Uploaded Sun Jul 21 2024 02:41 pm
4EDIT V 2.1DV_LOCK.ZIP (4K)-- DESCRIPTION editor for use with 4DOS. Supports 511 chars. Windowed editor makes it easy to attach descriptions to your files, much more convenient than DESCRIBE, the built-in 4DOS command. Supports mouse. On-line Help. Has built-in file viewer and allows copying and pasting descriptions from text in files or other descriptions. New editor supports text insertion, block commands and Search and Replace.
Uploaded Sun Jul 21 2024 02:41 pm
DV-Lock is a program which allows you to protect your programs running in DV Classic. It pops up a small window which remains in the foreground until the correct password is entered, therefore preventing access to any programs running behind it. DV-Lock also prevents access to the DV menu and suppresses all reboot key combinations. The first time you run DV-Lock it will ask you for a new password.FILES.BBS (1K)
Uploaded Sun Jul 21 2024 02:41 pm