike Dippel:

    It took several days and watching a couple of Digital Man's videos to accomplish, nut it
    looks like I finally got is running.

    I am using two home computers to run each system: Mystic on one, SBBS on the
    My goal is to eventually use a leased server for the new one, but I can't even get it

    The server is running Windows Server 2022. I am missing some necessary .DLL
    files. I
    have a request in to find a solution, so for now I am running it on a Windows
    11 machine.

    Anyway, it looks like all is working. Yay!

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)

    That is good news.

    And now it's down. After some consideration, I decided to take that new system down.
    Although I was able to get the feeds in, I couldn't get messages out. So thast system is
    no longer.

    Instead, I decided to lease another server and move my Mystic hub (mystic- hobbies.com) and end the contract for the other.

    To me it was a good move. Although I do have to pay the $70/year fee, I don't have to
    worry about the hub going down due to weather or Windows updates.

    I am currently on a cruise ship with great wi-fi and feel comfortable about it running

    Mike Dippel

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rick's BBS - telnet://ricksbbs.synchro.net:23 (954:895/76)

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)
  • From Rixter@954:895/76 to Mike Dippel on Sunday, January 19, 2025 12:19:14

    On 1/19/2025 5:57 AM, Rixter wrote to Mike Dippel:

    And now it's down. After some consideration, I decided to take that new system down.
    Although I was able to get the feeds in, I couldn't get messages out. So thast system is
    no longer.

    Instead, I decided to lease another server and move my Mystic hub (mystic- hobbies.com) and end the contract for the other.

    To me it was a good move. Although I do have to pay the $70/year fee, I don't have to
    worry about the hub going down due to weather or Windows updates.

    I am currently on a cruise ship with great wi-fi and feel comfortable about it running

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)

    I turned off windows updates via registry changes, I am on a windows 10 machine so they claim there are no more updates for it anymore. We shall see. I disabled Cortana and removed edge from my windows 11 as well as deleting one drive and disabling any further updates until change the registry back. I suspect a lot of Microsoft snoopware in those updates and my machine runs faster with no problems for 6 months now. Good luck with the leased service. Rixter

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rick's BBS - telnet://ricksbbs.synchro.net:23 (954:895/76)
  • From Mike Dippel@954:895/1 to Rixter on Sunday, January 19, 2025 14:03:58
    On 1/19/2025 12:24 PM, Rixter wrote to Mike Dippel:

    I turned off windows updates via registry changes, I am on a windows 10 machine
    so they claim there are no more updates for it anymore. We shall see. I disabled Cortana and removed edge from my windows 11 as well as deleting one drive and disabling any further updates until change the registry back. I suspect a lot of Microsoft snoopware in those updates and my machine runs faster with no problems for 6 months now. Good luck with the leased service.

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rick's BBS - telnet://ricksbbs.synchro.net:23 (954:895/76)

    I started with this hosting company several years ago when I resurrected my hobbylinebbs.com running Winserver. They are very reliable and I have never had any
    downtime or other issues with them.

    When Windows 10 dies, I will probably install Chrome OS Flex on it. I know that there
    are workarounds to bypass Win 11 requirements, but for now it is not an issue. I no
    longer use that computer for BBS hosting. What a relief not to have to run my life based
    on Microsoft's policies. The new server is running Windows Server 2022 and it should be
    good for a while.

    Mike Dippel

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The Hobby Line! BBS - hobbylinebbs.com (954:895/1)