• .MPL Quick questions

    From The Godfather@1337:3/132 to All on Sunday, November 29, 2020 13:10:49
    Hey all,

    Curious how to do a simple command to use the security level of a user as the disfile(''+usersec+'') but the sytax is obviously wrong. I want to add this to

    my 132x37 last caller mod Black Panther and I have been working on. There are about 10 lines after the last callers are displayed, and I'd like a footer ansi: s10.ans, s20,ans ,s30.ans, s50.ans, s100.ans, s240.ans, s255.ans or s10.c132.ans s20.c132.ans, etc.. to display that I create to define what their security level is. Now for my BBS, I name my security levels based on the real

    rankings within the mafia, why not (shrug,) so this is for fun, as the ansi footer will be describing their "role" within the mafia (again just for fun and

    sake of mobster history :)

    Second simple question ..

    Is it possible to allow for and save:
    1. Up to 20-25 one-liners using arrays.
    2. Allow up to 130 characters within the input field.
    3. Then when file is pulled to display, display all 20-25 lines and 130 characters for TermSizeX = 132 uesrs, however trim to 10 lines and 79 characters (as example) for TermSizeX = 80 users? If so, I'd love to send my code to someone to see why the heck mines not working. It would appear that it

    should be working just fine.. I have seperate functions for both Ask and Show one-liners. Within ask I set the input field to 60, within askby9 I set the input field to say 100. Within show, I have the array set from 1..10, while within showby9 1..20. All are pulling data from a singular text file oneliner.1st ..

    I'm trying to do both of the aforementioned so that I can eliminate two themes when calling into my BBS, and just have the .mpl's determine what to display based on terminal size dialed in on. I'm finding that the two themes confuse people as not everyone is aware they have to set their terminal to 132x37 PRIOR

    to calling in. They'll select the 132x37 option, with their terminal set at 80x25, which obviously jacks up all of the ANSI, and well, the entire experience. As we know .. not everyone reads the "Do not select option 2 if you did not set your terminal to 132x37 prior to telnetting into the Underground, instead just hit the enter key, or select option 1." So ... I hope this makes sense.

    Thanks for any input, and my apologies if my second question didn't make sense or if I used the wrong nomenclature, I'm still new to .mpl


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/11/16 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The Underground [@] www.theunderground.us:10023 (1337:3/132)